Theory of Games

47 papers
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The Theory of Games is a mathematical framework for analyzing strategic interactions among rational decision-makers. It studies how individuals or groups make choices that affect one another's outcomes, focusing on concepts such as equilibrium, strategies, and payoffs to predict and explain behavior in competitive and cooperative scenarios.
Lernen mit Unsicherheit zu leben -statistisches Denken -ist der wichtigste Teil der Mathematik im wirklichen Leben. Denken ist das Hinterfragen von Gewissheiten, und man lernt es anhand von guten Beispielen. Zu den besten gehören jene... more
The study contains a brief historical and philosophical analysis of ancient Greek games: the Dionysian, the Olympic and the Delphic as a harmonic universality of the festivals in the history of the society. For the definition of this... more
Playing games it's an activity that belongs to earlier civilizations and still continues nowadays in schools and outside the environment of classroom. All studies focus on the importance of playing no matter the age, no matter the... more
In this article, we are interested in exploring the history of game theory in France, and particularly the way it was received and was diffused in the 1950s. It will be shown that France was the most fertile soil in continental Europe for... more
Este trabajo presenta un modelo teórico de determinación del nivel de provisión de bienes públicos regionales (BPR) por parte de gobiernos nacionales que buscan maximizar la probabilidad de ganar las próximas elecciones. Partiendo de la... more
Neumann János a tudomány történetének azon kevés szereplője közé tartozik, akinek a jelentősége az idő előrehaladtával nem csökken, hanem nő
A Principia Philosophiae Naturalis sorozatnak ez a kötete Neumann János tanulmányainak közlésével olyan kérdésköröket is megpróbál bevonni a természetfilozófia gondolatkörébe, amelyek első látásra talán szokatlannak tűnnek. Arisztotelész... more
With the purpose of promoting creativity and entrepreneurship behavior in primary school children and connecting it to entrepreneurship work develop in a High Education Institute with undergraduate students, Produz@ideia arise has a... more
Playing games it's an activity that belongs to earlier civilizations and still continues nowadays in schools and outside the environment of classroom. All studies focus on the importance of playing no matter the age, no matter the... more
Coopetition is a dual relationship between companies through which they compete and cooperate simultaneously. The objective of the work is to analyze its theoretical foundations and demonstrate its main benefits. The methodology used has... more
In this paper examines the influence of the technological platform and, in a broader sense, the social order on the geopolitical possibilities of the ethno-social system, as well as the reasons for its destruction and conditions of... more
The present work is dedicated to the study of attacks and countermeasures in MANET. After a short introduction to what the Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are and network security we present a survey of various attacks in MANETs... more
The problem with complex games is that there are many ways to play them. In other words the group of possible strategies is large. However, if we consider a strategy as a succession of pure strategies through generations in the game (as a... more
has carried on his battle against these microbes of the soul in the field of literature. … He shouts to all of us the motto of young Joseph Knecht in Das Glasperlenspiel [The Glass Bead Game]: '… Advance, mount higher, conquer yourself!... more
The present work is dedicated to the study of attacks and countermeasures in MANET. After a short introduction to what the Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are and network security we present a survey of various attacks in MANETs... more
Ante la evidente incapacidad e ineficiencia demostradas por la gran mayoría de empresas de propiedad pública del país existentes hasta finales de los años ochenta encargadas de la prestación de los servicios públicos de agua potable,... more
İnsanlık, tarih boyunca aralarındaki ilişkiler, insanın doğum, büyüme, üreme, yaşlanma ve ölümünden oluşan yaşam döngüsü, fizyolojik, güvenlik, ait olma-sevgi-sevecenlik, saygınlık ve kendini gerçekleştirme ihtiyaçlarından oluşan doğası,... more
The present work is the result of a combination of the author's works in the field of description and modeling of socioeconomic systems for four decades. It was written due to the awareness of the general decline in the level of... more
