This corridor between Jigme Dorji National Park and Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve is part of the biological corridor network in the country. The corridor is 30 kilometers in length and has an area of 149 The survey for... more
Although evidence‐based approaches have become commonplace for determining the success of conservation measures for the management of threatened taxa, there are no standard metrics for assessing progress in research or management. We... more
Length-frequency distributions, length-weight relationships, length-length relationships and condition factors (Fulton's K F , allometric K A , and relative K R ) of Arius gigas in the Obuama Creek in Rivers State, Nigeria were... more
Background: Background: Studies on length-weight relationships and associated aspects like length frequency distribution, sex ratio and condition factors are of paramount importance for sustainable management and conservation of concerned... more
Background: Background: Studies on length-weight relationships and associated aspects like length frequency distribution, sex ratio and condition factors are of paramount importance for sustainable management and conservation of concerned... more
Olga (92) ist nach Turgi gezogen, da ihre Tochter hier lebt. Obwohl ihre Sehkraft reduziert ist, möchte sie ihre Umgebung aktiv geniessen. Oft sind es Kleinigkeiten, die dazu beitragen, alle Menschen am öffentlichen Leben teilhaben zu... more
Recent Introduction of the African Cheetah in India is more emotion than ecology. These are still kept in the enclosure, and served meat than let them hunt. We find following gap in this inter-continental... more
Trends in abundance and changes in the distribution of the Northeast Europe/ Northwest Europe Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii population have been studied in detail since the second half of the 20th century, but much less is... more
The Philippines ranks second in terms of number of threatened endemic birds in the world (Stattersfield et al. 1998, Collar et al. 1999, Mallari et al. 2001). Many of these endemic and threatened birds are restricted to one island or a... more
Population demographics for amphibian larvae are rarely estimated due to marking technique limitations on small body size, morphological change (metamorphosis), and the associated habitat changes (aquatic to terrestrial environments). A... more
African lion (Panthera leo) populations in East Africa are decreasing. The biggest threat being the human-lion conflict caused by habitat loss and fragmentation, which end up making most protected areas too small to sustain the widely... more
This paper illuminates a variety of issues that speak to the question of whether 'captivity for conservation' can be an ethically acceptable goal of the modern zoo. Reflecting on both theoretical disagreements (animal protectionists vs.... more
Autores y co-autores de capítulos Anexos 1. Materiales y métodos 2. Consideraciones para la toma de muestras en campo 3. Medidas referenciales de cráneos y mandíbulas de marsupiales, lagomorfos y roedores 4. Identificación morfológica y... more
Tree diversity in Asia's tropical and subtropical forests is central to nature-based solutions. Species vulnerability to multiple threats, which affect provision of ecosystem services, is poorly understood. We conducted a region-wide,... more
Anthropogenic threats impacting ecological targets should be mitigated and solved using fast and schematic tools useful in conservation strategies. Herein, we suggest a mixed and quick approach implementing coarse-grained (and... more
Eleven trawling operations were carried out in Mersin Bay (Northeastern Mediterranean Sea) between September 2017 and November 2018 as part of establishment of the museum of the Systematic and 102 species belonging to 66 families of 20... more
Eleven trawling operations were carried out in Mersin Bay (Northeastern Mediterranean Sea) between September 2017 and November 2018 as part of the museum of the Systematic. In this study, 102 fish species belonging to 66 families of 20... more
Wild animals are captured or taken opportunistically, and the meat, body parts, and/or eggs are consumed for local subsistence or used for traditional purposes to some extent across most of the world, particularly in the tropics and... more
Megaleporinus obtusidens and M. macrocephalus were known to be the only representatives of the genus in Argentina and the former was also the only species recorded from the Paraná river in the country. Recent collection campaigns at... more
Ecosystem services (ES) are the bridge between nature and society, and are essential elements of any community's wellbeing. Australia is a place of diverse climates with a narrow band of wet tropics in Far North Queensland. The Wet... more
The tropics harbour the highest species number on Earth, making them critical hotspots of biodiversity. However, there is an increased extinction risk towards the tropics, aka the tropical biodiversity crisis. Today, biodiversity loss is... more
Unser herzlicher Dank geht an Elisabeth Clément-Arnold (Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung), Martina Mittelholzer (Bundesamt für wirtschaftliche Landesversorgung), Anton Stübi (Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft), Simon Richoz (Bau-und... more
This paper illuminates a variety of issues that speak to the question of whether 'captivity for conservation' can be an ethically acceptable goal of the modern zoo. Reflecting on both theoretical disagreements (animal protectionists vs.... more
This nearshore, reef-associated species of damselfish is endemic to the Galápagos Islands. Its maximum estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) is 57,867 km2 and maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is smaller than 2,000 km2. Apparently, it... more
Monitorear especies amenazadas no es fácil, pues los protocolos deben de ser ajustados considerando la baja detectabilidad de la especie. En este estudio, proponemos modelos de ocupación con cámaras trampa para monitorear al Paujil del... more
Local ecological knowledge provides novel, detailed and context-specific information about human and nonhuman use of marine ecosystems, therefore incorporating this knowledge into marine conservation planning is crucial. Participatory... more
Harvesting of orchids for medicine and salep production is a traditional practice, and increasing market demand is spurring illegal harvest. Ethno‐ecological studies in combination with the effect of anthropogenic disturbance are lacking... more
In preparation for the IUCN Redlist Assessment for the fishes of the Galapagos Archipelago, we have reviewed the literature to date and surveyed the observations of the various experts and naturalists most familiar with the region. Using... more
Zusammenfassung Viele Agglomerationsräume stehen nach wie vor unter Siedlungsdruck und sind dementsprechend mit anhaltender Bodenversiegelung konfrontiert. Die Sicherung städtischer und stadtnaher Grünflächen gilt daher weiterhin als... more
Present study is focused on the tree species found in the Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya campus in Koni-Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. With the purpose of documenting the tree species, a site visit was conducted in the month of January 2022 to... more
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
Some aspects of reproductive biology of Pethia ticto (Hamilton, 1822) from the Gorai River of southwestern (SW) Bangladesh were investigated by regular monthly samples for a period of one year during July 2010 to June 2011. A sum of 1200... more
Recreational fisheries contribute substantially to the sociocultural and economic well‐being of coastal and riparian regions worldwide, but climate change threatens their sustainability. Fishery managers require information on how climate... more
This study presents a survey of small-stream fish species from the Purus-Madeira interfluve, collected in four streams near Humaitá on the highway BR-319. The results reveal a rich and diversified ichthyofauna with 3016 collected... more
Itaúnas is a locality of rare scenic beauty, with white sand dunes in the middle of the savanna coastal environments, known as restinga, and many flooded pools, forming a unique landscape. In these ponds of dark water, matte tea colored,... more
Gomarda Wildlife Sanctuary (GWS) is situated in Sarangarh-Bilaigarh district of Chhattisgarh state. Spread over an area of 277.82 km 2 with central coordinates 21°30' 24" North and 83° 6' 46" East. The landscape is safeguarded by nature... more
We report the roadkill of a jaguar in one of the longest highways in Brazil (BR-101), in the stretch where this road crosses one of the most important Atlantic Forest remnants in the country: the Linhares-Sooretama block. The jaguar... more
Justice and food security in a changing climate 5 Acknowledgements Both the planning of EurSafe2021 and the origin of this book were profoundly influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, and we are extremely pleased to see that so many... more
The pygmy hippopotamus Choeropsis liberiensis is an Endangered species found only in the Upper Guinea rainforests of West Africa. Using a two-phase approach, with initial semi-structured interviews followed by more extensive... more
The pygmy hippopotamusChoeropsis liberiensisis an Endangered species found only in the Upper Guinea rainforests of West Africa. Using a two-phase approach, with initial semi-structured interviews followed by more extensive questionnaires,... more
Biodiversity loss is extreme in amphibians. Despite ongoing conservation action, it is difficult to determine where we stand in overcoming their extinction crisis. Among the most threatened amphibians are the 131 Neotropical harlequin... more
Europe has a long tradition of exploiting marine fishes and is promoting marine economic activity through its Blue Growth strategy. This increase in anthropogenic pressure, along with climate change, threatens the biodiversity of fishes... more