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"Oh foglia appassita del Fiume Mekong ed altre poesie" Antologia poetica di Htilar Sitthu (U Soe Nyunt) Libera traduzione di Htilar Sitthu, 1988 "O withered leaf from the River Mekong and other poems" Innwa Pub. House, VII edizione.... more
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesSouth Asian StudiesPoetry
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      Chinese linguisticsSoutheast Asian LinguisticsTibeto-BurmanCopula
The study explores the grammatical means employed for the expression of information structure in standard colloquial Burmese on the basis of a corpus of written and spoken texts. It analyses the morphosyntactic and prosodic devices... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsProsody-Semantics/PragmaticsLinguistics
This paper presents an appraisal of the most influential genetic classifications that have been proposed for the Tibeto-Burman languages of Nagaland, north-east India, and weighs up the evidence for the validity of a ‘Naga’ branch within... more
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      Historical LinguisticsLinguisticsNagalandNumeral
An overview of the Tangsa languages (which are included under Tangshang in Myanmar), in particular those that are termed in India as 'Pangwa'
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      LinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsTibeto-BurmanTibeto-Burman languages
What can be downloaded here is the Second edition. The first edition was published in India by the Tura Book Room. Reference: van Breugel, Seino. 2009. Atongmorot balgaba golpho. Tura: Tura Book Room. Atongmorot Balgaba Golpho is a book... more
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      Language DocumentationIndian LiteratureTibeto-Burman LinguisticsDescriptive Linguistics, Language Documentation, Indigenous Languages, Sociolinguistics, Field Linguistics
This work, prepared by Dpal ldan bkra shis, has 19 chapters, a section on verb conjugation, three appendices, and a bibliography. Numerous exercises, dialogues, texts, and special phrases are also provided. Each chapter consists of course... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTibetan StudiesAnthropology of Tibet and the HimalayasSino-Tibetan Linguistics
The Grammar of Dzongkha Revised and Expanded,
with a Guide to Roman Dzongkha and to Phonological Dzongkha
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage DocumentationDescriptive LinguisticsHimalayas
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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsTibeto-Burman
Probabilmente perché in Italia mancano scuole a livello universitario idonee a stimolare – come avviene per l'India, il Tibet, la Cina, il Giappone, per non citare che i paesi che più richiamano l'attenzione dei nostri orientalisti –... more
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      Asian StudiesComparative LiteratureSoutheast Asian StudiesLiterature
This is an overview of the history of Sino-Tibetan clause patterns.
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Chinese linguisticsSinitic LanguagesSino-Tibetan Linguistics
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      LexicographySino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsOrthography Development
A dictionary of the Idu language of Arunachal Pradesh
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsIndiaTibeto-Burman
A preliminary annotated bibliography of Nungish, a group of Tibeto-Burman languages spoken in northern Myanmar and southwest China. Based in part on the larger Rawang-Dulong-Anong bibliography by Randy LaPolla and Stephane Gros. Includes... more
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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsTibeto-Burman
Presented at the International Consortium for Eastern Himalayan Ethnolinguistic Prehistory; La Trobe University, 7th to 9th February 2017 This paper will explore what information about their prehistory might be gleaned from a careful... more
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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsTibeto-BurmanNorth Eastern India
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      Historical LinguisticsSino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsKuki Studies
We expect linguistic areas in geographically delimited regions because, as has been seen universally, languages tend to influence each other when in contact. In linguistic areas we expect to see shared distinctive traits between some of... more
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      Areal linguisticsTibeto-BurmanContact Linguistics Language Contact and Sociolinguistic Variation
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman Linguistics
This document is a dictionary of Kman [=Miju], a language spoken around Tezu in Arunachal Pradesh. Miju is a complex tone-language of an isolating type, similar to Tibeto-Burman languages. A separate grammar sketch deals with phonology... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsIndiaTibeto-Burman
Undertaking a broadscale experiment in theory and praxis, this book demonstrates grounds for insisting on a more integrational approach to dialectology while simultaneously demonstrating grounds for defining the hidden Phula languages of... more
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      PhilologyLanguagesAnthropological LinguisticsIndigenous Studies
This dissertation presents a comprehensive description of Hakhun Tangsa. Hakhun Tangsa is one of around eighty ethnic and linguistic communities called Tangsa or Tangshang. Hakhuns live mostly in Arunachal Pradesh, India, and in Sagaing... more
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      Language DescriptionTibeto-BurmanTangsa language
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      NegationTibeto-BurmanKuki-Chin Linguistics
Differential Object Marking (DOM) in Burmese is usually analysed as directly related to the expression of information structure. Yet, this corpus-based study of DOM and the associated prosody finds that DOM is not based on information... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsProsody-SyntaxProsody-Semantics/Pragmatics
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      NagalandIndo-AryanLanguage contactClause Linkage
Section 2 - theoretical aspects of the Question Under Discussion approach Section 3 - language-specific analysis of the concept 'question'/'interrogative' (Anal Naga, Trans-Himalayan/Tibeto-Burman); its typological and theoretical... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSemanticsInformation structure (Languages And Linguistics)
The Rawang ethnic group of Northern Myanmar has a complex kinship system, which has never been formally described in English in any great detail, although some hints are given in Barnard 1934:114. (The closely-related Dulong group in... more