Pairing the above two books for this review-my own bright idea-has proved to be more unwieldy and perhaps more unfair than I had anticipated. Hard Labour appears to be Caroline Gatrell's first major piece of sociological research. A... more
Competencia en el mercado… Jesús Botero García COMPETENCIA EN EL MERCADO: EL CASO DE LOS SERVICIOS DE ASEO EN COLOMBIA Jesús Botero García 1. Introducción La competencia es, a la vez, el mecanismo que garantiza el uso eficiente de los... more
Playing games it's an activity that belongs to earlier civilizations and still continues nowadays in schools and outside the environment of classroom. All studies focus on the importance of playing no matter the age, no matter the... more
1. Introduction 2 2. Analytical and Global View 2 2.1 Concept of System 4 2.2 Living Systems 6 2.3 System Characteristics 6 2.3.1 Systematic Maintenance of Identity 7 2.3.2 Systematic... more
In the general frame of an inquiry concerning Lacan and mathematics, the author is interested in the treatment of the probabilities, the theory and decision, all topics that give way to an interpretation of Pascal’s calculus of partition... more
1. Introduction 2 2 Analytical and Holistic View 2 2.1 Concept of Systems 3 2.2 Living Systems 3 2.3 System Properties 3 2.4 Introspective Knowledge 3 2.5... more
1. Introduction 4 2. Analytical and Holistic View 5 2.1 Concept of System 7 2.2 Living Systems 7 2.3 Systems Properties 8 2.4 Introspective... more
Game theory and gambling theory 2
Zero-sum game         3
Non-constant sum game 4
The beggar and the millionaire 5
Prisoner‘s dilemma 6
excerpt from Anatol Rapoport: General systems theory
zero sum games
cooperative games
non cooperative games
Nash equilibrium
non deterministic games
non cooperative games
Inhalt Spiel und Vereinigung (Koalition) 3 2. Stiftung, Team und Koalition 4 2.1 Spieltheorie und Teamtheorie 5 2.2 Spieltheorie und soziales Verhalten 6 3. Nichtkooperative Spiele 8 4. Determinierte Spiele 9 5.... more
1. Einleitung 2 2. Analytische und ganzheitliche Sicht 2 2.1 Systembegriff 3 2.2 Lebende Systeme 3 2.3... more
1. Einleitung 4 2. Analytische und ganzheitliche Sicht 5 2.1 Systembegriff 7 2.2 Lebende Systeme 7 2.3 Systemeigenschaften 8 2.4 Introspektives Wissen 8 2.5... more
Winner of the C. Goodwin Award for Best Article of the History of Economics Society, 1996.
1 Evolución de la comunicación animal Explicación para lo siguiente: Porque un animal le avisa a otro que hay un depredador cerca ¿Los animales mienten? Qué condiciones tiene que tener un mensaje para ser honesto Porque la cola de los... more
The translation is on going, it may be have some mistakes. The document divides in two parts. The second corresponds to a conference that I gave in Navarra about the importance of the process that I have enriched with the criticism to... more
The limits of the game part 1 still on going on the translation.Part II In the document I try to show how the exclusive emphasis in the parameters of material measurement for human works, can shorten or distort the vision on the... more
This is my review of Part III of The Blackwell Companion edited by Mark D. Jacobs and Nancy Weiss Hanrahan. They published it in 2005, and my review was part of a group of reviews for the Sociology of Culture Section Newsletter in that... more
Il BANKING SECONDO LA TEORIA DEI GIOCHI. ANALISI DI CASI Eugenio Bastianon Introduzione Questo lavoro analizza, in prima istanza, i paradossi che il regolamento di Basilea pone al mercato bancario, esplicitandone le cause alla luce... more
This essay from Roger Caillois contains a bunch of theoretical reflections which can be found dispersed in his different books. He compairs animal play behaviour with human categories of games: agon, alea, mimicry and ilinx, so he argues,... more
meine Folien zum Einblick/Überblick zur Spieltheorie: Spieltheorie und Glücksspiel-Theorie 2 Nullsummenspiel 3 Nicht-Konstantsummenspiel 4 Der Bettler und der Millionär 5 Gefangenen-Dilemma 6 Ergänzung... more
Zuerst soll die klassische Kausalität, hier Kausalität2 genannt, die den Stein des Anstosses für alle Evolutionisten darstellt, in einem Minimodell definiert werden. Dieses wiederum erlaubt in einfacher Weise einen Vergleich mit dem... more
Literaturauszug aus: Anatol Rapoport: Allgemeine Systemtheorie Die ersten Keime der allgemeinen Systemtheorie erschienen in den Werken von Ludwig von Bertalanffy. Es war auch Deutschland, wo im tiefen Denken von Kant eine klar... more
An inherent feature of cooperation is fairness, the embodiment of an ethical ideal - which means it is more than mere contacts or discussion possibly insolving competition, too. Two parties cooperate if they work together or at least... more