Thomas Csordas
Recent papers in Thomas Csordas
A atividade vivencial a partir da leitura de um texto bíblico - Bibliodrama (ROESE, 2007) - combina com o paradigma da corporeidade proposto por Csordas (2008), que considera o corpo como espaço fenomênico e solo existencial para... more
Geist- oder Wunderheiler, schamanische, spirituelle oder mediale Heiler: Viele von ihnen verstehen sich als vermittelndes Medium, um mit zumeist unsichtbaren Kräften, Strömen oder Wesen auf Hilfe suchende Klienten einzuwirken. Ehler Voss... more
Zusammenfassung Dem Umgang mit Trance und Besessenheit ist in der ethnologischen Literatur viel Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet worden und dementsprechende Fremderfahrungen stellen seit jeher eine Herausforderung für rationale Erklärungen dar.... more
El sacrificio como modo somático de atención: aportes patočkeanos a la antropología del embodiment
This book presents an ethnography of nature walks in a rural area of Paraná state, southern Brazil. The event is organized by government agencies responsible for implementing public policies for farming, tourism, the environment and... more
While globalization paradigms have proven generative for studies of contemporary Pentecostalism, theorists of the Black Atlantic question whether such phenomena as trans-localism and mobility are actually as novel as they are often... more
Initiating a research project and conducting the fieldwork is exciting, but doing research is not easy, especially as an undergraduate student. I realized this while taking "Field Experience in the Borderlands," a course where our field... more
Partindo do paradigma da corporeidade, como coloca Csordas (2008), o autor propõe transcender metodologias ao propor um olhar fenomenológico de que o corpo é sujeito da cultura ou sua base existencial. Para Hallowell o self é... more
This book presents an ethnography of nature walks in a rural area of Paraná state, southern Brazil. The event is organized by government agencies responsible for implementing public policies for farming, tourism, the environment and... more
Industrial growth and the development of the new middle class in South Korea of the 1980s went together with increased consumption and leisure culture, causing growing concerns with health and personal self-cultivation. Accordingly,... more
This article questions the Cartesian mind/body dichotomy followed by most Western academia. It compares and contrasts two ethnographies of the body that entail different theoretical conceptions of the body, casting doubt on the ‘Cogito... more
Artykuł jest próbą praktycznego wykorzystania koncepcji ucieleśnienia (embodiment) w badaniu kultury religijnej rosyjskich staroobrzędowców zamieszkujących ukraińską część historycznego Budziaku (obwód odeski).
Religion, body and health: an interview with Thomas Csordas
Tematem mojej pracy są techniki posługiwania się ciałem praktykowane w grupie Taichi Qigong w Poznaniu. Ćwiczenia te można przypisać do chińskiej tradycji qigong i taijiquan, wiele z nich opiera się jednak na autorskich pomysłach... more
This research focuses empirically on the promotion and organization of hiking events as Paraná state’s public policy. In this context, we have investigated the way in which the state's action is related to a range of broader changes... more