Theories of Moral Development
Recent papers in Theories of Moral Development
Most of the information in the moral development literature depends on Theories of Piaget and Kohlberg. The theoretical contribution by Gilligan and Turiel are not widely known and not much resource is available in Turkish. For this... more
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
The aim with the present study was to investigate bystander actions in bullying situations as well as reasons behind these actions as they are articulated by Swedish students from fourth to seventh grade. Forty-three semi-structured... more
Ahlak gelişimi alanında literatürde yer alan bilgiler çoğunlukla Piaget ve Kohlberg'in kuramlarına dayanmaktadır. Gilligan ve Turiel gibi kuramcıların ahlak gelişimine yaptıkları katkılar bilinmemekte ve kuramları hakkında Türkçe... more
Applied ethics is an academic discipline that inquires about the correctness of certain practical human activities, primarily using philosophical methods. This inquiry can be traced to antiquity since ethics is mostly concerned with the... more
The aim of the present study was to investigate how basic moral sensitivity in bullying, moral disengagement in bullying and defender self-efficacy were related to different bystander behaviors in bullying. Therefore, we examined pathways... more
The aim of the current study was to examine Swedish and Turkish teachers’ perspectives on values education. Qualitative interviews with 52 teachers were conducted and analyzed. Values education was mostly about compliance with societal... more
El presente artículo pretende realizar un acercamiento a los estudios sobre el razonamiento moral humano desarrollados por Lawrence Kohlberg[1] así como a la crítica realizada por parte de Carol Gilligan a dicho trabajo. Abordaremos pues,... more
La formule cicéronienne natura aut voluntas associe deux des contributions les plus originales de la philosophie hellénistique et romaine à la pensée éthique et politique occidentale. Les six premiers chapitres examinent éléments... more
An individual is in the lowest phase of moral development if he thinks only of his own personal interest and has only his own selfish agenda in his mind as he encounters other humans. This lowest phase corresponds well with sixteenth... more
An introduction to Kant's practical philosophy, with special emphasis on the link it establishes – in the form of the principle of moral universalization – between ethics and rationality.
Özet Kohlberg'in ahlak gelişim teorisi, uluslararası düzeyde kabul gören ve pek çok çalışmaya temel teşkil eden bir teoridir. Bununla birlikte teori, özellikle Batı'da, ken-disine meydan okuyan ciddi eleştirilerle de karşı karşıya... more
This article charts various communalities and differences between cognitive-developmental and socio-cultural models in the psychology of moral and religious development, with particular attention to Hubert Hermans’ model of the... more
Background: European and national policies on citizenship education stimulate the implementation of a participative approach to citizenship education, fostering active citizenship. The reason given for fostering active citizenship is the... more
Evolution has not left the important events of birthing and the ensuing nurturance and bonding either to chance or to the vagaries of individual learning. (Jaak Panksepp, Affective Neuroscience: 248)
In this history of the development of ideas of honor in Western philosophy, Peter Olsthoorn examines what honor is, how its meaning has changed, and whether it can still be of use. Political and moral philosophers from Cicero to John... more
Proposes for psychology a cognitive mechanism that makes forgiveness possible and develops an argument regarding the nature of this mechanism by drawing on Piaget's (1932) work. Forgiveness is defined and distinguished from justice. The... more
Evolution has not left the important events of birthing and the ensuing nurturance and bonding either to chance or to the vagaries of individual learning. (Jaak Panksepp, Affective Neuroscience: 248) Morality across cultures and as a... more
Aggression in juveniles may increase even in modern societies and manifest itself in countless forms of violence, including harming, persecution, abuse, pressure, hostility, etc. A large number of studies on the evolutionary,... more
Este estudio partió del supuesto de que la formación de los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Ciencia Política tiene dos dimensiones: una cognitiva y otra ético-ciudadana. Esto significa que los jóvenes politólogos no sólo reciben una... more
This paper is a review of Georg Lind’s latest book: How to Teach Morality. Promoting Deliberation and Discussion, Reducing Violence and Deceit (2016), and focuses on the main theme of the book – morality can be taught, the idea that is... more
We are used to thinking that the VUCA ( Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) is a recent phenomenon, its characteristics being specific to our postmodern era. However, if we look closely to these four traits, we see that we can... more
В статье рассматривается содержание учебников-модулей по курсу «Основы религиозных культур и светской этики» для определения их соответствия закономерностям нравственного развития младших школьников. Приводятся примеры соответствия и... more
In the general frame of this work it is determined that the television show "Survivor 2017" discusses the social values of respect, appreciation, morals, justice, honesty, friendship, brotherhood, sacrifice, and trustworthiness; and... more
ABSTRACT In 1932 Piaget theorized that ideal reciprocity is the underlying cognitive operation that makes the understanding and appreciation of forgiveness possible. Basing our analysis on modern philosophical inquiry, empirical study,... more
Whether or not the boy Jesus in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas (IGT) is portrayed as an ‘idealized child’ or a true-to-life child is a question that, whether implicitly or explicitly, lies at the heart of some of the most recent... more
Through the 1980s for more than a decade, Lesbian and gay d/Deaf persons formed groups that didn't become subcultures, but which helped persons doubly-marginalised connect and explore identities. The internet now articulates many groups... more
Alpha Psychiatry Special issue on “Moral, Social, and Economic Determinants of Mental Health” Editor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Lolas Stepke Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Studies in Bioethics Universidad de Chile Vice-President, World... more
This essay aims to understand how both economic and social entrepreneurs deal with moral dilemmas, emphasizing the uncertainty’s moral dimension based on Frank Knight’s work (1972). It was possible to develop a conceptual framework of... more
From 12 to 17 September 2016 in Cuneo (Italy) took place the 9th edition of the international Summer School organized by the Centro Studi sul Pensiero Contemporaneo (CeSPeC). The event revolved around the topic of the “future”, which was... more
Most of the information in the moral development literature depends on Theories of Piaget and Kohlberg. The theoretical contribution by Gilligan and Turiel are not widely known and not much resource is available in Turkish. For this... more
This study examined 307 elementary school children’s judgements and reasoning about bullying and other repeated transgressions when school rules regulating these transgressions have been removed in hypothetical school situations. As... more
This paper is a review of Georg Lind’s latest book: How to Teach Morality. Promoting Deliberation and Discussion, Reducing Violence and Deceit (2016), and focuses on the main theme of the book – morality can be taught, the idea that is... more
My paper has three parts to it. In the first part, I present a skeptical argument against the possibility of moral education, and I sketch out two different strategies for responding to it: one inspired by Bernard Williams, which I call... more