Topology optimization plays a key role in the production of strong, lightweight functional parts. It uses mathematical algorithms to create optimized geometries under given constraints while at the same time improving performance. The... more
The paper proposes a mixed strain-and stress-based topology optimization method for designing the ideal geometry of carbon fibers in composite laminates subjected to either applied tractions or prescribed displacements. On the basis of... more
In this paper, the advantages of using cognition when solving the impairment-aware virtual topology design problem are demonstrated. To this end, an algorithm to design the virtual topology, GAPDELT, previously proposed by the University... more
An efficient and explicit topology optimization approach is initially proposed for eigenfrequencies of a rotating thin plate in this study. First of all, an accurate dynamic model of the rotating thin plate is established via the thin... more
Topology optimization techniques are applied in most cases for static applications. However, recently topology optimization procedures for structures under dynamic loads have been the focus of several studies. In this work, a topology... more
Multiscale structures require excellent multiphysical properties to withstand the loads in various complex engineering fields. In this study, a concurrent isogeometric topology optimization method is proposed to design multiscale... more
We consider the problem of data aggregation using two aggregators. We assume that the source racks can split the data they need to send to the aggregators across multiple paths. We show that obtaining a topology that minimizes aggregation... more
Topology Optimization of Trusses for Specified Multiple Eigenvalue by using Semidefinite Programming
Algorithms ba8ed on Semi -De員nite Programming ( SDP ) are proposed f( )r the truss topology optimization problems for sp i丘ed fUndamental eigenvalue of free vibratlon and 髄near budding load factor , and optimal topologies of trusses are... more
The last few decades, the application of 3D Printing (3DP) techniques in construction scale has shown an increased trend, with advantages as well as limitations, mainly related to overhanging angle restrictions during printing of complex... more
The engine is the most important component of a vehicle. It attaches to the main frame via the engine mounting bracket which supports weight and operating loads. The engine mount therefore plays a crucial role in the durability and... more
Communication infrastructure for multi-core Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) is provided by Network-on-Chip (NoC). Point-to-Point (P2P) and bus-based communication systems are NoCs and are two communication channels of NoC that can probably... more
This paper proposes an algorithm for the synthesis/optimization of microstructures based on an exact formula for the topological derivative of the macroscopic elasticity tensor and a level-set domain representation. The macroscopic... more
The main aim of this study was to decrease the weight of mobile transportation robots and to check the optimized shape using topology optimization and structural analysis. The analyses were applied using CAE Software with the methods of... more
In structural engineering systems, shear walls are two-dimensional vertical elements designed to endure lateral forces acting in-plane, most frequently seismic and wind loads. Shear walls come in a variety of materials and are typically... more
Topology optimization (TO) is a computational method of determining material distribution in a given design area to create the optimal shape of a part under given boundary conditions. The increased interest in the development of effective... more
A phase field approach for structural topology optimization with application to additive manufacturing is analyzed. The main novelty is the penalization of overhangs (regions of the design that require underlying support structures during... more
This work concerns a structural topology optimisation problem for 4D printing based on the phase field approach. The concept of 4D printing as a targeted evolution of 3D printed structures can be realised in a two-step process. One first... more
We consider the shape optimization of an object in Navier-Stokes flow by employing a combined phase field and porous medium approach, along with additional perimeter regularization. By considering integral control and state constraints,... more
A phase field approach for structural topology optimization which allows for topology changes and multiple materials is analyzed. First order optimality conditions are rigorously derived and it is shown via formally matched asymptotic... more
This paper assesses the feasibility of performing topology optimization of laminar incompressible flows governed by the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations using anisotropic mesh adaptation to achieve a high-fidelity description of all... more
Under the concept of "Industry 4.0", production processes will be pushed to be increasingly interconnected, information based on a real time basis and, necessarily, much more efficient. In this context, capacity optimization goes beyond... more
Topology optimisation defines a set of tools associated to the modelling of an effective material domain within structural optimisation. Based on this type of optimisation, it is possible to obtain an optimal material distribution for... more
Composite materials are among the most prominent materials today, both in terms of applications and development. Nevertheless, their complex structure and heterogeneous nature lead to difficulties, both in the prediction of its properties... more
This paper presents a level set topology optimization method in combination with the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) for the design of structures subjected to design-dependent pressure loads. RKPM allows for arbitrary particle... more
