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Japanese whaling regularly appears in the news today, but there has been surprisingly little written in English about the subject from a historical perspective. Jakobina Arch's Bringing Whales Ashore takes a giant stride toward remedying... more
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      Maritime HistoryTokugawa JapanWhalingEarly Modern Japan
This paper covers the first Japanese governmental expedition to Hokkaido, Southern Kurils (Kunashir, Iturup and Urup) and southern Sakhalin in 1785-1786, which was caused by the rumors of Russians' expansion to the Kuril Islands and thier... more
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      AinuTokugawa JapanRussian-Japanese RelationsScientific Expeditions
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      Japanese HistoryJapanSamurai filmsTokugawa Japan
In the last decade or so, the relationship between Tokugawa military culture and modern Japanese corporate culture has been used to justify the publication of a small library of translations, popularizations, and bastardizations of works... more
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      Japanese Language And CultureMartial ArtsJapanese HistoryJapanese Culture
Important aspects of legal reform instituted by the Tokugawa Shogunate during the Edo Period resulted in the development of trade and commerce in Japan. There is strong evidence that the institutional foundations of the the political... more
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      Japanese StudiesLegal TheoryTokugawa Japan
The factual head of the Japanese government, Matsudaira Sadanobu (1759-1829), declared 'ritual' and 'law' as the foundation for receiving Adam Laxman’s expedition, the first Russian mission to Japan (1792-93). The article attempts at... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryJapanese StudiesJapanese HistoryTokugawa Japan
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      Japanese StudiesTranslation StudiesHistory of Economic ThoughtJapanese History
A global study of the process in its entirety, from the rising of the Togukawa rule to the establishment of the 1889 constitution casts a doubt over the denomination of 'Restoration' when it comes to 1868. Is the Meiji rule a restoration,... more
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      Pre-Modern JapanModern Japanese HistoryJapanese History - Meiji eraMeiji Japan
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
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      ChristianityJapanese StudiesLatin LiteraturePrint Culture
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      History of the SamuraiTokugawa JapanPhilosophy of Samurai WarriorsMiyamoto Musashi
This is the Chinese translation of Chapter 4 of my book Leaving for the Rising Sun (Oxford 2015). 佛教史研究 第1卷 作者:浙江大學東亞宗教文化研究中心等編 I S B N: ISSN 2523-0530 規 格: 平裝本 │18開 類 別: 佛學類 冊 數: 1冊 出版日: 2017/08/31 Page: 317-357... more
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      Chinese StudiesBuddhist StudiesEast Asian StudiesChinese history (History)
This thesis provides the first in-depth account in English of the life of Nakai Hiromu (1838-1894), a little-known samurai of the Satsuma domain who played a key role in the Bakumatsu/Meiji period of Japanese history, as well as... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryTravel WritingTranslation StudiesNineteenth Century Studies
パトリック・シュウェマー『語り物末流の研究』プリンストン大学博士論文、2015年 第一巻 『相模川』の研究:17世紀幸若舞曲の展開 1.危険な「棚飾り」:プリンストン大学図書館所蔵『相模川』絵巻の研究 2.本居宣長以前の「もののあはれ」:古浄瑠璃『梶原最期しづかあづまくだり』の研究 3.反体制文学から徳川幕府の式楽へ:能『相模川』の研究 第二巻 バレト写本の研究:日本文学としての、日本語によるキリシタン文学... more
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      ChristianityJapanese StudiesPortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureSpanish Literature
The Tokugawa clan (徳川氏, 德川氏) was a powerful daimyo family of Japan. Members of this clan ruled Japan as Shoguns from 1603 to 1867, during the Edo period. Edo period is also called the Tokugawa period, as this clan or family was so... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanEdo-period JapanTokugawa Japan
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryJapanese StudiesHistorical Anthropology
Yôkaigaku, the "Japanese demonology", and the creatures which it deals with, constitute a scientific field of study in Japan since the Meiji period (1868-1912) -when in 1886 Inoue Enryô founded the Yôkai Kenkyûkai (Association for yôkai... more
