The paper presents an investigation of the influence of thermal radiation and viscous dissipation on the mixed convective flow due to a vertical plate immersed in a non-Darcy porous medium saturated with a Newtonian fluid. The physical... more
This report details experimental data useful in validating radiative transfer codes involving participating media, particularly for cases involving combustion. Special emphasis is on data for pool fires. Features sought in the references... more
The full-spectrum correlated-k distribution method has been shown to be exact for thermal radiation in molecular gas-particulate mixtures which obey the correlation assumption. Unfortunately, this assumption breaks down for molecular... more
The article discusses ideas about the role of so-called greenhouse gases in changing the temperature of the earth's atmosphere. A detailed analysis of the essence of the problem raises questions to which the existing theory does not give... more
Observations have confirmed the formation of dust grains in the metal-rich ejecta of SN 1987A. In this paper the grain formation in the ejecta is reinvestigated on the basis of the revised hydrodynamical model and elemental composition of... more
In this paper, we investigate numerically the flow and heat transfer characteristics of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting micropolar fluid between two infinite uniformly stretching disks, taking the radiation and viscous... more
For prediction of incident radiative heat fluxes on the furnace walls of a boiler, one of the most accurate radiation models, the zone method of analysis, has been employed to analyze radiative heat transfer in the freeboard of large... more
Open spaces in tropical climates are highly exposed to solar radiation. These conditions will influence the outdoor energy budget, leading to an increased heat island effect and reduced human thermal comfort. Trees, however, can influence... more
The numerical evaluation of the net radiative heat transfer rate in a single zone, non absorbing furnace enclosure is reported. In this analysis, simplified mathematical furnace model namely, the long furnace model is used to determine... more
A summary of the Low Earth Orbital Environment, its impact on the Photovoltaic Power systems of the space station and the solutions implemented to resolve the environmental concerns or issues are described. Low Earth Orbital Environment... more
A better mechanical resistance and improved thermal conductivity, as compared to mono nanoliquids, can be attained by the ethylene glycol-based hybrid nanofluids. These fluids have substantial uses in several engineering systems. The main... more
We present an updated and newly compiled radio-continuum data base for Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg Hα (MASH) planetary nebulae (PNe) detected in the extant largescale 'blind' radio-continuum surveys [NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS), Sydney... more
The ballistic limit of isotropic elastic scattering in an infinite slab of thickness L is studied using rigorous lower bounds for the transmission-time distribution. In this model particles with velocity v enter the slab normal to its... more
The present paper investigates the effects of thermal radiation, joule heating on an unsteady hydro magnetic free convective flow of a viscous electrically conductive Newtonian and polar fluid past a semi-infinite vertical plate embedded... more
We study under what conditions the thermal peeling is present for dissipative local and quasi-local anisotropic spherical matter configurations. Thermal peeling occurs when different signs in the velocity of fluid elements appear, giving... more
When using vision systems that employ multiple spectral bandwidths, such as visible and Long-Wave Infrared (LWIR) bands, the calibration object's appearance can significantly impact the matching of common features in the images. To... more
Microorganisms play a vital role to understand the ecological system and so it is very important to understand the behavior of microorganism due to different parameters. In the present paper, we implement a mathematical model to... more
An analysis has been carried out to examine the two-dimensional and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of thixotropic fluid over a stretched surface. The thermal radiation effect in the heat transfer is considered when the thermal... more
We present a simple and general procedure for calculating the thermal radiation coming from any stationary metric. The physical picture is that the radiation arises as the quasiclassical tunneling of particles through a gravitational... more
The Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) is a remote-sensing Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) on the Cassini orbiter that measures thermal radiation over two decades in wavenumber, from 10 to 1400 cm -1 (1 mm to 7µm), with a... more
Indoor thermal environment in air conditioned spaces is most important factor while considering comfort level. We know that air distribution methods are used for comfort purpose which is important for finding the perfect indoor... more
The phenomenon of ablation is a process of thermal protection with several applications, mainly, in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Ablative thermal protection is applied using special materials (named ablative materials) externally... more
The Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) will use supercritical helium to cool all the magnets and supply helium
