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      Anti-money launderingMoneyTheories of Money
Nel paese ove sarebbe in costruzione l'economia socialista non solo dunque esistono i rubli, coi quali il salario dei lavoratori viene pagato, ma esiste anche il risparmio sul salario, il deposito di esso nelle casse statali o nelle... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet RegimeSoviet HistorySocialisms
Былины — русские эпические песни — представляют собой достаточно однородный корпус текстов, претендующих на отобра жение хронологически отдаленной исторической реальности, записанных преимущественно на Русском Севере в XVIII—XIX веках.... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyTheories of Money
Regarding money, the theme of belief is usually formulated in terms of belief in money. The same is true of trust, as well the value of money. One should also raise the question of trust, belief and value through money, or given its... more
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      Gilbert SimondonSociology of MoneyTheories of MoneyGilbert Simondon (Philosophy) (Philosophy)
La moneta è onnipresente nella vita moderna, ma la produzione di moneta è ancora soggetta ad alcuna valutazione morale. Questo gap riguarda soprattutto gli aspetti morali delle moderne istituzioni monetarie, in particolare le banche, le... more
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      Austrian EconomicsMoneyTheories of MoneyGold Standard
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      WaterMagicSociology of MoneyTheories of Money
This chapter explores the work of artists who use various forms of money as media of creative expression and contestation. It advances the idea that we understand money as a medium of imagination: a means to comprehend and act within the... more
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      ArtMarxist theoryNeoliberalismImagination
The definition, evolution, forms, functions and measurement of money are best understood when mapped to the circular flow of goods and services, as seen in this 3rd part of the 1st unit of the UNISA Monetary Finance (ECS3701) course.... more
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      FinanceEconomicsMonetary EconomicsFinancial Economics
he article discusses the book "Debt: The First 5000 Years," by David Graeber, in relation to the Rolling Jubilee debt repayment project by the organization Strike Debt, which stemmed from the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) social movement.... more
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      American StudiesHistory of Economic ThoughtSocial and Cultural AnthropologyTheories of Money
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyAnthropology
Pegando no comentário de Marx a Shakespeare em The Power of Money (1844), encontramos um quadro teórico do materialismo histórico/económico onde se percebe qual é a materialidade de um objecto, no sentido estrito; porém, não se percebe... more
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      Marxist EconomicsShakespeareMoney and BankingMoney
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      Civil LawMoney and BankingMoneyTheories of Money
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      Gender and SexualityTheories of MoneyTheories of Intimacy
founder and writer of "A unique voice on money, one singularly attuned to…his generation."
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    • Theories of Money
Crown Pub., 1997
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      Monetary historyMoneyTheories of MoneyBarter
Lottery spells – Gambling winning Spells > Spiritual Luck Oil call >> +27810013892 Draw positive energy and banish negative lotto luck energy. This powerful lotto money spell works use magical forces to help you bring the winning numbers... more
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      BusinessMoney and BankingTheories of MoneyAstronomy
I propose an objective definition of money through a biological definition of cooperation, as opposed to altruism. I argue that these types of sociality are confused because they are not evaluated from a situated perspective of animal... more
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      Game TheoryEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)Economic AnthropologyMorality (Social Psychology)
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      Anti-money launderingEconomics of RemittancesMobile ComputingTheories of Money
I contend that current discussions on what the pandemic has taught us about monetary and fiscal policy are myopic. It is the purpose of this chapter to broaden the political economy horizon so that we might think anew about pathways... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyMoney and BankingInternational Finance
Tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan Covid-19 virüsünün olumsuz ekonomik etkilerine karşı, birçok ülke ekonomik önlemler almıştır. Bu tedbirler temel olarak, üretimden kaynaklı bir düşüşün ortaya çıkaracağı vahim durumu önlemeye yöneliktir. Bu... more
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      Money and BankingMoneyTheories of MoneyPost Keynesian Economics
There has been a lot of uncertainty surrounding the sustainability of the Bitcoin network, with this fascinating nascent technology facing several claims that it is highly unsustainable from a social, economic and environmental point of... more
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      Money and BankingSociology of MoneyMoneyTheories of Money
This essay discusses Locke’s philosophy of money formulated in the midst of the crisis of English coin caused by the radical depletion of silver during the Nine Years’ War (1688-1697). Rampant clipping had reduced the average weight of... more
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      John LockeTheories of Money
Questo lavoro si vuole, innanzitutto, come un’esplorazione delle origini storiche, sociali, e macroeconomiche della moneta; un’incredibile tecnologia sociale, che, dalla sua apparizione nelle società arcaiche fino alla moderna moneta... more
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      Monetary EconomicsMonetary historySociology of MoneyMoney
The now-popular “cash diet” hails that paying in cash is more painful psychologically than via dematerialized money (e.g., credit cards), which in turn helps citizens save more. Paradoxically, we show cash can sometimes backfire (compared... more
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      MarketingEconomicsConsumerismConsumer Behavior
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      Monetary theoryNumismaticsMonetary historySociology of Money
Cos'è la moneta? Essa può essere scarsa? Cosa fanno le banche quando erogano un prestito? E la moneta da loro emessa è moneta legale? Gli Stati dell'area Euro possono adottare un'altra moneta? Il cosiddetto "bail in" è costituzionale?... more
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      Monetary EconomicsMoney and BankingMonetary historySociology of Money
Altın Para Sistemi'nin temel özellikleri:  Ulusal paralar arasındaki değişim oranı, ilgili paraların altın değerine göre belirlenmektedir.  Döviz kurlarındaki değişmeler, altının bir ülkeden diğerine gönderilmesi için gerekli... more
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      Theories of MoneyUluslararası ekonomi PolitikBretton WoodsIktisat
An exploration of the historical evidence from the middle east of the early history of money.