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      Japanese StudiesAnthropologyPhilosophyModern and Contemporary Japan
The underlying concern of this article is with the function and purpose of the normative imaginary of ‘China’, Chugoku (Zhongguo) or Chuka (Zhonghua) in the Japanese discourse up to and around the mid-nineteenth century; namely, how it... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of Political ThoughtMeiji JapanTokugawa Japan
When we look at the literature on the foreign relations during the Edo period, we frequently encounter one term: Sakoku, literally meaning the closed country. This policy had been identified as an isolation of the country, no foreign... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesJapanese HistoryMing Dynasty
Scholars of early modern Japanese history have noted the imperial court's political insignificance and the lack of conflict most contemporaries supposedly saw between the emperor's institutionally supreme position and the fact that... more
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      Japanese StudiesEarly Modern HistoryKorean StudiesJapanese History
During the Tokugawa period (1603–1868), Japanese doctors generally learned about the medical ideas of their counterparts elsewhere in East Asia only through the medium of imported books, and there were few circumstances under which they... more
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      History of MedicineJapanese HistoryKorean HistoryTokugawa Japan
"Merchants, Missionaries, and Marauders: Trade and Traffics between Kyūshū (Japan) and Luzon (Philippines) in the Late-16th and Early-17th centuries”, Crossroads. Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, 10... more
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      Japanese StudiesTransnational and World HistoryHistory of JapanMaritime History
This essay is based on a discussion on the Premodern Japanese Studies email list in 2016. 「辻斬り」の考察です。
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      Japanese StudiesAnthropologyPhilosophyEthics
Lo que se pretende con este trabajo es hacer un análisis de la evolución del ejército de Japón a lo largo de los siglos, desgranando para ello las distintas partes que se han ido incorporando al mismo conforme se ha vuelto una... more
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      Military HistoryJapanese HistoryEast Asian StudiesTokugawa Japan
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      History of ArtJapanese Art HistoryTokugawa JapanJapanese History of Art
El final del siglo XVI en Japón fue una época convulsa en la que varias facciones en un mar de alianzas cambiantes pugnaban por conseguir la supremacía. Tres grandes personajes aparecen en esta época, cuya labor conjunta consiguió... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese HistoryWarfareHistory of the Samurai
Tokugawa period is regarded as the last period of Japanese traditional Shogunate. This draft mainly comprises the downfall of Tokugawa regime, causes and consequences.
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      JapanConfucianismFeudalism and LordshipEdo-period Japan
This article analyzes the shunga collection owned by the Mito Tokugawa family. It presents the discovery of six pieces from the Mito Tokugawa, one of the three branches of the Tokugawa. This collection helps us understand the uses and the... more
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      SexualityJapanese ArtEroticismErotic art
The successive bans on Christianity in Early Modern Japan led to several persecution campaignsespecially during the early seventeenth centurywhich resulted in numerous deaths, among both the local converts and the missionaries. These... more
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      HistoriographyJapaneseModern Japanese HistoryMartyrdom
iii Résumé iv Acknowledgements v
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      Japanese StudiesMartial ArtsMeiji JapanEdo-period Japan
On the morning of April 28, 1849, the USS Preble, a sloop of war commanded by James Glynn, weighed anchor and sailed away from Nagasaki harbor. On board were fourteen men from the whaler Lagoda who had been held for over a year by... more
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      Naval HistoryJapanese HistoryUnited States HistoryU.S. Foreign Policy
In what ways did the political, social, and economic system of the Tokugawa lead to the disintegration of the Bakuhan system in Japan?
