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The epithelium of the secondary palate from embryonic mice (12-14 days of gestation) was enzymatically separated from the palatal mesenchyme and was cultured in association with mesenchyme from the embryonic tongue, incisor, and salivary... more
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This study presents the case of the post-mortem pink teeth phenomenon observed during an autopsy procedure performed on the body of a man who was kidnapped and murdered approximately 30 days before the examination. The corpse was in an... more
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      DentistryMedicineCase ReportColor
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringHydroxyapatiteCrystallization
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      MicrobiologyDentistryBiomedical EngineeringTitanium
This study measured the radiant power (mW), irradiance (mW/cm2) and emission spectra (mW/cm2/nm) of 22 new, or almost new, light curing units (LCUs): - Alt Lux II, BioLux Standard, Bluephase G2, Curing Light XL 3000, Demetron LC, DX Turbo... more
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      DentistryLasersSpectrum analysisPatient Simulation
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      Physical ChemistryDentistryMechanical StressComposite resins
The taxonomic composition of the metazoan parasites found in the stomach of 629 specimens of the "Patagonian toothfish" Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898, from two localities in southern Chile (Lebu 36 • 00 S; Quellón 48 • 49 S), is... more
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      FisheriesMigrationEcologyMultivariate Analysis
Objectives. The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of an educational program on the reduction of the incidence of wrong-site tooth extraction at the outpatient department of a university hospital in Taiwan. Study... more
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Stress distribution in human tooth structure can be visualized through the use of Moiré fringes, which has improved the clinical understanding of recently identified anatomical structures in molar occlusal surfaces. This article discusses... more
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      Materials ScienceDentistryMedicineElasticity
Co-occurring species might be morphologically similar because they are adapted to the same environment, or morphologically dissimilar to minimize competition. We use sister species comparisons to evaluate the relationship between... more
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      EcologyCarnivoraFood ProcessingResource use
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      Functional MorphologyAgingFertilityTooth wear
Rapid advancements in the field of stem cell biology have led to many current efforts to exploit stem cells as therapeutic agents in regenerative medicine. However, current ex vivo cell manipulations common to most regenerative approaches... more
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      Stem CellsRegenerative MedicineBiological SciencesCell Differentiation
Bonding effectiveness to tooth tissue is typically measured statically, for example by shear bond or micro-tensile bond strength (µTBS) testing. In the clinical situation however, tooth-composite bonds are seldom imposed to such acute... more
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      BiomaterialsMultidisciplinaryCyclic LoadingBond Strength
The amelogenins comprise 90% of the developing extracellular enamel matrix proteins and play a major role in the biomineralization and structural organization of enamel. Amelogenins were also detected, in smaller amounts, in postnatal... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyCartilageMice
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      CancerQuality of lifeTobaccoAdolescent
Statement of the problem. Rotary and nonrotary cutting instruments are used to produce specific characteristics on the axial and marginal surfaces of teeth being prepared for fixed restorations. Oscillating instruments have been suggested... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringDental MaterialsCeramics
Osseointegrated implants are now an accepted part of the prosthetic treatment of edentulous patients. More recently, osseointegrated implants have been advocated in the treatment of partially dentate patients. The implants can be used in... more
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      DentistryOsseointegrationDental ImplantsTooth
Background: Most of the evidence on periodontitis in young individuals originates in case series or case-control studies of poor quality. We investigated the intraoral distribution of clinical attachment level (CAL) and probing depth (PD)... more
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      DentistryAdolescentPeriodontologyYoung Adult
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Amelogenin, the predominant matrix protein in developing dental enamel, has been considered essential for proper enamel formation . Amelogenin self-assembles into nanospheres that serve as a scaffold for the oriented elongation of enamel... more
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      Crystal GrowthMass SpectrometryHydroxyapatitePeptides
SUMMARY Background Dental health is an important determinant of nutritional status, but has not been investigated as a risk factor for dementia. This study aimed to investigate the association between number of teeth, use of dentures and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceGeriatricsGerontology
The aim of this study was to develop a three-dimensional finite element model of the mandible, including its TMJ. The model consisted of 7942 nodes and 41,010 elements, which were obtained from a convergence test, done to minimize the... more
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      Temporomandibular JointFinite Element AnalysisThree Dimensional ImagingPeriodontal Ligament
Objective: To determine the best technique for measuring mesial-distal tooth widths on digital models. Methods: The individual mesial-distal tooth widths were measured (first molar to first molar, maxillary and mandibular) on 32 stone... more
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      DentistryOrthodonticsNonparametric StatisticsSoftware
Feline osteoclastic resorptive lesions (FORL) of the teeth are common in cats, and lead to pain, destruction of the periodontal ligament, and tooth loss. The expression of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-6 mRNA was higher in teeth with FORL... more
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      CytokinesComparativeCatsPeriodontal Ligament
Metriorhynchidae was a peculiar but long-lived group of marine Mesozoic crocodylomorphs adapted to a pelagic lifestyle. Recent discoveries show that metriorhynchids evolved a wide range of craniodental morphotypes and inferred feeding... more
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International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2010; 20: 293-304
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      DentistryPaediatric DentistryTooth DiscolorationForensic Illustration and Medical Art
Light and transmission electron microscopic observations of the venom gland of the blue coral snake revealed a main venom gland and a long duct. The main secretory cell showed characteristic features of a protein secreting cell, with... more
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      Electron MicroscopyScanning Electron MicroscopySnakesMouth
Periodic episodes of food scarcity may highlight the adaptive value of certain anatomical traits, particularly those that facilitate the acquisition and digestion of exigent fallback foods. To better understand the selective pressures... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropologyIndonesia
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      DentistryMethodologyEnvironmental MonitoringMedicine
Determining the diet of an extinct species is paramount in any attempt to reconstruct its paleoecology. Because the distribution and mechanical properties of food items may impact postcranial, cranial, mandibular, and dental morphologies... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropologyPaleoecology
The main hard tissues of teeth are composed of dentin and enamel, synthesized by the mesenchymederived odontoblasts and the epithelial-derived ameloblasts, respectively. Odontoblasts are highly differentiated post-mitotic cells secreting... more
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      CultureImmunohistochemistryAdolescentCell Culture
Little is known about ill-defined pain that persists after endodontic procedures, including an estimate of the problem's magnitude. We conducted a systematic review of prospective studies that reported the frequency of nonodontogenic pain... more
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      DentistryProspective studiesMeta AnalysisSystematic review
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      DietPopulation DynamicsBiological SciencesPhylogeny
Currently, it is widely accepted that only one hominin genus, Homo, was present in Pleistocene Asia, represented by two species, Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. Both species are characterized by greater brain size, increased body height... more
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      Ancient HistoryGeographyIndonesiaMultidisciplinary
Objective. The purpose of this study was to assess the level of compliance with dental radiography quality assurance recommendations on the part of dental practitioners in the state of North Carolina and to determine whether the age of... more
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      DentistryPublic HealthQuantitative analysisQuality Assurance
The debate about the origin of the vertebrate dentition has been given fresh fuel by new fossil discoveries and developmental studies of extant animals. Odontodes (teeth or tooth-like structures) can be found in two distinct regions, the... more
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KING SAUD UNIVERSITY The occurrence of supplementary roots of the lower first permanent molars is 2.33% for a Saudi group of Asiatic descendants and 0.65% for an Egyptian group of African descendants. The most prominent finding... more
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      Saudi ArabiaEgyptMiddle EastFrequency
Objective: To determine the prevalence of tooth size discrepancies (TSDs) in an Irish orthodontic population among different malocclusion groups. Materials and Methods: From 850 pretreatment sets of orthodontic models at a university... more
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Purpose: One critical prerequisite for dental shade guides is to match the color range and distribution of human teeth. The purpose of this study was to design computer models for dental shade guides and compare them with an existing... more
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      PediatricsPublic HealthDown SyndromeChild
Since the first description of rapid destruction of dental hard tissues following head and neck radiotherapy 80 years ago, "radiation caries" is an established clinical finding. The internationally accepted clinical evaluation... more
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      RadiotherapyDental CariesFollow-up studiesAged
1. When dental implants are loaded mechanically, a sensation, often referred to as osseoperception, is evoked. The sensory signals underlying this phenomenon are qualitatively different from the signals evoked when loading a natural... more
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      PhysiologyPerceptionDental ImplantsMandible
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      ToothTooth CalcificationBiochemistry and cell biology
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyGeologyPaleontology
Measurements of age-related changes in dental tissues are often used when estimating the age of an individual. With the new technology now available, the methods of measurement might be standardized and reproducible. The purpose of the... more
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      Forensic ScienceImage AnalysisMultidisciplinaryNew Technology
Evolutionary changes of the dentition in tetrapods can be associated with major events in the history of terrestrial vertebrates. Dental occlusion, the process by which teeth from the upper jaw come in contact with those in the lower jaw,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyPhylogenyVertebrates
Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between self-reported bullying because of dentofacial features and oral health-related quality of life among a representative sample of Jordanian... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringQuality of lifeBullying
Corresponding author, Tel.: (+47) 22 85 23 50, Fax: (+47) 22 85 23 51. 0379-0738/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved SSDI 0379-0738(95)01760-G S.I. Kvaal et al. /Forensic Science International 74 (1995)... more
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      Forensic SciencePrincipal Component AnalysisMultidisciplinaryAge Determination
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One of the more perplexing problems in primate systematics concerns the phyletic relationships of the large African monkeys--Mandrillus (including drills), Papio, Lophocebus and Cercocebus. For over twenty years, there has been molecular... more
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      Comparative AnatomyEvolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropology