In this paper, it is presented the simulation analysis of an enhanced algorithm for the collision resolution in shared Ethernet networks. Such algorithm, referred as high priority Binary Exponential Backoff (h-BEB), provides high priority... more
An efficient extraction and modeling methodology for self and mutual inductances within multiconductors for on-chip interconnects is investigated. The method is based on physical layout considerations and current distribution on multiple... more
Due to excessive reduction in the gate length, dopant concentrationsand the oxide thickness, even the slightest of variations inthese quantities can result in significant variations in the performanceof a device. This has resulted in a... more
This paper presents a framework for estimating the timing yield of sequential networks in the presence of process variations. We present an accurate method for characterizing various parameters such as setup time, hold time, clock to... more
The inductance and coupling effects in interconnects and non-linear receiver loads has resulted in complex input signals and output loads for gates in the modern deep submicron CMOS technologies. As a result, the conventional method of... more
The Mars Approach ost computer systems for real-time process control must meet high standards of reliability, availability, and safety. In many of these real-time applications, the costs of a catastrophic system failure can exceed the... more
The maximum flow algorithm is distinguished by the long line of successive contributions researchers have made in obtaining algorithms with incrementally better worst-case complexity. Some, but not all, of these theoretical improvements... more
Real-time systems are being used increasingly in control applications such as in automobiles, aircraft and process control. Real-time communication protocols are designed in order to satisfy basic requirements of these systems such as... more
Failure of a safety-critical application on an embedded processor can lead to severe damage or even loss of life. Here we are concerned with two kinds of failure: stack overflow, which usually leads to runtime errors that are difficult to... more
Increased outsourcing of logistical services by manufacturers has prompted reconsideration of traditional relationships between manufacturers and third party logistics firms. Firms are moving away from single transaction business... more
"How to predict crime?" is an important question. But to understand the notions developed by ethnography, entrepreneurships, and timing theories, and to prove they were efficient, it is no enough. To see the future drives the policies and... more
True critical path identification is still an issue of relevant importance in the physical design of CMOS VLSI circuits. Although delay enumeration-based timing analysis methods are independent of the number of long false paths, they are... more
Recibido: marzo de 2014 Aceptado: septiembre de 2014 varieties 12, 15, 22, 23 and 24 with positive expression in ear weight, pods per plant, test weight and late to male and female flowering period. The stability analysis to identify... more
В статье рассматривается методология, технические средства и цели комплексного исследования поведения посетителя музея при помощи современных технических методов: айтрекинга (изучение точки взора) и трекинга (отслеживание перемещений).... more
We present a new method for removing user-specified false subgraphs from timing analysis and circuit optimization. Given a timing graph and a list of specified false paths, false subpaths, or false subgraphs, we generate a new timing... more
This paper presents a design methodology emphasizing early and quick timing closure for high frequency microprocessor designs. This methodology was used to design a Gigahertz class PowerPC microprocessor with 19 million transistors.... more
Often repositories of systems engineering artifacts at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) are so large and poorly structured that they have outgrown our capability to effectively manually process their contents to extract useful... more
The network system of data exchange between the various components is an inherent element of every car. Because of the specific and different requirements for data transfer between specific devices, currently used communication protocols... more
Unlike most olher logic programming languages, Concurrem Prolog s) does not include a sequential-AND operator to enforce serial goal (process) reduction. However, sequential process reduction is stiff possible using existing constructs.... more
Reducing access times to secondary I/O devices has long been the focus of many systems researchers. With traditional disk drives, access time is the composition of seek time and rotational latency, and so many techniques to order I/O... more
This paper presents an evaluation of a new analysis for parallelizing compilers called predicated array data-flow analysis . This analysis extends array data-flow analysis for parallelization and privatization to associate predicates with... more
This paper presents an evaluation of a new analysis for parallelizing compilers called predicated array data-flow analysis . This analysis extends array data-flow analysis for parallelization and privatization to associate predicates with... more
