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Many denominational preachers (“pastors”) teach the concept of tithing. Some DEMAND that their members tithe. Others go so far as to require a look at everyone’s tax records to assure they are complying. Such action is not acceptable if... more
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      Studies on worshipTithingTithe
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    • Tithing
Existing literature from leaders of the ‘Faith Movement’ suggests a problematic hermeneutic of Malachi 3:6-12 in a manner that forces an interpretation into the text. This essay therefore revisits the passage for a fresh textual analysis... more
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      TithingMalachiProphetic LiteratureThe Book of Malachi
Biblical overview of the principle of stewardship taught in Scripture and an exegesis on selected passages of the Gospel of Luke. Churches in the underdeveloped world are facing many challenges. Teaching believers the biblical concept of... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesBiblical InterpretationBiblical Exegesis
Money can be a hot topic in Christian churches and the Namibian church is no exception to that. While many traditional mainline denominations struggle to raise the funds they need for their various ministries, prosperity type churches and... more
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      ChristianityPractical theologyBiblical StudiesCharitable giving
Sažetak The article analyzes the OT practice of tithing in the context of the principle of Christian giving. While it is generally accepted that Evangelical Christians have an obligation to financially support the work of their local... more
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    • Tithing
My study focuses on rabbinic opinions that contest how the poor man's tithe should be administered. These divergent positions offer a window on the tensions between the biblical aim to prevent the creation of dependencies by granting the... more
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      Charitable givingRabbinic LiteratureCharityTithing
Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. Luke 6:38 It’s not about money... more
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    • Tithing
In this paper, we draw on fieldwork with middle-class investors in ‘fast money schemes’ (Ponzi scams) to consider how Neo-Pentecostal Christianity may be mediating social and economic change in Papua New Guinea, particularly in relation... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsEconomic Sociology
This article explores the tithe system in eighteenth-century Northamptonshire. At enclosure, many clergy exchanged their right to take tithe for a portion of the newly enclosed land in the parish. The article argues that while the clergy... more
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      HistoryRural HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryLocal and regional history
This paper is in Amharic, it deals about whether Christians in the New Covenant are required to frequently give tithing in the form of money as most Churches insist on doing.
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    • Tithing
Este trabajo analiza las características, posibilidades y limitaciones de la documentación decimal de la catedral de Córdoba, obispado del Tucumán, correspondiente al siglo XVIII. En particular, los informes sobre los montos de los... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryXVIII centuryCórdobaBourbons
This article explores the tithe system in eighteenth-century Northamptonshire. At enclosure, many clergy exchanged their right to take tithe for a portion of the newly enclosed land in the parish. The article argues that while the... more
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      Rural HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryChurch of EnglandTithes
This article explores the tithe system in eighteenth-century Northamptonshire. At enclosure, many clergy exchanged their right to take tithe for a portion of the newly enclosed land in the parish. The article argues that while the clergy... more
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      HistoryRural HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryLocal and regional history
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      Jewish StudiesTalmudRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
This volume contains the following works authored by Roger Williams: Christenings make not Christians (1645 or 1646), Experiments of Spiritual Life & Health (1652), The Fourth Paper, Presented by Major Butler (1652), The Hireling... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryHistorical TheologyReligion and Politics
Los estudios históricos sobre las cargas fiscales han señalado que la innovación en cuestiones doctrinales, es decir, en el conjunto de ideas que sustentan la propiedad, legitimidad y legalidad de un impuesto, puede determinar cambios en... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryXVIII centuryNueva EspañaNew Spain
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      Stewardship (Organizational Leadership)Torah/PentateuchPentateuch StudiesTithing
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      Ancient Greek ReligionTithing