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      BusinessMarketingOrganizational LearningStrategic Management
Companies strive to position themselves to maximize the value they add to the supply chains in which they are embedded. This raises strategic questions such as: Which durable resources should be developed to enhance current core... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceMathematical ProgrammingTheory of the Firm
We need better concepts to talk about gig economy workers and other precarious workers who are subject to the arbitrary domination of powerful companies, but who do not fit neatly into twentieth century understandings of employment. We... more
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      Business EthicsPolitical PhilosophyEmployment LawCorporate Social Responsibility
Though there is a long tradition of band members quitting the group or taking a hiatus, the rock group as an organization to produce music continues to be both popular and economically viable. Frequent media reports of conflicts between... more
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      EntrepreneurshipTheory of the FirmCultural EconomicsMusic Industry
Although there is research pertaining to the boundaries of firms, this field of study still requires more development. The objective of this paper is to analyse firm boundaries considering technological and transactional capabilities. The... more
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      Dynamic CapabilitiesTheory of the FirmCapacidades TecnológicasCapabilities
Introducing the topic of the firm, the article first sheds light on the overall economy , which in my opinion is the most logical thing to do, since we first need to set a stage for firm’s activities.
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      EconomicsTheory of the Firm
This article examines the implications of the escalation in institutional inves power and heterogeneity for two dominant theories of corporate governanceagency theory and stakeholder theory. From this analysis, a new view of the agency... more
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      Corporate GovernanceTheory of the FirmAgency TheoryInstitutional Investors
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      Economic TheoryTheory of the FirmApplied Economics
Departing from the seminal question that Coase raised in his 1937 work, this article discusses and assesses incomplete contracts theories' analyses of the firm's boundaries-notably transaction cost theory and the modern theory of property... more
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      Property RightsTheory of the FirmBusiness and ManagementCoordination Mechanisms
Em 1986, David Teece publicou o artigo Proting from technological innovation: Implications for integration, collaboration, licensing and public policy, que contribuiu significativamente para o estudo dos impactos das inovações... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Patents
El objetivo de este capítulo es describir y sintetizar las ideas de Harold Demsetz, un teórico del institucionalismo económico, cuya propuesta parte de criticar las deficiencias tanto de la teoría neoclásica, como de los trabajos de... more
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      Business AdministrationTheory of the FirmNew InstitutionalismSmall and Medium-scale Enterprises
What are we to make of the power that corporations wield over people in modern society? Is such power legitimate? Many think so. To many businessmen and economists, as well as the general public, firms are purely private and economic... more
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      Critical TheoryBusiness EthicsPolitical PhilosophyCorporate Social Responsibility
Scholars have used various models of organizational aspirations where aspirations depend on prior performance and the performance of comparable firms. We extend the models to incorporate selective attention. Using direct aspiration... more
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      MarketingSelective AttentionTheory of the FirmSocial Comparison
The article compares alternative approaches to the theory of the firm. The two main approaches confronted are the contractual (Coasian) perspective and the competence (evolutionary) perspective. Whereas the firm as a repository of tacit... more
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      Evolutionary EconomicsTacit KnowledgeEconomic TheoryTheory of the Firm
The properties of the firm are crucial starting points for developing theories on economy and management. The aim of this study is to propose a general theory of the social organization of production, mapping the essential conditions for... more
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      Organizational BehaviorEconomicsComplex Systems ScienceOrganizational Theory
Though they developed in isolation, the theory of entrepreneurship and the economic theory of the firm can be usefully integrated. In particular, the concept of entrepreneurship as judgment associated with and some Austrian school... more
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      EntrepreneurshipProperty RightsTheory of the FirmJudgment
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      LawConsumptionTheory of the FirmApplied Economics
Based on an in-depth case study of Pilkington Plc, this study illustrates that received perspectives in organization theory and theory of the firm fall short of explaining organizational evolution. The framework of organizational... more
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      Theory of the FirmOrganization TheoryOrganizational structureCase Study
… the invention of a great number of machines which facilitate and abridge labour, and enable one man to do the work of many' Smith 1981 [1776]) p. 17 1 Prepared for B. Hall and N. Rosenberg (eds.) (2010), Handbook of Innovation,... more
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      Industrial OrganizationEconomic GrowthTheory of the FirmEvolution
Calvin Schermerhorn’s provocative study views the development of modern American capitalism through the window of the nineteenth-century interstate slave trade. This eye-opening history follows money and ships as well as enslaved human... more
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      FinanceEconomic HistoryEconomic GeographyMaritime History
Product switching, i.e., the addition and deletion of products by continuing firms, is an important and very active margin of firm adjustment that has, until now, received very little attention. We show that two-thirds of U.S.... more
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      Theory of the FirmDemand and SupplyProductivity GrowthOutput Growth
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      MarketingOrganizational LearningStrategic ManagementTheory of the Firm
In Private Government: How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don't Talk about It) , Elizabeth Anderson argues that beneath the facades of market freedom and contractual equality, contemporary firms are actually akin to authoritarian... more
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      Business EthicsPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryTheory of the Firm
This paper integrates elements from the theory of agency, the theory of property rights and the theory of finance to develop a theory of the ownership structure of the firm. We define the concept of agency costs, show its relationship to... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsProperty RightsBehavior
Since the start of the demutualization wave in early 1990s, debate ensued about the impact of this program and while many researchers and policy makers have praised the demutualization of stock exchanges, others have been more sceptical... more
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      FinanceCapital MarketsTheory of the FirmStock Markets
Although FDI have been at the forefront of economic debate since a long time, economists have not yet developed a unified framework for their investigation. In this paper, we put forward the idea that an essential point to analyze FDI... more
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      Theory of the FirmForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )
in C. Laval, P. Sauvêtre, F. Taylan, L'alternative du commun, Paris, Hermann, 2019, p. 241-254.
