Theories Of Truth
Recent papers in Theories Of Truth
Alfred Tarski’s semantic conception of truth is arguably the most influential – certainly, most discussed - modern conception of truth. It has provoked many different interpretations and reactions, some thinkers celebrating it for... more
Published in: Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language, Cambridge University Press, 217–232. The concept of truth and competing philosophical theories on what truth amounts to have an important place... more
This paper serves both to summarize Haack's arguments against the various forms of postmodernist cynicism in MANIFESTO OF A PASSIONATE MODERATE (1998) and to introduce ideas on philosophy of science she will develop in detail in DEFENDING... more
Susan Haack, “The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth.” Abstract: “Much truth is spoken, that more may be concealed,” wrote Mr. Justice Darling in 1879. Opening with an articulation of the distinction between truth (the concept) and... more
—ABSTRACT— Since the publication of Truth, Paul Horwich's 'Minimalism' has become the paradigm of what goes under the label 'the deflationary conception of truth'. Despite the many theoretical virtues of Horwich's minimalism, it is... more
This paper serves both as a kind of summary of Haack's arguments against the various styles of postmodernism cynicism about inquiry, evidence. truth, and reality, and as an anticipate=ion of the ideas developed in detail in her DEFENDING... more
Revision sequences were introduced in 1982 by Herzberger and Gupta (independently) as a mathematical tool in formalising their respective theories of truth. Since then, revision has developed in a method of analysis of theoretical... more
There are many variants of deflationism about truth, but one of them, Paul Horwich's minimalism, stands out because it accepts as axiomatic practical variants of the equivalence schema: ⟨p⟩ is true if and only if p. The equivalence schema... more Toute l’anthropologie, aussi ouverte, large et interdisciplinaire soit-elle, partage un commun : l’enquête de terrain la plus minutieuse, l’implication personnelle la plus... more
Resumen: Este artículo tiene como objetivo mostrar que 1) la teoría de la evolución es ontológicamente neutral en el debate entre naturalismo metafísico y teísmo y 2) que es consistente sostener en conjunto el naturalismo metodológico y... more
Аннотация: В докладе предложена формализованная процедура тре-компонентной оценки аргументов на основе многозначных логик аргументации Д.Бочвара – В. Финна. Процедура обоснована при помощи понятия пост-правды и трех концепций истины,... more
As we know, the pharmaceutical industry´s main purposes are 1) ceaseless sales growth, 2) profitability maximization and 3) shareholders´value creation. To achieve these aims, in 1997, for the first time in history, it won over the U.S.... more
Romano Guardini was highly valued by Joseph Ratzinger as a lecturer and author of inspiring books. They shared the zealous pursuit for truth, the courage to ask fundamental questions, the boldness to confront the Christian faith with the... more
[THE PAPER IS IN FINNISH] This essay discusses three things, all of which are connected by a particular notion of relativity. In language, meaning is formed through relations between different concepts and other meanings in a semantic... more
This paper takes Patrick Heron’s assertion as to the abstract nature of painting as a starting point for a phenomenological investigation into the way in which abstract works comport themselves. How do abstract paintings attain... more
Susan Haack, “Justice, Truth, and Proof: Not So Simple, After All” Background: This paper was written for a conference in Girona, Spain, on the work of Italian legal scholar Michele Taruffo—who is celebrated by the evidence group at the... more
Both Plato and Aristotle appear to have an unclear view of free will. Although Plato set conditions on the ability of choice, some may argue his belief in free will for the enlightened to be an example of libertarianism. He seemed to... more
This article approaches the relation between art and truth (can art express truth?) on how it was first set up in the Western world by Plato, who sketches a possible horizon to the development of the question. Aim to highlight his... more
A selection of papers in legal theory, focused on evidence, proof, truth, and especially the place of scientific testimony.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar se a decisão jurídica tem compromisso com a verdade – ou se contenta com algo diverso, diante da impossibilidade de apreendê-la em sua inteireza e perfeição. Vale-se do método de... more
Como se sabe, a partir del surgimiento de la corriente pragmatista -a raíz de la formulación por parte de Charles S. Peirce de la máxima pragmática- la noción de “verdad” ha ocupado un lugar central en su modo peculiar de pensar. Tal es... more
Resumen El propósito de este artículo es mostrar el modo en que Borges, en su relato Tigres azules, desarrolla varias ideas interesantes en torno a la lógica, el lenguaje y las matemáticas. El punto de partida es el escepti-cismo borgeano... more
ABSTRACT: Minimalists about truth contend that traditional inflationary theories systematically fail to explain certain facts about truth, and that this failure licenses a 'reversal of explanatory direction'. Once reversed, they purport... more
The article presents an attempt to use the logical theory of Dignāga (ca 480 - ca 540) to address the critique levelled against the treatment of “truth” as an unattainable ideal in postmodern/poststructuralist philosophy. Dignāga has... more
An anthology of central contemporary readings on the nature and value of truth. See the attached file for a table of contents.
In this essay, I pesent a new argument for the imposszbility of definmg truth by speafyzng the underlyzng structural property ali and only true proposttions have in common The set of consulerations I use to support this clazm take as thar... more
This thesis examines the concept of the true voice as a method for the exploration of identity. A revised Delphi approach was used to facilitate the open discussion of this concept amongst a group of specialists from various areas of... more
Slides for an invited lecture at Scuola Superiore di Catania, Università di Catania, 2017-03-21. [Also available on ResearchGate at]
What does it mean, the king is naked? The earlier version of this essay, which discusses the political implications of the concept of truth by Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault, and Alain Badiou with reference to Plato’s allegory of the cave... more
This is chapter 6 of my book on Rorty, an attempt to understand and defend to an extent his account of the uses of 'truth'. I'm posting it because I'm revisiting the topic and having reread it recently thought some might find it... more
By examining the question of truth, the article examines whether Christian existence may be interpreted as an ironic way of life. The biblical basis for this is the Pauline understanding of truth, whereby Christ appears as the living... more
In this essay, I analyse the ideological relationship between Tim O’Brien’s short story “How to Tell a True War Story” (1990) and Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy. I argue that the postmodern message of O’Brien’s story revindicates... more
For Nietzsche, killing God would improve the quality of life considerably. Contrary to the nihilistic interpretations of Nietzsche, which hold that he dispenses with God in order to sanction an anything-goes philosophy, Nietzsche holds... more
Questo. capitolo racconta il classico articolo di Tarski sul concetto di verità.
Twenty-first Theoretical Physics is undergoing a profound "Paradigmatic-Shift" from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm underlying both Relativity Theory (RT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New "G-d's Physics" ("Computational Unified... more