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The oncogenic fusion protein RET/PTC3 (RP3) that is expressed in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and thyroid epithelia in Hashimoto's thyroiditis activates nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) and induces pro-inflammatory gene... more
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      Gene expressionSignal TransductionThyroid CancerMice
Thyroid cancer (TC), comprising less than 1% of all cancers in the Netherlands, has a good prognosis in general. Controversy still remains on the extent of surgical treatment and the indication for additional Iodine-131 (131I) therapy in... more
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      Thyroid CancerSurvival RateRetrospective StudyCancer Registry
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      ImmunohistochemistryTranscription FactorsThyroid CancerClinical Practice
According to the data of the clinico-morphological register of the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism in Ukraine, for the post-Chernobyl period in Ukraine (1986-2000), 472 cases of thyroid cancer have been reported in children who... more
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      Thyroid CancerCongressAge GroupsIncidence Rate
According to the data of the clinico-morphological register of the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism in Ukraine, for the post-Chernobyl period in Ukraine (1986 -2000), 472 cases of thyroid cancer have been reported in children who... more
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      Thyroid CancerCongressAge GroupsIncidence Rate
A thyroid carcinoma cell line, BHT-101, has been established in vitro from a metastatic lymph node deposit in a female patient with a non-hormone producing anaplastic, partly thyroglobulin-and thyroxine (T4)-positive papillary thyroid... more
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      GeneticsImmunohistochemistryCell DivisionThyroid Cancer
Between 1966 and 1974, France performed 41 atmospheric nuclear weapon tests in the Mururoa and Fangataufa atolls in French Polynesia. We performed a geographic analysis of thyroid cancer incidence, using data from the cancer registry of... more
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      PolynesiaAdolescentThyroid CancerChild
When identified at early stages, most well-differentiated thyroid cancers are readily treated and yield excellent outcomes. Follicular thyroid cancer (FTC) however, when diagnosed at a late stage, may be very resistant to treatment, and... more
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      GeneticsNuclear ReceptorBiological SciencesThyroid Cancer
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      RadiationAdolescentUrban HealthUkraine
Results: Images of 3D ultrasonography provided relationship between nodules and adjacent tissue rapidly. Benign solid nodules of thyroid showed a complete hyperechogenic interface, and 88.9% nodules showed regular halo. There were nodules... more
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      Thyroid CancerUltrasonographyClinical SciencesFine needle aspiration cytology
Les tumeurs endocrines sont des tumeurs rares caractérisées par la production de protéines de structures ou de produits de sécrétion communs aux neurones et aux cellules endocrines. Elles peuvent être responsables de modifications du... more
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      Thyroid CancerCerebrospinal FluidAnesthesiaClinical Sciences
The need for time and attention, given by the doctor to the patient, due to the increased volume of medical data to be interpreted and filtered for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes has encouraged the development of the option to... more
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      EndocrinologyArtificial IntelligenceImage AnalysisMedicine
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      Risk assessmentThyroid CancerUltrasonographyDifferential Diagnosis
The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was the worst industrial accident of the last century that involved radiation. The unprecedented release of multiple different radioisotopes led to radioactive contamination of large areas... more
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      UkraineThyroid CancerClinical oncologyHealth Status
Purpose Using 123 I for diagnostic purposes avoids the risk of stunning for subsequent radioiodine treatment and affords an excellent image quality. In this study we assessed the role of 123 I in comparison with 131 I post-treatment... more
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentImage QualityThyroid Cancer
During 20 years after the Chernobyl catastrophe (1986-2005 inclusive) thyroid cancer was diagnosed in more than 12,000 patients of Belarus. The peak incidence in children was observed in 1995 and since 2001 only sporadic cases occur in... more
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    • Thyroid Cancer
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      Thyroid CancerTiroid
The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was the worst industrial accident of the last century that involved radiation. The unprecedented release of multiple different radioisotopes led to radioactive contamination of large areas... more
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      UkraineThyroid CancerClinical oncologyHealth Status
Thyroid carcinomas are rare and represent 1% of malignant tumours. Women are more likely to have thyroid cancer, at a ratio of three to one. Thyroid cancer may occur in any age group, although it is most common after the age of 30, and... more
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      Thyroid CancerUltrasonographyEMCThyroxine
Le césium 137 ( 137 Cs) est un radionucléide retrouvé dans l'environnement suite aux essais aériens des armes nucléaires et aux accidents survenus dans des centrales nucléaires comme à Tchernobyl en 1986. Les conséquences sanitaires d'une... more
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      Vitamin DThyroid CancerRenal FunctionPrussian Blue
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      Thyroid CancerDiabetes mellitusPheochromocytomaParathyroid Hormone
17.10 – 17.20 pm Role of Ultrasonography in characterising benign and malignant thyroid nodules Ayman Elsayed (short oral presentation) Diana Princess Of Wales Hospital, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS foundation Trust, Radiology... more
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      ThyroidThyroid CancerUltrasonographyThyroid Diseases
Abstract This research introduces Sorush Cancer Treatment Ptotocol (SCTP) based on successful cancer treatment methodology which has done by Dr. Somayeh Zaminpira and Dr. Sorush Niknamian in 54 cancer patients in Violet Cancer Institute... more
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      Public Health NutritionCancerBreast CancerProstate Cancer
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    • Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid cancers cover a large spectrum of disease with diametrically opposite prognosis. At one end of the spectrum we have the well differentiated cancers which carry an excellent prognosis, while at the other end there is anaplastic... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesThyroid CancerBiomedical Research
Verbal Presentation at: General Surgeons Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2017 (29/9-1/10, Canberra) Authors: David Roshan, Earl Abraham, Bryan Tran, Susannah Graham, Christopher Lehane, James Wykes, Peter Campbell, Ardalan... more
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    • Thyroid Cancer
Background: There has been considerable difference in the mode of the imaging procedure and approach for the workup and post-surgery surveillance of thyroid cancer. Determination of serum thyroglobulin is recommended in the follow-up for... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingUltrasoundThyroid Cancer
Thyroid tumors include those that originate from follicular cells and those that arise from parafollicular cells (C cells). Differentiated thyroid cancer, which originates from follicular cells, includes papillary carcinoma, follicular... more
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      Breast CancerBreast surgeryThyroid SurgeryThyroid Cancer
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      RiskTreatment OutcomeThyroidKorean
Aim: the purpose of the paper is to determine the frequency of multifocal thyroid cancer wide-spreading for tumors with different characteristics. Materials and Methods: a retrospective study of patients’ cohort has been carried out... more
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    • Thyroid Cancer
26 April 2006 marks the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. On this occasion, the World Health Organization (WHO), within the UN Chernobyl Forum initiative, convened an Expert Group to evaluate the health impacts of Chernobyl.... more
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      Radiation ProtectionHealth Impact AssessmentChernobylRisk assessment
Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC) accounts for approximately 1.7% of all thyroid malignancies. The vast majority of MTC are sporadic, but 15% to 25% of the cases result from a germline mutation in the RET proto-oncogene. Familial Medul-lary... more
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      Thyroid SurgeryThyroid CancerBreast and Thyroid SurgeryPapillary thyroid cancer
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      MicroRNABiomarkersFutureThyroid Cancer
The thyroid was, so to speak, the Womb of clinical nuclear medicine, which was born when scientists in the United Kingdom and the United States attempted to quantitate the percentage of iodine-131 taken up by the thyroid gland in 1940s... more
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      Nuclear medicineUnited KingdomThyroid CancerThyroid gland
formation médicale continue le point sur… Conduite à tenir devant un nodule thyroïdien : échographie, cytoponction J Tramalloni, H Monpeyssen, JM Correas et O Hélénon Objectifs 1) Connaître les signes échographiques d'un nodule thyroïdien... more
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      UltrasoundRisk assessmentThyroid CancerThyroid gland
The aims of these recommendations were to develop clinical guidelines for evaluation and management of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer applicable to Latin American countries. The panel was composed by 13 members of the Latin... more
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      Evidence Based MedicineThyroid CancerLatin AmericaUltrasonography
... 3 )S ite of active rad io iod ine transport Uptak e may be intense; breastfeed in g m u st stop ( 4,15,18,64,67–69,71,72,75,80–82,85,87,93 ) before scintig raphy, ... Major ro u te of rad io iod ine excretion Cloth in g m u st be chan... more
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    • Thyroid Cancer
Background: For significant numbers of patients dissatisfied on standard levothyroxine (LT4) treatment for hypothyroidism, patient-specific responses to T4 could play a significant role. Aim: To assess response heterogeneity to LT4... more
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      ThyroidThyroid CancerThyroid HormonesSetpoint Theory
Thyroid nodules are a major health problem worldwide. The prevalence of palpable thyroid nodules in the general population is approximately 5% in women and 1% in men living in parts of the world with sufficient iodine. High resolution... more
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      CancerCancer BiologyThyroid CancerThyroid Nodules
Objective: To investigate any abnormalities of the menstrual cycle and/or pregnancy in women Ͻ40 years old who had received radioiodine (I-131) therapy for thyroid cancer. Design: Case-control study. Setting: General military hospital in... more
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      Risk assessmentComorbidityGreeceThyroid Cancer
Thyroid is one of the largest endocrine gland. It is a small butterfly shaped gland which is located in the front portion of the neck.It is located just below the Adams apple. Thyroid gland produces hormones that help the body to control... more
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      EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer ScienceMedical Sciences
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      GeneticsThyroid CancerPost-Transcriptional Gene RegulationRadiation Exposure
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      ForecastingNuclear medicineSurvival AnalysisTreatment Outcome
AIM: To evaluate whether thyroid surgery be decided based on ultrasonographic criteria of the nodule(s), irrespective of cytopathological findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The histopathological findings of resected thyroid lobes were... more
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      Ultrasound ImagingUltrasoundThyroidThyroid Surgery
Background and Purpose: Salivary gland impairment following high-dose radioiodine treatment is well recognized. Since differentiated thyroid cancer has a good prognosis, reduction of long-term side effects is important. This study... more
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      Quality of lifeTransmission Electron MicroscopyRadiotherapyThyroid Cancer
and malignant states into invasive cancers (Foulds, 1954). These observations have been rendered more con-Hormone Research Institute University of California at San Francisco crete by a large body of work indicating that the genomes of... more
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      CancerNuclear medicineCancer BiologyNuclear Medicine and PET-CT
The need for time and attention, given by the doctor to the patient, due to the increased volume of medical data to be interpreted and filtered for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes has encouraged the development of the option to... more
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      EndocrinologyArtificial IntelligenceImage AnalysisMedicine
La gammagrafía con tecnecio 99 (Tc99) sestamibi y la biopsia por aspiración permiten predecir de forma relativamente segura el resultado histopatológico de un nódulo tiroideo.Determinar la utilidad diagnóstica de la gammagrafía tiroidea... more
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      Thyroid CancerYoung AdultDifferential DiagnosisAged
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      Thyroid CancerEmergency Medical ServicesClinical SciencesAged
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      GeneticsCancerFlow CytometryCell Cycle