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      Health CommunicationTobacco control policy
A statutory 'Notification of Birth"containing obstetric and perinatal information, has been routinely collected for Tasmanian deliveries since 1974. For the period 1980 to 1984, birth notification data were collected for over 99% of... more
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    • Tobacco control policy
Introduction The tobacco industry has for decades been associated with environmental damage, health-related diseases, human rights violations and corruption issues. The World Health Organisation formulated the Framework Convention on... more
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      Developing CountriesMedicineTobacco control policyFood Security and Social Justice
“Hookah,” which is also known as “Narghileh,” “Maassel,” or “Shisha,” is a form of waterpipe smoking. Hookah is composed of a tobacco bowl known as the head where tobacco (that is processed and flavored) is placed, a body, a water bowl, a... more
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      TobaccoTobacco control policyTobacco AddictionElectronic Cigarettes
Die Einführung von Einheitsverpackungen (Plain Packaging) für Zigaretten ist derzeit in aller Munde. Von Australien über die EU bis hin zu mehreren südamerikanischen Staaten erwägt man die Einführung einer neutralen Verpackung für... more
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      Constitutional LawPublic Health LawPublic Health PolicyPublic International Law
Resumen Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), el tabaquismo es una de las principales causas de enfermedad crónica y la principal causa de muerte prevenible a nivel mundial. De no abordarse de manera urgente, para el año 2030... more
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      Tobacco control policyRisk factors for chronic diseaseTobacco ControlHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
The emergence of e-cigarettes has produced major changes in the tobacco industry and to adult and youth tobacco use patterns. But there are sharp disagreements about the extent to which e-cigarettes might be helping or hurting efforts to... more
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      Harm ReductionTobacco control policySmokingE-Cigarettes
This paper discusses the need to reform the tobacco excise tax rules in the Philippine 1997 National Internal Revenue Code as a means to increase government revenues and improve the health of the population. It highlights the design flaws... more
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      Tobacco control policyTobacco TaxesTobacco taxation
Although Switzerland is a highly developed country which projects in the world the image of human rights champion and defender of humanitarian values, it lags behind most other countries in its tobacco control policy. The Swiss parliament... more
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      PreventionTobacco control policyTobacco industry
Proportion of deaths attributable to tobacco (%)
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    • Tobacco control policy
We are not corrupt or immoral. We are not police; we are not regulators. We're part of the problem and part of the solution. (Big food-industry lobbyist, Super Size Me, 2004)
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      Business EthicsHealth PromotionFood and NutritionInternational Marketing
Seit es wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen ist, dass Rauchen die Gesundheit schädigt, haben Regierungen versucht, Gesetze zu verabschieden, um das Rauchen einzu- dämmen. So wurde mit der Begründung, dass die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawCompetition LawTobacco
Estratto dal catalogo della mostra storico-documentaria curata da Daniela De Lorentiis ed inaugurata presso i locali di Palazzo Gallone (Tricase).
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      TobaccoTobacco control policyTobacco industryGreek Jews in Salonika
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      Environmental ScienceEIA StudiesTobacco control policyTobacco Control
Dhesegaan Bala Krishnan, Ban on tobacco and vape would be ineffective, "New Straits Times", 2 March 2022, pp. 1 and 6-7.
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      TobaccoTemperance/ProhibitionTobacco control policyTobacco Control
Bangladesh, for the first time in history, has fulfilled the eligibility criteria set by the United Nations to be recognized as a developing country, crossing over from the list of least developed countries (LDCs). Bangladesh has reached... more
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      AssessmentTobaccoSecondhand Smoke ExposureChewing tobacco
Using a historical and political economy perspective, this paper explores the prospects for tobacco control in Zimbabwe, the world's sixth largest producer and third largest tobacco exporter. Tobacco production, which first began in the... more
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      African StudiesTobacco control policy
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      PhilippinesTobacco control policyEconomics of Tobacco Control
Background Tobacco is the leading avertable cause of death in the world. Adolescents are the most vulnerable population to initiate the use of tobacco. Most adult users start tobacco use in their childhood or adolescence. The Global Youth... more
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      Tobacco control policyTobacco UseTobacco ControlPolicy compliance
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      Tobacco control policySmoking Regulation
university of california-san diego, school of medicine and california Western school of law Tim K. Mackey assistant professor anesthesiology and division of global public Health at the university of california-san diego, school of medicine
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    • Tobacco control policy
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      Health CommunicationTobacco control policyGender stereotypesPress
ADPIC Accord sur les aspects des droits de propriété intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce ALENA Accord de libre échange nord-américain ARB/XX/XX Sentence rendue par un tribunal CIRDI ARB(AF)XX/XX Sentence rendue en application du... more
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      Intellectual PropertyTobaccoIntellectual Property RightsInternational Investment Law
Tobacco was a very popular intoxication content in colonial Bengal. Though several countries imposed certain restrictions on the use of tobacco, the colonial period became a mark on the growth of tobacco consumption and trade. Due to the... more
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      History of BengalTobacco control policyIndian Princely StatesHistory of Indian Princely States
