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This essay aims to provide an introductory account of Earth Jurisprudence as a legal theory and to examine its claims regarding rights of nature. First, two versions of Earth Jurisprudence qua legal theory are identified: a stronger and a... more
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      Legal PersonhoodTheory of RightsEarth Law, Earth Jurisprudence, Wild LawThe Rights of Nature
Questo libro affronta il tema della democrazia, che rimane centrale all’interno del pensiero filosofico-politico contemporaneo da una prospettiva deliberativa che pone l’accento su alcuni aspetti chiave (sfera pubblica, opinione pubblica,... more
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      Political PhilosophyPublic OpinionPolitical TheoryCivil Society and the Public Sphere
More than a century ago, a great revolution occurred in Iran, the fundamental aim of which was to establish a rule of law system. Accordingly, the concept of law has been one of the most essential though challenging concepts of the... more
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      Law and ReligionIslamLaw and philosophyTheory of Rights
Who, or what, is a 'person' according to the law? How did this understanding of personhood come about? In the twenty-first century, environmentalism, animal rights, artificial intelligence, and corporate personhood have compelled us to... more
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      Legal TheorySlaverySocial OntologyAnimal Rights/Liberation
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      Legal TheoryAnimal LawAnimal RightsAnimal Welfare Law
The possibility of a normative theory of proportionality in the implementation of the human rights protection have not to lead to be unaware of the specifics of the legal reasoning. A moral and political philosophy discussion can help the... more
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      Political PhilosophyHuman Rights LawLegal TheoryLegal Pragmatism
Locke's concept of rights influenced the Framers of the Constitution, which has increased the stakes in later interpretation of what Locke’s model of rights entailed. “Lockean rights” now suggests a perfect right unlimitable by the state... more
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Recent developments of concept and instances of rights have given rise to many chanllenges to legal theorists, each of whom has attempted to tackle the challenges in his/her particular way. It is claimed that in order for us to have a... more
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      AxiologyLaw and philosophyTheory of RightsTheory of Justice
Çalışmada Spinoza'da nasıl bir hak kavramının olduğu ve bu kavramın ifade özgürlüğü ile olan ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Spinoza'da hak, hukuktan bağımsızdır ve meşruluğunu hakkın sahibi olan tekil varlıktan almaktadır. İnsan haklarını toplum... more
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      Philosophy Of LawFreedom Of ExpressionBaruch SpinozaTheory of Rights
The public health is undoubtedly one of the instances of public interests the lack of which would impose immense harm on the very existence of the collective life. This becomes more serious in emergency situations. More importantly, if a... more
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      Law and ReligionMoral PhilosophyTheory of RightsTheory of Justice
Rights are among the most important fundamental normative claims that have played a pivotal role in the development of individual and social lives of human beings over the last centuries. This concept and institution, the same as any... more
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      Political PhilosophyLaw and ReligionLegal PhilosophyTheory of Rights
Strikes often lack a reasonable chance of success unless they violate some basic liberties (of contract, movement, etc.). This creates a dilemma for liberal democracies that recognize a right to strike: either the right is toothless, or... more
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      Direct ActionTheory of RightsRight to strike
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      Constitutional LawEducational Equity and JusticeSchool Finance LitigationState Constitutional Law
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      Theory of RightsHohfeldian rightsPhilosophy of RightsHohfeld
Competences are exercised through acts-in-the-law (eg signing a contract). The chapter offers a rigorous definition of competence and compares it with the Hohfeldian category of power. In addition, the paper distinguishes between... more
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      Legal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawLegal PhilosophyH.L.A. Hart
Δημοσιευμένο στα ΑΞΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΑ, Τχ 19, Μάιος 2008
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      Classical LiberalismTheory of RightsJohn Locke's Political Philosophy
This essay expounds and appraises Hillel Steiner's theory of justice as coexistent rights.
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      Theory of RightsTheory of Justice
The main focus of this research is on the nature and origin of rights. Jeremy Bentham totally rejects the notion of extra-legal rights. For him, it is only legal rights that are valid and imply a benefit for its holders. Sayyid Abu... more
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      Political PhilosophyLegal PhilosophyTheory of Rights
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      Human RightsEnvironmental SustainabilityTheory of RightsEnvironmental Rights
Confronting persistent and widening inequality in educational opportunity, advocates have regarded the right to education as a linchpin for reform. In the forty years since the Supreme Court relegated that right to the domain of state... more
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      Constitutional LawEducational Equity and JusticeSchool Finance LitigationState Constitutional Law
What new insights might a new title on the criticism of rights offer to legal theory and jurisprudence? Following a long tradition in critical theory, Critique of Rights by Christoph Menke seeks to explain the genesis and necessity of the... more
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      Critical TheoryJurisprudencePolitical TheorySocial Philosophy
Environmental degradation is not distributed equally among various groups of people. There is a vast amount of social studies, scientific reports and current legal cases which reveal the disproportionate burden placed on certain... more
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      Climate ChangeLegal TheoryEqualityEnvironmental Justice
In this article, I offer a foundation for the prima facie idea of a right to welfare based on a neglected aspect of Kant’s legal theory: his account of equity rights (aequitas, Billigkeit). I argue that these rights are not the same as... more
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      Immanuel KantLegal PhilosophyEquityTheory of Rights
This paper offers a novel substantive justification for mandatory electoral quotas—e.g., gender or racial quotas—and a new methodological approach to their justification. Substantively, I argue for a political egalitarian account of... more
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      Political TheoryDemocratic TheoryHuman Rights TheoryDemocracy
We speak of the right to know with relative ease. You have the right to know the results of a medical test or to be informed about the collection and use of personal data. But what exactly is the right to know, and who should we trust to... more
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      Social EpistemologyApplied EpistemologyPolitical EpistemologyTheory of Rights