This paper presents a new analysis for parallelizing compilers called predicated array data-flow analysis, whereby array dataflow analysis for parallelization and privatization is extended to associate predicates with data-flow values.... more
3DIC chipletstacking is taking the industry by storm. It provides huge benefits in terms of logic-to-memory connection bandwidth expansion, power reduction, and manufacturing cost reduction. However, it brings a number of new challenges... more
We present a new timing verification methodology that was used successfully to verify the Digital 21264 Alpha microprocessor. The 21264 design team devised a minimally constrained, aggressive circuit design style with a complex clocking... more
In the present study, the potential of fungal cells (Aspergillus tubingensis KJ650338 and Aspergillus pseudonomius MH279416) immobilized on activated carbon (AC) derived from rice husks for biosorption of dye in a continuous flow-packed... more
We observed Her X-1 using the Ginga observatory in the spring of 1989 with the primary intention of studying the evolution of the pulse proÐle through the course of the 35 day X-ray HIGH-LOW cycle in that source. These observations cover... more
This paper presents a new analysis for parallelizing compilers called predicated array data-flow analysis, whereby array dataflow analysis for parallelization and privatization is extended to associate predicates with data-flow values.... more
The aim of this feasibility and proof-of-concept study was to examine the use of a novel wearable device for automatic food intake detection to capture the full range of free-living eating environments of adults with overweight and... more
Traditionally, beryllium analysis of wipe, air and bulk samples has been conducted by laboratories using highly trained personnel and expensive capital equipment. In addition, such methods are labor intensive, particularly the steps... more
Continuous and hybrid Petri nets can be seen as relaxation of discrete nets, in which the firing of some or of all transitions is approximated with a fluid model. Several analysis techniques have been presented for studying these models,... more
Many embedded systems operate in multiple modes, where mode switches can be both time-as well as eventtriggered. While timing and schedulability analysis of the system when it is operating in a single mode has been well studied, it is... more
This paper introduces new notions of asymptotic proofs, PT(polynomial-time)-extensions, PTM(polynomial-time Turing machine)-omega-consistency, etc. on formal theories of arithmetic including PA (Peano Arithmetic). This paper shows that P... more
The use of such plastic inserts and other soft fastening solutions in pre-stressed concrete sleepers and crossing bearers has become widespread within the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. The stiffness of these inserts is typically... more
This paper describes JSpy, a system for high-level instrumentation of Java bytecode and its use with JPaX, our system for runtime analysis of Java programs. JPaX monitors the execution of temporal logic formulas and performs predicative... more
This paper presents an implementation of the AUTOSAR methodology based on two usecases, each of them are derived from an OEM need, as follows: 1) Set up of a collaborative exchange process between OEM and suppliers for the development of... more
Information about the size, shape, and orientation of mirror mode structures in the magnetosheath is obtained by combining data from the four Cluster spacecraft, resulting in an estimate of the form of the magnetic field magnitude spatial... more
Cluster data are used to study the statistics of a particular type of foreshock wave: quasi‐monochromatic ultra‐low‐frequency (ULF) waves with characteristic periods of 30 s in the spacecraft frame. On the basis of a large set of... more
Temporal patterns (TRAP) and tandem MLP/HMM approaches incorporate feature streams computed from longer time intervals than the conventional short-time analysis. These methods have been used for challenging small- and medium-vocabulary... more
Path extracting algorithms are a very important part of timing analysis approach. In this paper we designed and developed several algorithms which can generate the K most critical paths in a non-increasing order of their delays. The... more
The false path problem is often referred to as the problem of detecting the longest sensitizable path (A path which is not, a false path is a sensitizable path). The term "false path" is not clearly defined. In this paper, we first give a... more
Both long and short path delays are used to determine the valid clocking for various CMOS circuits such as single phase latching, asynchronous, and wave pipelining. Therefore, accurate estimation of both long and short path delays is very... more
Distributed systems are getting bigger and more complex. While the complexity of large-scale distributed systems has been acknowledged to be an important challenge, there has not been much work in defining or measuring system complexity.... more
During the design of microprocessor-based systems, once the system architecture has been decided and the major components (processors, memories, IO devices) have been selected from a component library, it is necessary to design interface... more