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Self-harm is a risk factor for further episodes of self-harm and suicide. The most common service used by self-injurers is the emergency department. However, very often, nurses have received no special training to identify and address the... more
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      NursingSelf CareClinical ReasoningTeaching
. Reasoning about the height and location of a hidden object in 4.5 and 6.5month-old infants. Cognition, 38: 13-42. ' TkYis rescaxb was supported by a gram irom the Nationai institute of Child iieaith and Human Development (HD-21104). I... more
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      CognitionVisual perceptionSpace perceptionThinking
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      SchizophreniaCognitionSocial CognitionSocial Interaction
Understanding young adults' anxiety requires applying a multidimensional approach to assess the psychosocial, behavioral, and cognitive aspects of this phenomenon. A hypothesized model of the relationships among coping style, thinking... more
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      PsychologyNursingSocial SupportAdolescent
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      Organizational BehaviorMarketingPsychologyApplied Psychology
With medical education transitioning from knowledge-based curricula to competency-based curricula, critical thinking skills have emerged as a major competency. While there are validated external instruments for assessing critical... more
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      Veterinary EducationEducational MeasurementCurriculumCalifornia
A small-world network has been suggested to be an efficient solution for achieving both modular and global processing-a property highly desirable for brain computations. Here, we investigated functional networks of cortical neurons using... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVisual perceptionElectroencephalographyEntropy
While performing a visuo-motor task under incrementally-varied levels of difficulty, individuals were probed with a variety of novel, task-irrelevant, auditory stimuli. To determine the effect of task load on cerebralcortical processing... more
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      PsychophysiologyThinkingReaction TimeYoung Adult
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionCulture
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      AdolescentThinkingChildConcept Formation
Expressive writing, which involves disclosing one's deepest thoughts and feelings about a stressful life event by using a first-person perspective, has been linked to gains in health and well-being, though effect sizes range widely.... more
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      PsychologyCoping StrategiesWritingLinguistics
Pairs of young and elderly Ss participated in a short play and were then instructed to talk about factual or affective aspects of the play or to talk about the play without any particular focus suggested. In both the affective and control... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAgingAttention
Discussing Faiciuc's paper, I first tackle the problem of fallacies in deductive reasoning showing how, in a possible world theory, non correct forms of reasoning can be useful strategies for discovery, providing these strategies remain... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLogicDecision Making
While neuroimaging studies implicate medial rostral prefrontal cortex (mrPFC) in self-referential processing, simulation accounts of social cognition suggest that this region also supports thinking about other people. This study tested... more
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      PersonalitySocial CognitionMagnetic Resonance ImagingFunctional MRI
Social communication requires shared representations as well as a cognitive¯exibility for successful interactions between self and other. What neural mechanisms underlie the ability to distinguish between our own perspective vs. the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCommunicationCognition
Introduction Although the fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) is to varying degrees almost universal in cancer survivors, few studies have been carried out specifically on this issue partly because of the complexity and the heterogeneity of... more
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      Coping StrategiesFearCancerCancer Survivorship
CONTEXT Teaching students in reflection calls for specific teacher competencies. We developed and validated a rating scale focusing on Student perceptions of their Teachers' competencies to Encourage Reflective Learning in small Groups... more
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      EducationPsychometricsMedical EducationConsumer Behavior
Objective. The Health Sciences Reasoning Test (HSRT) is a validated instrument to assess critical-thinking skills. The objective of this study was to determine if HSRT results improved in second-year student pharmacists after exposure to... more
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      Educational MeasurementCurriculumThinkingProspective studies
Building on the work of Lavy and van den Hout (Lavy, E. H., & van den Hout, M. A. (1994a). Cognitive avoidance and attentional bias: Causal relationships. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 18 (2) 179-191; Lavy, E. H., & van den Hout, M. A.... more
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersCognitionVocabulary
In his seminal paper, Donders proposed that Choice reaction time (RT) tasks differ from Go/No-go RT tasks only by the insertion of a response decision operation. We evaluated this possibility by comparing the time course of... more
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      PsychophysiologyCognitionElectroencephalographyBiological Sciences
In two experiments, unusual phenomena (spontaneous destruction of objects in an empty wooden box) were demonstrated to adult participants living in rural communities in Mexico. These were accompanied by actions which had no physical link... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMagicCulture
We charted daily variations in intrusive thoughts to gain access to adult age differences in affective reactivity to daily stressors. On 100 days, 101 younger and 103 older adults reported stressors, intrusive thoughts, and negative... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAgingActivities of Daily Living
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) subserves reasoning in the service of adaptive behavior. Little is known, however, about the architecture of reasoning processes in the PFC. Using computational modeling and neuroimaging, we show here that the... more
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      AlgorithmsCognitionBehaviorMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a science policy concept that gained traction from 2000 onwards in the EU and US, in which alignment on purposes and values between different stakeholders is a key aspect. This thought... more
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      SociologyNeuroimagingPolicyChild Care
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      BiochemistryMolecular BiologyMultimediaReading
Lanin-Kettering and Harrow (1985) argue the traditional position that schizophrenia is a thought disorder. Chaika and Lambe (1985) counter that it is a speech disorder at the syntactic-discursive level, and not a thought disorder. On the... more
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      CommunicationLinguisticsSpeech actsSpeech