Résumé L’article tente de préciser la teneur exacte du soft positivism revendiqué par Hart dans la Postface du Concept de Droit sur l’exemple particulier de la conception des droits. Pour ce faire, il revient d’abord sur la discussion... more
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      UtilitarianismBenthamTheory of RightsJeremy Bentham
In this short paper I will discuss the ambiguous and, even, controversial term ‘right to die’ in the context of the euthanasia debate and, in particular, in the case of passive euthanasia. First I will present the major objections towards... more
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      Human RightsEuthanasiaHuman rights and EuthanasiaTheory of Rights
The problem I am going to discuss seems at first glance to belong to logic, semantics, or the philosophy of language. A basic course in logic for lawyers will describe the distinction of three major types of utterances: descriptive... more
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      Human RightsPolitical ScienceLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of Law
Background: In research biobanks, the obtained findings are sometimes beyond the prediction of researchers. They have not noticed and foreseen that part of findings and results at the beginning. In particular, when those findings are not... more
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      BioethicsMoral PhilosophyTheory of RightsBiomedical Law
This paper indeed deals with the nautre of the human dignity. It is argued that this is a normative concpet, rather than a descriptive one. It is also argued that this concept and the entailed principle is one of the most fundamental... more
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      AxiologyNormativityHuman DignityTheory of Rights
"Stephen May (2011) holds that language rights have been insufficiently recognized, or just rejected as problematic, in human rights theory and practice. Defending the “human rights approach to language rights”, he claims that language... more
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      Human RightsLanguage rightsTheory of RightsLinguistic justice
In this paper I describe some difficulties raised by the so-called thesis of the protective perimeter of liberties (ToPP). According to this thesis, a privilege does not necessarily involve a claim to non-interference, and a claim to... more
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      Legal PhilosophyLegal Philosophy (Philosophy)RightsTheory of Rights
The will theory of rights has so far been considered incapable of accounting for individual rights in criminal law. Adherents of the theory, therefore, defend the claim that criminal law does not assign rights to individuals. In this... more
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      Informed ConsentRestorative JusticeTheory of RightsWill Theory of Rights
Though in Hobbes's philosophy suicide is not extensively discussed, it is reasonably possible to trace some evidences for justifying rational suicide. This topic appears interesting for at least two reasons. On one hand, a moral... more
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      EthicsApplied Ethics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyBioethics
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      Applied EthicsBioethicsHobbesMoral Philosophy
Within contemporary democratic constitutionalism, social rights are assumed as one of the most debated issues. This article offers an insight into the question about a possible constitutionalization of social rights, by proposing an... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical PhilosophySocial RightsHuman Rights
Bei den zwei prominentesten Theorien von Rechten handelt es sich einerseits um die Willenstheorie, andererseits um die Interessentheorie. Erstere sieht den Zweck eines Rechts darin, dass ein solches freie Entscheidungen der... more
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      Legal PhilosophyTheory of Rights
Theory of rights is one of the most important parts of modern moral and political thought. However, since the theory has close relationship with the Western natural law and natural rights tradition, its development and practice in the... more
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      Political PhilosophyHuman RightsHistory of Political ThoughtTheory of Rights
The framework of categorical imperatives is one of the most famous deontological theories of rights that have been formulated. The framework has often been used to justify human rights policies all over the world. While they have been... more
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      EducationHuman RightsLegal TheoryImmanuel Kant
ÖZET Küresel kapitalizmin günümüzdeki evresinde doğal varlıklar hızla metalaştırılmakta; müştereklere kolektif erişim olanaksız hale getirilmektedir. Su varlıkları da bu sürecin bir parçasıdır. Makalede ülkemizde ve dünyada suyun... more
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      Human RightsTheory of RightsRight to Water
Despite many developments in recent decades, legal theory still seems prisoner to the positivist belief that only norms backed by state sanction can be deemed legal. The misgivings voiced concerning the notion of ‘soft law’ are evidence... more
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      Human RightsLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawFilosofia del Diritto
It is easy to understand how people can have interests. We are biological and social creatures, and our interests flow from our biological and social natures. But it is far from easy to understand how we can have rights. In various ways,... more
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      Normative EthicsTheory of Rights
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      HobbesContract TheoryMoral PhilosophyTheory of Rights
This essay defends the possibility of preemptively forgiving. That is, I
defend the claim that one can forgive an action before the action has
taken place.
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      Normative EthicsForgivenessResentmentTheory of Rights
Justificatory theories of rights ground, directly or indirectly, the concept of rights on human dignity. Here, the theory that relies on substantive principle of Kantian philosophy of value seems the most justifiable one. This principle... more
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      Theory of RightsPhilosophy of Rights
Environmental degradation is not distributed equally among various groups of people. There is a vast amount of social studies, scientific reports and current legal cases which reveal the disproportionate burden placed on certain... more
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      LawClimate ChangeHuman RightsPolitical Science
Wesemann offers a refreshingly insightful and theoretically sophisticated analysis of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on EU citizenship by framing her analysis within the theory of constitutional... more
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      European StudiesConstitutional LawEuropean LawLegal Pluralism
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      Theory of RightsTheory of Justice
While individual rights against the state have been recognized for many centuries, these rights came of age following the atrocities committed against individuals during the twentieth century. We now have an array of human and... more
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      Political PhilosophyHuman RightsLegal TheoryGlobal Justice
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      Human RightsHuman Rights TheoryTheory of RightsHohfeldian rights