Theosophy, Parapsychology

7 papers
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Theosophy is a spiritual philosophy that seeks to understand the nature of divinity, humanity, and the universe through mystical insights and esoteric teachings. Parapsychology is the scientific study of paranormal phenomena, including extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, and other experiences that challenge conventional scientific understanding.
Στο άρθρο καταδεικνύεται ότι τα όνειρα, με την ψευδαίσθηση της δεύτερης ζωής, μυστηριώδους και παράδοξης, την οποία δημιουργούν, κίνησαν από την πρωτόγονη εποχή το ενδιαφέρον των ανθρώπων και θεωρήθηκαν είτε ως εκδηλώσεις της ψυχής, ενός... more
Since the dawn of time, the exhortation by sages of all ages and cultures to know ourselves, and thereby to know humanity and the world of which we are a part, is, of course, a perennial entreaty. It would be presumptuous indeed to... more
This Chapter presents an overview of the principal stages and associated states of consciousness of man after physical death, and the processes that impel him towards rebirth. Whereas there are myriad complex details to consider in... more
H. P. Blavatsky's first significant article, her "first Occult Shot," was "A Few Questions to 'HIRAF'." Although well known and often quoted, very few have read the original article by HIRAF. Written "partly as an exercise in mental... more
“In moments of pure presence, we are who we most wish to be.” – Jacob Needleman ABSTRACT: This paper builds upon an essay I published in Cosmos and History in June of 2014, in which nonexistence is seen as the engine, axis and source of... more