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      Japanese HistoryWorld HistoryJapanTokugawa Japan
Zaman pemerintahan Tokugawa telah membentuk satu perubahan yang ketara khususnya dalam sistem feudalisme di Jepun 1 malah memberikan nafas baru kepada kehidupan masyarakatnya sendiri. Edwin O. Reischauer (2006), menyatakan bahawa pada... more
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      JapanTokugawa Japan
Comercio y diplomacia entre Japón y Filipinas en la era Keichō (1596-1615) [Trade and Diplomacy between Japan and the Philippines during the Keichō Era (1596-1615)] (East Asian Maritime History, vol. 13) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag,... more
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      Japanese StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Japan
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      Japanese StudiesPoliticsJapanEdo-period Japan
In this article, we examine the utility of Antonio Gramsci’s concept of passive revolution and its relation to Leon Trotsky’s theory of uneven and combined development in analysing the transformational effects of world economy and... more
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      International RelationsHistorical SociologyInternational Relations TheoryMarxism
Although Japan was an enigma to most of the eighteenth-century world, imported Japanese lacquers and imitation Japanese-style lacquered objects played significant roles at the Chinese and French courts. In France, no collection surpassed... more
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      Art HistoryJapanese ArtCross-Cultural StudiesChinese Art
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      Chinese history (History)Late Imperial-Modern ChinaTokugawa JapanMing-Qing History
Free download link: “Sangleyes, Japones, and Casados: An Overview of the Actors of the Sino-Japanese Trade in the Philippines Between the 16th and Early 17th... more
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      Japanese StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesChinese StudiesTransnational and World History
The Bankoku sōzu 万国総図 is one of the most important maps for the history of Japanese cartography. Its first edition was printed in 1645 and subsequent editions were published throughout the Edo period. The map is drawn in oval projection... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese HistoryAsian HistoryHistory of Cartography
Though "sakoku" was never the official policy of the Tokugawa Bakufu, the severe restriction of trade has been generally argued to be the defining foreign policy of the Edo period. It has been seen from a position of strength, in that the... more
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      HistoryAsian StudiesInternational RelationsPolitical Economy
A tanulmány a japán történelem a középkorból a kora-újkorba történő átmeneti korszaknak a nyomdászatát, annak társadalmi vonatkozásait, külfölddel való kapcsolatát, különböző nyomtatványtípusokon keresztül elemzi. A régi szedett nyomtatás... more
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      Japanese StudiesEarly Modern (Japanese History)Printing HistoryJapanese Culture
La Rivolta di Shimabara fu una ribellione contadina che ebbe luogo nel sud del Giappone durante il cosiddetto periodo Edo. Questa ricerca in storia della Chiesa consta di tre capitoli: nel primo si espone brevemente quella che è la storia... more
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      TheologyJapanese Language And CultureCult of SaintsSaints' Cults
“Contactos diplomáticos entre la monarquía hispánica y los pueblos asiáticos (1570-1615),” in: Diego Herrero García (ed.), Fernando de Magallanes; De la corte del emperador y Filipinas (1521). Pasado español y memoria actual en el V... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryIntercultural CommunicationSoutheast Asian StudiesEarly Modern History
After the output of the three main European copper mining areas (Mansfeld, Tyrol and Neusohl) declined from the second half of the 16th century, Sweden and Japan became the most important copper producers. From the start of the... more
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      Tokugawa JapanDutch East India CompanyCopper extraction and productionCopper
The translation of texts has played a formative role in Japan's history of cultural exchange as well as the development of literature, and indigenous legal and religious systems. This is the first book of its kind, however, to offer a... more
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      Cultural HistoryTranslation StudiesEarly Modern HistoryJapanese Literature
This draft material seeks to answer the question: Why was the matter of succession from one ruler to the next in Russia from the 17th to the 19th centuries so often traumatic? by drawing comparisons with the generally much more stable... more
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      Succession LawTokugawa JapanThe House of Romanov In Russian History
In the Shimabara rebellion of 1637 Christianity did not play an important role. That is the current perception amongst most Western scholars. As far as the rebellion is treated at all in modern academic publications, scholars cite the... more
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      HistoryJapanese StudiesHistory of ChristianityJapanese History
Presentado en en V Congreso Internacional de Mitocrítica : Mito y Creación Audiovisual. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (25 de octubre de 2018). Resumen Japón es uno de los países del Primer Mundo con la proporción más baja de... more
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      MythologyModern and Contemporary JapanModern Japanese HistoryTokugawa Japan