Title. Creating context for critical thinking in practice: the role of the preceptor. Aim. This paper is a report of a study to determine the impact of the preceptor coaching component of a reflective contextual learning intervention on... more
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      NursingReflective PracticeCritical ThinkingNurse Education
Leadership behaviors are an important aspect of athletic training and are needed within all allied health care disciples. A two-phase, exploratory, non-experimental research study using a Delphi technique and a randomly selected sample of... more
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      CommunicationPersonalityLeadershipAllied Health
Correlations of age, gender, and psychosocial variables with ratings of current homicidal ideation and in tent were investigated among psychiatric facility clients with schizophrenia. Multiple regression analyses revealed, irrespective of... more
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During adolescence, rates of depression dramatically increase and girls become twice as likely as boys to develop depression. Research suggests that overgeneral autobiographical memory and rumination are vulnerability factors for... more
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      PsychologyDepressionAdolescentAutobiographical Memory
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      NursingLeadershipPrimary Health CareSystems Integration
Erythropoietin (Epo) has neuroprotective and neurotrophic eVects and improves cognitive function in animal models of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric illness. In humans, weekly Epo administration over 3 months improves cognitive... more
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      CognitionMagnetic Resonance ImagingWorking MemoryTreatment Outcome
Narrative reasoning is a central mode of clinical reasoning in occupational therapy. Therapists reason narratively when they are concerned with disability as an illness experience, that is, with how a physiological condition is affecting... more
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      CommunicationCreativityOccupational TherapyImagination
Promoting clinical reasoning in undergraduate nursing students through application of the Outcome Present State Test (OPT) Model of Clinical Reasoning, is a challenge that can be successfully managed through effective teaching-learning... more
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      NursingClinical ReasoningLearningThinking
Background: Previous studies suggest that people attempt suicide because they are cognitively inflexible, but past research suggesting a link between cognitive inflexibility and suicidal thoughts and behavior has been limited by... more
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The behaviors of other people are often central to envisioning the future. The ability to accurately predict the thoughts and actions of others is essential for successful social interactions, with farreaching consequences. Despite its... more
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      Cognitive SciencePersonality PsychologyPersonalityTheory of Mind
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) requires patient immobility and children generally need to be sedated. The ideal sedative agent for functional MRI (fMRI) should only minimally hamper the neurophysiologic effect of the administered... more
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      PsychologyApplied EthicsEducationCognition
Successful learning requires that individuals integrate information from the external environment with their own internal representations. In this article, we consider the role that mind wandering plays in education. Mind wandering... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionAttention
significantly lower rCBF in Sz relative to the controls (Z threshold = 2,80; corrected p =0.05; region size= 360 (k) voxels, P(l1max>k)=0.015), presumed to represent diminished tertiary olfactory processing. Importantly, controls (but not... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAuditory PerceptionSchizophreniaCognition
Aim To develop a model of change during and following professional treatment for drinking problems, grounded in clients' accounts. Participants Subsets of consecutively selected clients of the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT),... more
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      AddictionFamilySocial SupportMotivation
Teams are the fundamental element of work in the contemporary clinical setting. As interdisciplinary teams become an essential component of the evidence-based framework for clinical practice, their formalization, integration, and... more
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      NursingLeadershipEvidence Based MedicineGroup Processes
At the close of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research conference in July 2012, one of the organizers made the comment: “Misconceptions are so yesterday.” Within the community of learning sciences, misconceptions... more
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This study presents a conceptual framework for clinical reasoning by dental students. Using a think-aloud method with six vignettes, the researchers interviewed eighteen dental students from two stages of training about oral... more
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      DentistryDecision MakingHealth Professional EducationDental Education
This Monograph aims to contribute to the information processing, the differential, and the developmental modeling of the mind, and to work these into an integrated theory. Toward this aim, a longitudinal study is presented that... more
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      PsychologyCognitive developmentCognitionWorking Memory
Although dentistry recognizes that dental caries management encompasses more than restoring the consequences of the disease, caries risk assessment and management that go beyond traditional restorative care have not always had a strong... more
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      DentistryCommunicationDental ResearchEvidence Based Medicine
Background: Worry exposure (WE) is a core element of cognitive-behavioral treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Its efficacy as a stand-alone treatment method (without further cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions) has... more
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersCognitionMetacognition
Background: The purpose of this research was to translate into Spanish and examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale (CCBS) in male soccer players. The CCBS is a questionnaire... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceNursingNutrition and Dietetics
The substantial health burden associated with major depressive disorder (MDD) is a product of both its high prevalence and the significant risk of relapse, recurrence, and chronicity. Establishing recurrence vulnerability factors (VFs)... more
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      PsychologyAbnormal PsychologyCognitionAttention
Public health strategies have placed increasing emphasis on psychosocial and arts-based strategies for promoting well-being. This study presents preliminary findings for a specific literary-based intervention, Shared Reading, which... more
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      Applied EthicsHealth PromotionLiteratureMental Health
Two experiments employed experience sampling to examine the factors associated with a prospective and retrospective focus during mind wandering. Experiment One explored the contribution of working memory and indicated that participants... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyCognition