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RESUMEN En contraposición a las lecturas canónicas que exploran la obra de Franz Boas a partir de su incursión en la antropología, esta investigación coloca su enfoque en las relaciones que el autor mantuvo previamente con la geografía. A... more
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      Cultural GeographyHistory of AnthropologyCultural AnthropologyFranz Boas
Cet article articule un ensemble de théories correspondant à l'exigence logique de notre analyse scientifique. Elle nous permet de penser, en quelque sorte, l'essentiel de notre réflexion au plan théorique. En fait, ces théories choisies,... more
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      Sociology of LawSocial and Cultural AnthropologyLegal AnthropologyHaiti
Complexity is understood differently in anthropology and the complexity studies. I discuss the two principles of socio-political organization, particularly, the phenomenon of homoar-chy as a counterpart to that of heterarchy. Respectively... more
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      Social TheoryAnthropologyComplex Systems ScienceSocial Anthropology
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      AnthropologyHistorical AnthropologySocial AnthropologySoutheast Asian Studies
Libro publicado en coedición entre el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, en Sevilla, España y la Universidad Iberoamericana. La edición es de 2007. Incluye cinco textos del antropólogo español Ángel Palerm, donde discute con... more
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      Theory of AnthropologyWater related to Urban developmentWater control and State development
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyMobility/MobilitiesMigration mobilities
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyAnthropology
The volume is devoted to the intellectual history of sociocultural anthropology and ethnology in Europe. Eleven chapters represent eleven national or national-language traditions (the chapter on German language anthropology reflects on... more
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      Social AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyHistory of AnthropologyTheory of Anthropology
In the most recent millennia of human history, individual freedom has increasingly become a precarious matter in the face of intergroup and intra-social predation, observably the more so the more institutionalised social hierarchies... more
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      Social ChangeSociology of CultureCommunity ResilienceAncient borders and borderlands (Archaeology)