Terrorists have worked directly with tobacco companies and used tobacco sales to fund traditional terrorist activities. This familiarity with tobacco, coupled with the high mortality rate of tobacco indicates terrorists may use tobacco... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPublic Health Policy
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      International BusinessInternational LawTobacco control policyHukum
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      Information TechnologyTraditional Ecological KnowledgeClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesEnvironmental Sustainability
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif mengenai iklan rokok di 10 TV swasta yang bersiaran dari Jakarta, termasuk jam tayang, durasi, frekuensi kemunculan, program siaran yang dipakai, tema... more
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    • Tobacco control policy
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    • Tobacco control policy
On June 22, 2009, United States government under Obama’s administration signed the law of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act which banned cigarettes containing a constituent that is a characterizing flavor of tobacco or... more
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      International RelationsInternational TradeIndonesiaStructuralism
Toplumun bilgilendirilmesi saðlýðýn geliþtirilmesi sürecinin önemli parçalarýndan birisidir. Ancak neoliberal hegemonyanýn etkisiyle saðlýk, son yýllarda giderek artan biçimde bireylerin sorunu olarak algýlanmakta ve çözüm önerileri de bu... more
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    • Tobacco control policy
This report analyses two distinct vaping crises that have recently emerged in the US: an ongoing youth vaping epidemic and the outbreak of a vaping-related illness (the so-called “E-cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury”... more
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      TobaccoPublic HealthTobacco control policy
California's position as a leader in tobacco control is under threat by the resurgence of the tobacco industry, the emergence of new unregulated tobacco products, and the decreasing spending power of the tobacco control program. •... more
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      Tobacco control policyLocal PoliticsTobacco industry
There is a tension in the policy field about the way that the policy process should occur and the manner in which evidence should inform policy decisions. This article presents findings from a qualitative study on the introduction of... more
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      Public Health PolicyPublic HealthTobacco control policy
Tobacco use is a major risk factor behind non-communicable diseases and premature deaths. Health education is one way to decrease the prevalence of non-communicable diseases, and school-level interventions have yielded promising results... more
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      NepalTobacco control policyAdventistMeasurement and evaluation in education
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    • Tobacco control policy
In this article, the author contends that the tobacco industry should be exempted from antitrust regulation, which would allow market participants to create artificially high prices, thus discouraging use of this harmful product. The... more
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      Antitrust (Law)Tobacco control policy
Tembakau adalah tanaman yang bukan asli atau endemik dari Indonesia tetapi masyarakat Indonesia memiliki kreatifitas tersendiri dalam mengolah tembakau menjadi rokok. Rokok kretek adalah rokok yang memang asli dibuat oleh orang-orang... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyCultural HeritageCulture
Objectives: To review the tobacco governance and national responsibility for control, and existing countering measures to reduce the tobacco use among the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states. Methods: We reviewed the data in... more
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      Health SciencesDrugs And AddictionTobaccoSaudi Arabia
r E-cigarettes are new products that are generating policy issues, including youth access and smokefree laws, for local and state governments.
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      Corporate StrategyTobacco control policyElectronic CigarettesTobacco industry
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      Tobacco control policyTobacco Addiction
Background The preservation of the economic livelihood of tobacco farmers is a common argument used to oppose tobacco control measures. However, little empirical evidence exists about these livelihoods. We seek to evaluate the economic... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsTobacco control policyTobacco Control
Plain packaging is the WHO’s new concept to fight the global tobacco epidemic. Already adopted in Australia, other countries are certain to follow and are already evaluating its introduction. However, plain packaging is not as carefree... more
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      TobaccoTobacco control policyTobacco AddictionSmoking
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      Knowledge ManagementTobaccoTobacco control policy
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      LawComparative LawConstitutional LawFirst Amendment Law (USA)
Acknowledgments: We want to acknowledge the support of Shashika Bandara and Rene Loewenson in finalizing this report.
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    • Tobacco control policy
In recent years, scholars and public health officials have increasingly perceived tobacco as a threat to sustainable development. This article explores how stronger tobacco control efforts can contribute to the achievement of the... more
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      Development StudiesSustainable DevelopmentPublic HealthTobacco control policy
Approaching tobacco from the perspective of users, producers, and objectors, Smoking under the Tsars provides an unparalleled view of Russia’s early adoption of smoking. Tricia Starks introduces us to the addictive, nicotine-soaked... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesAddictionDrugs And Addiction
Based on Ruth Malone's research with the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, this workshop will look at her findings around tobacco, especially one key point: “Interests of the tobacco industry are fundamentally... more
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      Public HealthTobacco control policyProblem gambling
This study argues that the definition of terrorism should be expanded to include covert legal killings (CLK). CLK refers to the fourth terrorist intention (mass killing in the targeted group or nation by any means) where the law does not... more
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      MarketingCriminal LawTerrorismInternational Terrorism