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      Monetary theoryMonetary historyMoneyTheories of Money
The chapter examines the foundational or sociogenic aspect of the gift, as suggested by an Anthropological tradition inaugurated by Mauss' The Gift. The aim is to investigate the possibility of applying this aspect of gifts to money and... more
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      Economic SociologyInstitutional EconomicsEconomic AnthropologyGift Exchange
This is the textbook Money and Banking. It is for Finance 1/Accounting 2

Robert E. Wright and Vincenzo Quadrini
Publication Date: Apr 2009
License: Creative Commons
ISBN 13: 978-0-9820430-8-0
ISBN 13 Color: 978-1-936126-14-9
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness EthicsFinance
The falling use of cash and the advent of digital technologies support the possibility of reconfiguration of monetary transactions without any intermediation of physical monetary tokens. The introduction of electronic money, especially in... more
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      ICTMoneyTheories of MoneyEmoney
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      Economic HistoryClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyNumismatics
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      HegelImmanuel KantLudwig FeuerbachRepresentation Theory
The globalization of economic activities and financial markets has had a very positive impact on the world economy. But this effect has also its costs. It can facilitate the ways by which money can be laundered internationally which is... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingServices Marketing and ManagementMoney Laundering
The following essay tracks a basic intellectual-historical trajectory running from Marx to Lukács to Adorno—from the section on commodity fetishism in Capital Vol. I, to the inauguration of the category of ‘reification’ in History and... more
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoGeorg LukacsTheories of Money
The full book can be downloaded for free in high quality resolution: This second volume in the series collects papers from two workshops held at the University of Göt-tingen... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesMedieval StudiesAfrican HistoryMamluk Studies
This is the expanded, book-length version of a paper given at a Conference on Hegel, Marx and Global Crisis at the University of Warsaw, Poland, October 22-23, 2012. It is currently available from the AK Press, online catalog:... more
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      FinanceMarxismCommonsValue Theory
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      MarxismMarxist theoryKarl MarxTheories of Money
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationInternational Marketing
Colophon: Arpita Banerjee. Usual disclaimers apply This paper concentrates on the discourse of Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 of Marx’s Capital, Vol. I to understand the metaphysical nature of money-sign, though frequent references are made to... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyPhilosophyMarxism
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      MoneyAncient Greek NumismaticsTheories of MoneyBlack Sea Studies
The aim of this thesis is to provide a holistic analysis and an economic understanding of Bitcoin, answering two key questions: (i) Why do bitcoins have value? (ii) Why and how will governments seek to regulate the use of bitcoin? To... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyMoney and BankingMoney
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      Medieval Islamic HistoryIslamic MysticismSocial statusTheories of Money
We conceptualize the emergence and spread of monies in society based on the metaphor of a game actors learn to play which is grounded by the emergence of institutions supporting this game. Based on this approach, Bitcoin is viewed as an... more
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      Economic SociologyMoney and BankingSociology of MoneyMoney
Using the concept of assemblage to describe the State’s modes of financing through history, this article intends to show the contribution of a Political Sociology of the Economy in order to grasp the different ways economic objects are... more
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      Public FinanceSovereigntyPublic Budgeting and FinanceNeoliberalism
Digital Currency (DC) is a form of currency that is available in digital or electronic form and not in physical form. Digitalization has remodeled money and payments systems. Although digital money itself is not new to modern economies,... more
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      FinanceAccountingTheories of MoneyForeign Exchange
The 2007 global financial crisis fueled critical scholarship on the geographies of finance, money, credit and debt. This research led to calls for clarifying and demystifying modern money and credit to better understand the proliferation... more
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      MarxismMoney and BankingTheories of MoneyMonetary Policy