This paper presents a level set topology optimization method in combination with the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) for the design of structures subjected to design-dependent pressure loads. RKPM allows for arbitrary particle... more
The paper presents an optimization-based method for topology error detection in power systems. The method utilizes the residual analysis in state estimation and minimization of normalized measurement residual, with the application of... more
We study the rate of convergence of some nonlocal functionals recently considered by Bourgain, Brezis, and Mironescu, and, after a suitable rescaling, we establish the Γ-convergence of the corresponding rate functionals to a limit... more
In this article, a Python-programmed advanced design paradigm is firstly introduced to topology and size optimization of the X-bracing system of nonlinear inelastic space steel frames. For that purpose, an advanced analysis method... more
The determination of the optimal architecture of a supervised neural network is an important and a difficult task. The classical neural network topology optimization methods select weight(s) or unit(s) from the architecture in order to... more
This paper presents a structural application of a shape optimization method based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA). The method produces a sequence of fixeddistance step-wise movements of the boundary nodes of a finite element model to derive... more
A Sequential Element Rejection and Admission (SERA) method to design compliant mechanisms with topology optimization techniques is presented in this work. This procedure allows material to flow between two different material models:... more
In this article, a two-step structural damage identification method for structural damage detection under variable ambient temperature conditions presented. First, to extract the environmental temperature effects from the obtained... more
This paper presents a novel approach for analyzing plane frame systems by using Finite Element Method. The topology matrices are used to analyze the system. The releases may be easily assigned to elements and any boundary conditions may... more
Isogeometric analysis is a popular method for the analysis of problems involving complex geometry and governed by differential equations. Meta-heuristics are widely used to determine the optimum distribution of material within the given... more
A brief review of different strategies for designing simultaneously the global structural topology and the local material properties is presented. Different treatments have been developed in the last decade to design the stiffest... more
La présence de porosités dans les lingots métalliques représente un problème majeur dans l’industrie des matériaux. En effet, ces porosités altèrent significativement les caractéristiques mécaniques du matériau (ductilité notamment), et... more
Recommended Citation Brandt, Kathleen; Lonsway, Brian; Brown, Lori; Chun, Junho; Cooke, Sekou; Corso, Gregory; Czerniak, Julia; Davis, Lawrence; Dixit, Mitesh; Louie, Jonathan; McIntosh, Nicole; Parga, Marcos; Park, Daekwon; Wang, Fei;... more
Most real-world engineering problems deal with multiple conflicting objectives simultaneously. In order to address this issue in truss optimization, this paper presents a multi-objective genetic programming approach for sizing and... more
We propose an efficient probabilistic method to solve a deterministic problem -we present a randomized optimization approach that drastically reduces the enormous computational cost of optimizing designs under many load cases for both... more
We outline a robust method for topology optimization with adaptive mesh refinement and derefinement (AMR). Since the total volume fraction in topology optimization is usually modest, after a few initial iterations the domain of... more
We outline a robust method for topology optimization with adaptive mesh refinement and derefinement (AMR). Since the total volume fraction in topology optimization is usually modest, after a few initial iterations the domain of... more
We outline a robust method for topology optimization with adaptive mesh refinement and derefinement (AMR). Since the total volume fraction in topology optimization is usually modest, after a few initial iterations the domain of... more
We propose a new technique for minimization of convex functions not necessarily smooth. Our approach employs an equivalent constrained optimization problem and approximated linear programs obtained with cutting planes. At each iteration a... more
This article demonstrates the interest of topology optimization in designing the ferrite plate used in an inductive power transfer system for electric vehicles. The solid isotropic material with the penalization (SIMP) method is used to... more
A high-performance density-based topology optimization tool is presented for laminar flows with focus on 2D and 3D aerodynamic problems via OpenFOAM software. Density-based methods are generally robust in terms of initial design, making... more
Forced convective pin-fin heat exchangers, due to the high wet surface area per volume and the hindered thermal boundary layers, feature low thermal resistances. However, the considerable coolant pressure drop, particularly for densely... more
A high-performance density-based topology optimization tool is presented for laminar flows with focus on 2D and 3D aerodynamic problems via OpenFOAM software. Density-based methods are generally robust in terms of initial design, making... more
Flow topology optimization in periodic domains with application to micro heat exchanger optimization
The focus of this paper is topology optimization of fluid flow systems, particularly 2D laminar flows, widely found in microfluidic devices. The flow equations are solved numerically using a pseudo-spectral scheme and accurate derivatives... more
Forced convective pin-fin heat exchangers, due to the high wet surface area per volume and the hindered thermal boundary layers, feature low thermal resistances. However, the considerable coolant pressure drop, particularly for densely... more