This article focuses on the concept of "Therapeutic communication". it also tries to highlight the importance of this concept, which through verbal or nonverbal communication makes the nurse consciously influence a client or... more
Background: Dental anxiety is anxiety about dental treatment carried out before or immediately after a dental treatment procedure, which will have an impact on the difficulty of the dental team in carrying out dental treatment. One of the... more
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) that a ward for treat critical ill patients. The treatment for patients in ICU has a physical and psychological impact on the family, one of which is anxiety. The anxiety requires effective intervention to reduce... more
This study aims to explain the relationship between therapeutic communication done by nurses and the anxiety of family members of hospitalized child who are suffering from infectious diseases. A total of 44 respondents were included in... more
Hospitalisasi merupakan suatu proses karena alasan tertentu mengharuskan anak untuk tinggal di Rumah Sakit. Di Indonesia jumlah anak usia prasekolah yang dirawat pada tahun 2014 sebanyak 15,26%. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui... more
Perawat merupakan profesi yang menolong untuk beradaptasi secara positif terhadap stress yang dialami. Pertolongan yang diberikan perawat kepada klien harus bersifat terapeutik. Instrumen utama yang digunakan adalah diri perawat sendiri... more
Objective: Determine the level of therapeutic communication professional nursing from the perspective of people hospitalized in the Internal Medicine Service of the General Hospital Jaén, Peru. Material and method: Research quantitative,... more
S obzirom na kontinuirano povećanje broja starijih osoba u ukupnoj populaciji u Hrvatskoj, za očekivati je da će se broj starijih osoba s akutnim psihičkim smetnjama koje zahtijevaju hitno zbrinjavanje sve više povećavati. Najčešći... more
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) merupakan unit perawatan pasien kritis dengan suasana yang serba cepat, aktivitas yang sibuk, dan jam besuk yang dibatasi sehingga menyebabkan keluarga mengalami kesulitan untuk berkomunikasi dengan pasien,... more
Komunikasi terapeutik penting diterapkan perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan keperawatan, tetapi pelaksanaannya tidak maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran penerapan komunikasi terapeutik perawat pada saat tindakan... more
Background Patients of the National Institute of Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology in Luxembourg who underwent coronary angiography were surveyed for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and overweight/obesity between... more
Organski uvjetovani duševni poremećaji su poremećaji mišljenja, opažanja, afekta i ponašanja koji nastaju kao posljedica oštećenja mozga. Prepoznavanje i liječenje tih stanja je nužno ne samo za psihijatre, nego za sve liječnike.... more
The current phenomenon, patients visiting doctors generally have health information from the internet. So the study aimed to reveal the implications of the patient's health knowledge on the therapeutic communication of the doctor with the... more
La siguiente investigación explora, desde una perspectiva cualitativa, el rol de un medio de comunicación radiofónico como complemento terapéutico de usuarios y usuarias de salud mental. Considerando la comunicación una actividad... more
Kondisi kritis pada pasien yang dirawat di ruang perawatan intensif bisa menimbulkan kecemasan pada keluarga. Kecemasan keluarga muncul akibat adanya ancaman kematian, kecacatan, dan biaya perawatan yang mahal. Upaya untuk menurunkan... more
Gagal jantung adalah keadaan patofisiologik dimana jantung sebagai pompa tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan darah untuk metabolisme jaringan.Gagal jantung merupakan tahap akhir dari sebuah penyakit jantung dan merupakan penyebab peningkatan... more
The current phenomenon, patients visiting doctors generally have health information from the internet. So the study aimed to reveal the implications of the patient's health knowledge on the therapeutic communication of the doctor with the... more
Introducing the Health Coach Method of Motivational Interviewing to Medical Assistants to Improve the Patient Care Approach by Allison M. Souza MSN, Walden University, 2014 BSN, University of Phoenix, 2010 Project Submitted in Partial... more
The current phenomenon, patients visiting doctors generally have health information from the internet. So the study aimed to reveal the implications of the patient's health knowledge on the therapeutic communication of the doctor with the... more
La siguiente investigación explora, desde una perspectiva cualitativa, el rol de un medio de comunicación radiofónico como complemento terapéutico de usuarios y usuarias de salud mental. Considerando la comunicación una actividad... more
Ovaj pregledni rad prikazat će zdravstvenu skrb i zbrinjavanje psihijatrijskih bolesnika koji se nalaze u stanju akutne psihičke bolesti ili krize koje zahtijevaju hitne psihijatrijske i sestrinske intervencije. Biti će navedeni i... more
Objective: Effective communication between physicians and their patients is important in optimizing patient care. This project tested a brief, intensive, interactive medical education intervention using coaching and standardized... more
Introduction There is evidence that Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is associated with stereotypes, prejudices and stigmatization even among mental health professionals. Negative attitudes and behaviors from the part of the medical... more
Objective: Effective communication between physicians and their patients is important in optimizing patient care. This project tested a brief, intensive, interactive medical education intervention using coaching and standardized... more
Abstrak Berkomunikasi dengan pasien merupakan masalah yang sering dianggap tidak penting oleh banyak pihak termasuk staf medis, akan tetapi kajian komunikasi terapeutik membuktikan bahwa segenggam obat tidaklah efektif dalam membantu... more
Main theme of this research was interpersonal communication role to increase healing motivation to cancer patients in Banyumas Public Hospital. The research focuses in two parts; (1) communication activities from medic staff and cancer... more