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      EthnographyKinship (Anthropology)Southeast AsiaAnthropology of Kinship
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      Historical LinguisticsSino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsMyanmar/Burma
Appunti di studio sulla lingua, scrittura, manoscritti e stampa birmana.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
Intransitive si 'go': Imperfective Negative 1SG si nìŋ si-má:-ŋ (< si ma-iŋ) 1PL:EXCL si nùŋ si-má:ʷ-ŋ (< si ma-uŋ) 1PL:INCL si menɘ́ si-mà mɘ 2SG si nétʃɘ̀ si-ma tʃɘ 2PL si nétʃʷù si-má tʃʷu 3SG si nè si-maʔ 3PL si hené ~ si... more
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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsTibeto-Burman
There have been challenges to the received view of the structure of the Sino-Tibetan language family. This is all well and good, as we should constantly challenge our most basic assumptions. In this paper I look at the arguments presented... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsResearch Methods and MethodologyArgumentation
In some Tibeto-Burman languages we find a distinction, in the pronouns and/or in verbal agreement forms, between exclusive and inclusive 1 st person plural forms – a category which has come to be known as CLUSIVITY (Filiminova 2005). This... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsTibeto-Burman
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      NepalSino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsTibeto-Burman
The Lands of SHIVA Part I ---BURMA
How Hinduism spread to mayammar
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      BurmaBurma MyanmarTibeto-BurmanMayanmar
The study of hierarchical argument indexation systems shows that while the ranking of both 1st and 2nd person over other arguments is robust and reliable, it is impossible to find any compelling crosslinguistic evidence for one or the... more
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This paper returns to the question of the reconstruction of person marking in Tibet-Burman, with a view to clarifying some of the misrepresentations of my idea in the literature.
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman Linguistics
This paper presents the first documentation and analysis of a typologically remarkable process of verbal triplication in the Stau language (Sino-Tibetan). Moreover, Stau’s triplication of verbs to index multiple agents (S/A) is also used... more
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      PragmaticsLinguisticsSino-Tibetan LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
Rvmøn/Rvmøl [ɹəmɨn /ɹəmɨl], a variety of Rawang (a Nungish language) spoken in the Nokmong area of Kachin State in Myanmar, has never been documented before in a published paper. It has some distinct differences from Mvtwang [mətwɑŋ], the... more
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      SyntaxDeixisBurmaTibeto-Burman Linguistics
The deictic system of Lisu is complex, and includes deictics expressing distance, height and anaphora. Most dialects have a system which includes proximal, medial (by addressee), distal same level, distal higher level and distal lower... more
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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsLisuTibeto-BurmanDemonstratives
Antologia poetica "Oh foglia appassita del Fiume Mekong ed altre poesie" di U Soe Nyunt - Htilar Sitthu... more
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      HistoryBurmese LiteratureLiteratureContemporary History
Among the world’s languages fricatives are the rarest types of rhotics. They are found in a few African and European languages [13] and as allophones in some Romance languages [4, 8, 9, 12, 17]. Data from Nusu demonstrate the presence of... more
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      PhoneticsAcoustic PhoneticsArticulatory PhoneticsTibeto-Burman Linguistics
DRAFT with some unpublished ethnographic data on this unknown population (in French)
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast AsiaLaos (Lao PDR)LAOS
This article presents a comprehensive description of the Khaling intransitive and transitive verbal paradigms, focusing on the complex system of stem alternations, which is unmatched in the Sino-Tibetan family. Using internal... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMorphologySino-Tibetan LinguisticsTone systems
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Sino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsTibeto-Burman
Among the Tibeto-Burman languages the importance of the marking of transitivity varies greatly, from transitivity not being a very useful concept at all to being extremely important to the understanding of the morphology of the language.... more
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      Morphology (Languages And Linguistics)Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsTransitivityLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.
L'auteur s'interroge sur la nature des relations existant entre pratiques bouddhiques et cultes aux esprits à partir de l'examen des rituels d'éloignement de l'infortune chez une petite population bouddhiste du Nord-Laos, les Phounoy. Ces... more
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      Ethnic StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesLaos (Lao PDR)Animism
Studies of narrative in various European languages analyzed the discourse structure as an elaborate system of oppositions based on complex paradigms of TAM categories. However, for obvious reasons this approach is not applicable for... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsNarratologyDiscourse MarkersLinguistics
The aim of this article is to give a descriptive analysis of noun-modifying clauses in Atong, a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the South Garo Hills district of Meghalaya state in Northeast India. When I set out to describe the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSemantics/PragmaticsSyntax
Au Laos, avant et pendant la période coloniale, les relations des nombreux groupes montagnards avec les riziculteurs taï habitant les plaines -Lao, Shan, Taï Lü -, politiquement comme démographiquement dominants, se réduisaient le plus... more
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      Social ChangeEthnic StudiesAnthropologySoutheast Asian Studies
Morphological complexity is expected to decrease under mass admixture from adult second language speakers. While this has been chiefly shown for morphological richness, an unresolved question is whether the effect extends to aspects of... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionMorphological evolutionChinese linguisticsSino-Tibetan Linguistics