Theory into practice
Recent papers in Theory into practice
This article discusses three focal areas in promoting positive youth development (PYD) in schools: positive people, positive places, and positive opportunities. Given school personnel workload and federal policies that emphasize academic... more
In this article, we discuss the rationale and steps for implementing it. We also provide practical information for use in teaching and evaluating strategy instruction. This article is intended to guide teacher educators as they help... more
This article explores how teachers manage classrooms to facilitate the intellectual engagement of disengaged students. The author proposes that teachers create an environment conducive to intellectual engagement when students perceive:... more
We form part of a collaborative project between education and anthropology that is studying household and classroom practices within working-class, Mexican communities in Tucson, Arizona. The primary purpose of this work is to develop... more
Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
The authors consider the role that multiple literacies and new literacies might play in shaping preservice education. They review existing literature on multiple and new literacies in preservice education and examine in-school and... more
Funds o f Knowledge f or Teaching: Using a Qualitative Approach t o Connect Homes and Classrooms We form part of a collaborative project between education and anthropology that is studying household and classroom practices within... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This article reports on a family literacy program that began with the creation and implementation of a Welcome Center in an elementary school in the Southwest United States. This center was intended to be a place where recent immigrant... more
In this article, research tracing the historical progression of agency within recent educational reforms and empirical research from a variety of classrooms (geographic regions and grade levels) is discussed to document the power of... more
The paradoxical nature of sport and the multi-dimensional nature of stress render complex the relationship between sport and stress. Stressors may be associated with physiological, psychologi-cal, or social dimensions. However, an... more
The term "academic literacies" refers to the diverse and multiple literacies found in academic contexts such as disciplinary and subject matter courses. Although originally developed with regard to the study of literacies in higher... more
Attribution theories of motivation refer to the causal explanations individuals provide for their success and failure-answers to the why questions regarding outcomes. Explanations, justifications, and excuses are all attributions. They... more
Reflection is increasingly used as a means to support teacher professional development, and ultimately to support teachers' efforts to improve the persistent underachievement of minority students. In this article, we identify the limits... more
... Theresa Rogers is associate professor of education at The Ohio State University. ... They found that student response preferences ranged from more personal to more descriptive, interpretive, and evaluative (Purves &... more
The placement of English language learners (ELLs) in mainstream classrooms raises important questions about the preparation of mainstream teachers to work with ELLs. Grounded by the conviction that well-prepared teachers can make a... more
Social cognitive theory (SCT) is an important heuristic for understanding the complexity of bullying behaviors and the social nature of involvement in bullying. Bullying has been heralded as a social relationship problem, and the... more
Despite the expectation that all students should achieve high academic standards, content area instruction and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) instruction for English language learners (or ELLs) have traditionally been... more
This article endeavors to pull together various theoretical approaches to curricular reform using the queer student body and queer theory as its starting point. The authors outline the implications of naming, and the possibilities and... more
This article highlights key issues surrounding the assessment and accountability mandates of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) for English language learners (ELLs). The policy requires highstakes testing of ELLs in English-a language that these... more
Bullying is the most common form of interpersonal violence facing youth in schools, and recent school-based intervention efforts have shown only limited success in reducing such behavior. Accordingly, this article considers the utility of... more
... Sarah Dowhower is assistant professor of education at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. ... In the early language acquisition literature, Cutler and Swinney (1987) report four studies on accenting that indicate young children under the... more
This qualitative research study was carried out with a group of distance online tutors taking a blended English course at the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia in Bucaramanga. The overall aim of this action research study was to... more
... the door to programming models that develop the talent po-tentials of many at-risk students who traditionally have been excluded from anything but the most basic types of curricular experiences. The application of gifted program... more
Digital storytelling has emerged over the last few years as a powerful teaching and learning tool that engages both teachers and their students. However, until recently, little attention has been paid to a theoretical framework that could... more
Few school districts in the United States have successfully recruited and retained culturally diverse students in programs for gifted students. Black, Hispanic, and Native American students are underrepresented in gifted education... more