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryCommons
Given assumptions about the characteristics of knowledge and the knowledge requirements of production, the firm is conceptualized as an institution for integrating knowledge. The primary contribution of the paper is in exploring the... more
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      ManagementMarketingOrganizational TheoryDecision Making
Entrepreneurship is a missing component of several leading theories of the firm. Entrepreneurship is key to the growth and survival of firms in a volatile environment, because ent repreneurial judgement is necessary to success in making... more
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      Information ManagementTheory of the FirmApplied EconomicsOrganization Theory
Abstract: The issue of firm ownership is an ongoing debate. For several decades, contractarian theory has undoubtedly shaped the academic debate in both law and economics. Proponents of this approach suggest that shareholders can... more
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      Corporate GovernanceLaw and EconomicsTheory of the FirmHuman Capital
Whereas the majority of research on board diversity explores the direct relationship between racial and gender diversity and firm performance, this paper investigates mediators that explain how board diversity is related to firm... more
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      ManagementMarketingTheory of the FirmFirm Performance
This paper summarizes the key findings from the report "The Italian Road to Recuperating Enterprises and the Legge Marcora Framework: Italy's Worker Buyouts in Times of Crisis." The report homes in on worker-recuperated enterprises... more
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      EconomicsTheory of the FirmCooperativesItaly
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      Business EthicsPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophyEconomic Justice
Companies in the natural resources industry (e.g., mining, timber, farming and fishery) face the dilemma of whether to focus upstream or downstream in the value chain. The literature provides arguments and empirical evidence for either... more
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      BusinessStrategic PlanningTheory of the FirmMultidisciplinary
Prepared for the inauguration of a library wing in his name at the University of Athens in 1999, revised January 2016. This is a short version of a longer piece written in Greek.
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      Organizational BehaviorEconomic HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtTheory of the Firm
I n this introductory piece, we take stock of the impact of Cyert and March's A Behavioral Theory of the Firm, describe current research trends in the behavioral tradition, and introduce the special issue's papers. A Behavioral Theory of... more
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      MarketingEvolutionary EconomicsOrganizational LearningPolitical Science
A tanulmány a ma meghatározó vállalatelméletnek, a tranzakciós költségek elméletének az előzményeit, leg fontosabb nézeteit, és a szakirodalomban fellelhető kritikáit mutatja be. Kitér azokra az új elméleti irányza tokra is, amelyek a... more
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      Transaction CostsTheory of the Firm
Benedictine Farm is located in Nyangole B-Village, in the Eastern Division of Tororo Municipality. It is so established at a confluence of several firms that hail and derive their sense of belonging from the Benedictine Fathers’ Firm. It... more
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    • Theory of the Firm
In this article, we employ a Veblenian framework to analyze three dimensions of corporate financialization: the expansion of the balance sheet, the rising importance of intangible assets and the growing levels of financial payouts. Our... more
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      Corporate FinanceTheory of the FirmResearch & DevelopmentFinancialization
We discuss the notion of ownership in economics, taking our point of departure in the Grossman-Hart-Moore property rights approach. We criticize the exclusive identification of ownership with residual rights to control in this approach,... more
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      Property RightsTheory of the FirmContract TheoryDruid
The interest of this document, is to determine how firms are built and who really has the control inside those organisations. Ohada Act don't give an exhaustiver definition of control. To give a tool to tecachers, lawyers and managers we... more
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      Corporate GovernanceTheory of the FirmBusiness LawOHADA Law
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      Theory of the FirmStakeholder TheoryTwo Dimensions
This chapter provides a link between the previous sections which analysed competitive markets under profit-maximizing assumptions and the following parts which consider product market imperfections, factor inputs in the form of labour and... more
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      EconomicsMicroeconomicsTheory of the FirmEconomic policy
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      Theory of the FirmCorporate Strategy
Exploring the convergence of blockchain, systems design, new organizational design, cryptoeconomics, exponential organizations and the nature of the firm.
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      EconomicsOrganizational TheoryComplex SystemsTheory of the Firm
This article hypothesizes that the level of managerial ownership affects both the informativeness of earnings and the magnitude of discretionary accounting accrual adjustments. The hypothesis draws on the theory of the firm, and exploits:... more
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      Capital MarketsTheory of the FirmAgency TheoryApplied Economics
The problem of economic calculation is relevant outside the extremes of purely for-profit enterprise and socialist central planning: calculation is also a vital lens through which to view alternative forms of economic organization in the... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial EconomicsSocial EntrepreneurshipAustrian Economics
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
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      EntrepreneurshipIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagement
A vállalatelméleteknek két nagy ága különíthető el: szerződéses vállalatelméletek és erőforrásalapú vállalat­ elmélet. A szerződéses elméletek Coase-i alapokon álInak, meglehetősen kiforrott nézetek jellemzik őket és hatalmas az... more
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    • Theory of the Firm
This paper outlines the conceptual, cultural, contextual and disciplinary scope of the rapidly evolving topic of corporate governance. As a basis for improving the rigour of research and analysis, some definitions are suggested. Reasons... more
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      ManagementFinanceInformation TheoryTransaction Costs