The molecular ion of acetophenone is shown to undergo unimolecular dissociation to the benzoyl cation in an ICR cell at low pressures and in the vicinity of 333 K with rate constants in the range of 2 to 4 s−1. Pressure and temperature... more
The molecular ion of acetophenone is shown to undergo unimolecular dissociation to the benzoyl cation in an ICR cell at low pressures and in the vicinity of 333 K with rate constants in the range of 2 to 4 s−1. Pressure and temperature... more
International audienceIf Hydrogen is expected to be highly valuable, some improvements should be conducted, mainly regarding the storage safety. To prevent from high pressure hydrogen composite tanks bursting, the comprehension of the... more
Unsteady magneto-hydrodynamic heat and mass transfer analysis of hybrid nanofluid flow over stretching surface with chemical reaction, suction, slip effects and thermal radiation is analyzed in this problem. Combination of carbon... more
This communication deliberates the time-reliant and Darcy–Forchheimer flow of water-based CNTs/gold nanoparticles past a Riga plate. In addition, nonlinear radiation, heat consumption and multiple slip conditions are considered. Entropy... more
In this study, two dimensional mixed convective MHD stagnation point flow of Casson fluid past an infinite plate in porous medium is considered. Effects of thermophoresis, Brownian motion, non-linear thermal radiation, heat generation and... more
The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of the addition of nanoparticles to soft tissue phantoms, aiming at the enhancement of photothermal therapy for cancer. The phantoms were made of Polyvinyl chloride-plastisol... more
In this study, we analyse the effects of thermal radiation on unsteady natural convective flow of a nanofluid past an impulsively started infinite vertical plate. The nanofluid contains heat treatable nickel chromium iron alloy (Nimonic... more
Time-resolved optical and thermal analyses of laser diode arrays reveals temperature induced chirp and the presence of anomalous hot spots. I. INTRODUCTION An important need, especially for space-borne applications, is the early... more
An exact analytical description of the internal radiative field inside an emitting-absorbing gray semi-transparent medium enclosed in a two-dimensional parallelogram cavity is proposed. The expressions of the incident radiation and the... more
The present work analyzes the influence of a first-order homgeneous chemical reaction and thermal radiation on hydromagnetic free convection heat and mass transfer for a viscous fluid past a semi-infinite vertical moving porous plate... more
is paper reports multiple slip effects on MHD unsteady flow heat and mass transfer over a stretching sheet with Soret effect; suction/injection and thermal radiation are numerically analyzed. We consider a time-dependent applied magnetic... more
Aims. In a previous study we suggested that the broad-band emission and variability properties of BL Lacertae can be accounted for by a double synchrotron emission component with related inverse-Compton emission from the jet, plus thermal... more
The detection of a bright optical emission measured with good temporal resolution during the prompt phase makes GRB 060111B a rare event that is especially useful for constraining theories of the prompt optical emission. We discuss some... more
This work examines the theoretical analysis of the nonlinear thermal radiation therapy that involves microwave heating of the hyperthermia tumor cell. The heat transfer is carried out in a porous medium and is time dependent.... more
In this article, we have examined the three-dimensional flow of heat and mass transport of carbon nanotube–based nanoliquid over a rotating stretchable disk. A uniform magnetic field [Formula: see text] is applied in a transverse... more
An investigation is made for analyzing the behavior of MHD flow phenomena of a non-Newtonian fluid over a non-linear radially stretching sheet by using numerical technique. Magnetic field is considered in normal direction to the... more
A national combustion code (NCC) is under development under the sponsorship of NASA-Lewis Research Center. A part of this program is to develop a radiative heat transfer module to include the effects of radiative heat transfer (both... more
Verification and Validation of Commercial Version of the Code Work in co-operation with ANL and other participanb to improve the models rn Verm and Validate new models within me framework of the release version of the CHAD code A... more
We study a thermo-diffusive combustion model for premixed flames propagating in reactive gaseous mixtures which contain inert dust. As observed by Joulin, radiative transfer of heat may significantly enhance the flame temperature and its... more
The construction of an 8-element array camera which uses tapered light pipes to couple radiation onto Ga:Ge bolometers is described. The camera is designed for broad-band thermal infrared imaging observations between 5 and 35 |xm on the... more
Scattered electromagnetic waves from material bodies of different forms contain, in an intricate way, precise information on the intrinsic, geometrical and physical properties of the objects. Scattering theories, ever deepening, aim to... more
: An experimental analysis and computational modelling of thermal radiation from an INCONEL601 wire-mesh porous burner has been conducted. It has been found that within a bandwidth between 2 microns and 20 microns, the infrared radiation... more