Recent papers in Tokyo
The Pacific War permanently transformed the political ecology of excrement in the Greater Tokyo area. Since the Edo period (1603–1868), a network of commercial night soil collectors had operated in the city, emptying its latrines for use... more
Book review of: "Sengo Nihon no Fuko no Kiroku, GHQ Kameraman Boria ga Totta Nihon no Fukei" (Records of the Reconstruction of Postwar Japan, Japanese Scenes Taken by The GHQ Cameraman Boria). Photographs by Dimitri Boria, Compiled by... more
Municipal solid waste generation is a rapidly increasing challenge that is leading to severe pollution and environmental degradation in many urban areas of developing countries. Globally, the solid waste sector accounts for 18% of methane... more
『言語情報科学第13号 2015年3月』本稿は、アジア太平洋戦争直後の東京における戦災復興を考察する。本稿が対象とす るのは、都市計画そのものや政府の政策等ではなく、戦災復興期の東京を描いた二本の 映画である。一つは『20 年後の東京』という東京都都市計画課が作成した PR 映画であり、もう一つは黒澤明が監督した『野良犬』である。 東京の戦災復興計画を宣伝する『20 年後の東京』がその計画の思想を伝える際に用い... more
Brief introduction of Urbanism in Tokyo
Text in French and Japanese
ISBN: 978-2746664890
Text in French and Japanese
ISBN: 978-2746664890
De manière originale, en suivant les skateurs de Tokyo, cet ouvrage offre une lecture de la ville par ses revers, ses lieux délaissés et ses « temps morts ». Dévoilant des aspects cachés de la vie citadine, le livre propose un regard sur... more
Management bundles that define items or procedures strongly recommended in clinical practice have been used in many guidelines in recent years. Application of these bundles facilitates the adaptation of guidelines and helps improve the... more
The hypothesis that water "treated" with intention can affect ice crystals formed from that water was pilot tested under double-blind conditions. A group of approximately 2,000 people in Tokyo focused positive intentions toward water... more
THE OFISSUE OF TOKYO URBAN UTOPIAS iEiirt H JIgreep e: JB lt BAY'S RECLAIMED LANDS AS THE ORIGIN IN MODERN JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE 6gsHi z-F tr "7 a)pawa t L-(a)gls<tsJFcaa) rLsmp Roplaele PERIVICE' 777atv .<?v=fx This paper aims to... more
Tokyo Metropolis, with some exclusive features such as the experience of land readjustment, high level of technology, great economical centralization, and high density of information, presents a type of complicated, crowded, and instable... more
Resumen La figura del monstruo puede servir para formar una metáfora sobre la configuración de algunas ciudades contemporáneas y de cómo nos van construyendo. El texto propone reconsiderar la ciudad de Tokio como un paradigma de... more
Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world with a population of more than thirteen million people. The island nation has temperate weather and the
This article discusses the defi nitions, pathophysiology, and epidemiology of acute cholangitis and cholecystitis. Acute cholangitis and cholecystitis mostly originate from stones in the bile ducts and gallbladder. Acute cholecystitis... more
A radical artist in subject matter and in photographic style, Tomatsu Shomei (1930-2012) undoubtedly laid the foundation of modern avant-garde Japanese photography. Throughout Tomatsu Shomei’s extensive photography career, he presented an... more
Many Japanese workers in lower-paying positions were drawn to the growing trucking sector in the 1950s and 1960s, characterized by contingency and the thrill of risk and reward, in contrast to the stasis of lifetime employment guarantees... more
In 2013, with the city’s 2002 urban renaissance policy seemingly having reached its limit, Tokyo won its bid to stage the 2020 Olympics. he city plan was modified, with Olympic clusters replacing the special zones of urban redevelopment.... more
In this article I discuss the ways in which the 2008 film Tokyo Sonata engages with the contrasting emotional and physical geographies of comfortable suburbia and the contemporary reality of socio-cultural despondency. The Sasaki family... more
This thesis is about the existing mass-transit infrastructure within the city and whether the physical and social consequences of its presence can be changed. Mass-transit infrastructure, whether expanding above, on or under the ground is... more
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this paper is students work done under my supervision to demonstrate that Urban Aesthetics comprise more than the physical component, it has social, cultural, and other aspects.
Rapport de recherche d'une bourse de mobilité postdoctorale de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient et de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
Co-authored with Mori Mayumi. This essay introduces the stories of four former residents of a municipal housing complex built in the late 1950s in central Tokyo. In the immediate aftermath of World War II, the interviewees and their... more
The Metropolis of Manila has poor wastewater management practices which costs the economy around AUD$ 2 Billion per year, results in around a third of all recorded illnesses and has left the rivers biologically dead. However, with a... more
Japan is one of the world's most advanced societies, with technology, business, architecture and development proving inventive, progressive and impressive. With strong social structures and deeply rooted traditions at play, and an... more
This paper aims to investigate from a broader point of view as in 1958 the theme of development of Tokyo into the sea by reclaiming lands of her coasts became the occasion for the productions on several projects which witnessed the... more
As the contemporary trends of increasing urbanisation - especially the process of forming large urban agglomerations qualified as megacities - accelerates around the world, the quality of environment becomes the major question of urban... more
to cite: Jordan Sand, "How Tokyo Invented Sushi," in Dorothee Imbert, ed. Food and the City: Histories of Culture and Cultivation, Dumbarton Oaks and Harvard University Press, 2015.
The goal of this paper is an examination of how images of Tokyo's street fashion have imprinted on the collective memory of the city, thus forming its reputation as a place where new ideas are created in fashion. To explore this idea I... more
In summer 2010 a small urban park in Tokyo’s iconic Shibuya shopping district became the scene of an occupation that lasted nearly half a year. Homeless citizens, artists, youth activists, unionists, and public intellectuals congregated... more
Istanbul’daki performans sanatlari yapilarinin dunyadaki orneklerle karsilastirildiklari zaman sahip olduklari teknik donanimin yetersiz oldugu gozlemlenmektedir. Ziyaretciler ve sanatcilar tarafindan siklikla dile getirilen bu durum;... more
The integration of food into urban planning is a crucial and emerging topic. Urban planners, alongside the local and regional authorities that have traditionally been less engaged in food-related issues, are now asked to take a central... more
El presente ensayo analiza la proliferación de una de las categorías más significativas de espacios de uso público en el Japón metropolitano contemporáneo. El texto explora cuándo y por qué el gobierno comenzó a traspasar la... more
Kafū is considered to be one of the most prominent chronic of modern Tokyo. This paper is dedicated to the criticism he conveyed in guise of a hymn to old time called "Fukugawa no uta". This novel is addressing explicit criticism of the... more
shared their knowledge and skills.