Recent papers in Thumos
Les émotions constituent un défi dans l’éducation platonicienne. Elles sont des réactions aux valeurs du bien, du beau, du juste, et elles les véhiculent dans l’action. Que les affects et les émotions n’entravent pas la moralité de... more
My MA Thesis charts Homer’s Iliad as a song of thumoresistance. I mean the very intersection of thumos and stasis. Thumos means heart, spirit, rage, bravery and is understood to be the courageous part of the Ancient Greek psyche. Stasis... more
This study of Greek time before Aristotle’s philosophy starts with a commentary on his first text, the Protrepticus. We shall see two distinct forms of time emerge: one initiatory, circular and Platonic in inspiration, the other its... more
In Greek literature tyrants were often characterized by their attachment to power, anger, and excessive violence. 1 Stories of murders, collective punishments and outbursts against enemies, friends and relatives alike were often littered... more
Aristotle says that is not easy to lay out completely definitive rules about getting angry (ou gar hradion diorisai . . . orgisteon) He notes that this difficulty applies to:
A great gap in Tolkien scholarship has been to miss how deeply Saruman answers the age-old antagonism between rhetoric and philosophy. Like John Milton, Tolkien cannot bring himself to trust rhetoric. It threatens the unitary truth of a... more
What is Aristotle’s conception of thumos? This question can be broken down into two separate but related questions: (a) what is the object of desire for thumos, and (b) in which faculty of the soul is thumos grounded? The latter question... more
In the Phaedrus, Plato describes the control of the epithumia by the reason as being extremely violent. The epithumia-black horse is brutalized and it becomes obedient by this brutality. The aim of this paper is to prove that this... more
This paper challenges Jacques Rancière's characterization of Plato's Republic as being hostile to democratic politics, mimetic activities, and sensory experiences. Instead, through a complex analysis of the importance of thumos in the... more
This article examines Plato’s critique of, and revisions to, Socratic rationality via a close examination of Socrates’ teaching about the early education of the guardians in the Republic. I argue that Plato’s move to a new more Platonic... more
Review of Chad Jorgenson, The Embodied Soul in Plato’s Later Thought, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Human action recognition is still a challenging problem and researchers are focusing to investigate this problem using different techniques. We propose a robust approach for human action recognition. This is achieved by extracting stable... more
The end of the Cold War is conventionally understood to have inaugurated a new era in international relations. The most well-known such attempt to provide a new grand theory is Francis Fukuyama's adaptation of the end of history thesis.... more
Research has shown that the knowledge worker, the decisive driver of the knowledge economy, works increasingly longer hours. In fact, it would appear that instead of working to live, they live to work. There appears to be three reasons... more
In this paper I attempt to come to a critical understanding of an intriguing phe nomenon at the heart of a broader question, i.e. what are we today-as knowledge workers-in relation to our present understood as the globalising neoliberal... more
In Plato, the Internet Journal of the International Plato Society, International Plato Society, 2006, 6, 〈〉.... more