Recent papers in Tobacco
This paper outlines the ethical and organisational risks for community and other public good organisations of accepting funding from gambling industry sources. Aspects of this moral jeopardy include the ethics of benefiting from the... more
Kim olur vāsıta ol būs-ı leb-i dildāra 1 Öz: Bu makalenin konusunu Antalya İli, Demre İlçesi, Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi kazılarında ortaya çıkarılan pişmiş toprak lüle ve nargileler oluşturur. Lüle ve nargileler kilisenin çevresinde ve Rum... more
Background: India has a large and evolving HIV epidemic. Little is known about cancer risk in Indian persons with HIV/AIDS (PHA) but risk is thought to be low. Methods: To describe the state of knowledge about cancer patterns in Indian... more
This paper examines the public policy value of looking at gambling from a public health perspective. The manner in which social issues are framed will either expand or curtail public policy debates. The existing and traditional frames for... more
The aim of this research was to identify a small set of indicators of an individual's deprivation that is appropriate for all ethnic groups and can be combined into a single and simple index of individual socioeconomic deprivation in New... more
Active and passive maternal smoking has a damaging effect in every trimester of human pregnancy. Cigarette smoke contains scores of toxins which exert a direct effect on the placental and fetal cell proliferation and differentiation and... more
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is a tolerant species that accumulates cadmium. We studied the effect of Cd (0, 10, 25, 50, 100 lM) on growth parameters, chlorophyll and proline contents, enzymatic antioxidative response and lipid... more
Objective: To identify nursing home standards related to items brought in from the community for residents through a nationwide survey of directors of nursing. Specifically we examined the policies with regard to food, cigarettes,... more
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried among 522 small scale factory workers in district Panchkula, Haryana, India. The diagnosis of presence of oral leukoplakia was evaluated and documented by the two... more
The sex pheromone of females of the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae, was identified to be a mixture of (Z,E)-9,11,13_tetradecatrienal, (Z,E)-9,11-tetradecadienal and (Z)-9-tetradecenal in the ratio of 1O:l:l. A synthetic blend proved... more
This paper reports an efficient protoplast culture technique, the “extra thin alginate film” technique. The development of this improved method of protoplast culture was an outcome of an assessment of the efficiency and shortcomings of... more
Background Indonesia is one of the largest consumers of tobacco in the world, however there has been little work done on the economics addiction of tobacco. This study provides an empirical test of a rational addiction (henceforth RA)... more
Background In this study the effect is assessed of (repeated) well-care visits and freely accessible consultation hours at secondary schools on the prevalence of adolescent healthcompromising behaviour and later obesity.
Background Tobacco use is one of the major avoidable causes of cardiovascular diseases. We aimed to assess the risks associated with tobacco use (both smoking and non-smoking) and second hand tobacco smoke (SHS) worldwide.
In order to assess the interaction between alcohol intake, tobacco smoking and coffee consumption in determining the risk of liver cirrhosis we carried out a hospital-based case-control study involving 115 patients at their first... more
Aims: From an academic discourse explaining trends in drug-related attitudes and behaviours, 'normalisation' now also encompasses public health policy advocating 'denormalisation' of smoking. This study explored young people's attitudes... more
Haploid leaf tissue of tobacco cultivars K326 and K149 was transformed with several transgenes containing cDNA of the potato virus Y (PVY) coat protein (CP) open reading frame (ORF). The various transgenes containing the PVY CP ORF... more
Coiled bodies are nuclear organelles that contain components of at least three RNA-processing pathways: pre-mRNA splicing, histone mRNA 3′- maturation, and pre-rRNA processing. Their function remains unknown. However, it has been... more
Travail reçu le 8 septembre 2005 et accepté le 24 mai 2006. Tirés à part : A. Dervaux (à l'adresse ci-dessus). bupropion n'ont pas montré d'aggravation de la symptomatologie psychotique après sevrage.
In the present study, a minicolumn of sisal fiber loaded with alizarin fluorine blue is proposed as a preconcentratio system for copper determination in tobacco leaf samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. During the optimization... more
Due to the relatively high activity concentrations of 210 Po and 210 Pb that are found in tobacco and its products, cigarette smoking highly increases the internal intake of both radionuclides and their concentrations in the lung tissues.... more
Background Both cigarette smoke and ultraviolet (UV) radiation are known to cause changes of the skin which can be regarded as premature ageing. Objectives To assess the theory that the effects of these two exposures could be linked by a... more
Poor birth outcomes are associated with illicit drug use during pregnancy. While prenatal cigarette exposure has similar effects, cessation of illicit drug use during pregnancy is often prioritized over cessation of smoking. The study... more
Objectives-School tobacco use policies are part of a comprehensive strategy for preventing or reducing adolescent cigarette smoking. This study examines the relationship between perceived tobacco policy enforcement at the school level and... more
Glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) are active in the detoxification of wide variety of endogenous or exogenous carcinogens and genetic polymorphisms of CYP2E1 and GSTP1 genes have been studied extensively to evaluate the relative risk of... more
Lung cancer or also known as carcinoma of the lung or pulmonary carcinoma, is a malignant lung tumor characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. If left untreated, this growth can spread beyond the lung by process... more
This research tested comparative effects of parent and peer support on adolescent substance use (tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana) with data from 2 assessments of a multiethnic sample of 1,826 adolescents, mean age 12.3 years. Multiple... more
In planta RNAi (i.e. plants engineered to synthesize active RNAi molecules) has great potential as a strategy to control insect crop pests. This study investigated the impact of RNAi against osmoregulatory genes expressed in the gut of... more
KATHLEEN M. HESS*, MATTHEW W. DUDLEY*, DAVID G. LYNN*t, ROLF D. JOERGERf, AND ANDREW N. BINNSt *Searle Chemistry Laboratory, 5735 Ellis Avenue, The University of Chicago, Chicago IL 60637; and tPlant Science Institute, Department of... more
Rubisco activase (Rca) is a chaperone-like protein of the AAA+ family, which uses mechano-chemical energy derived from ATP hydrolysis to release tightly bound inhibitors from the active site of the primary carbon fixing enzyme ribulose... more
Northern Pingtung Plain was cultivated as tobacco fields under the monopoly system which prevailed during the Japanese colonial period in the early 0th century. In the late 10s,
Provavelmente em meados do século XVI, um religioso europeu de nome Leonel de Sousa, em missão às partes mais a leste do mundo conhecido, registrou, em um manuscrito de dez fólios, a “Vertude da Erva Sancta que he o tabaco” (n.d.). Ali,... more
New insights into the phenomenon of systemic acquired resistance have been gained in recent years, by the use of techniques in molecular genetics and biology that have replaced the largely descriptive approach of earlier work. The... more
e n v i r o n m e n t a l t o x i c o l o g y a n d p h a r m a c o l o g y 3 2 ( 2 0 1 1 ) [185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192] a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e... more
Epidemiologic data have strongly indicated that cigarette smoking is linked to the development of lung cancer. However, little is known of the molecular targets of carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke. To identify genetic lesions... more
Excess leukocyte recruitment to the lung plays a central role in the development or exacerbation of several lung inflammatory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) are cytochrome P-450... more
Background: Contact allergy is a major public health problem in industrialized countries. Hitherto, known risk factors for contact allergy have mainly included increased exposure to allergens. There are no published data on the relation... more
is one of the largest cottage industries in India Bidi rollers handle 225-450 g of bidi tobacco per day and inhale tobacco dust and volatile components present in the work environment Since tobacco is known to be mutagenic and... more