Theoretical Archaeology
Recent papers in Theoretical Archaeology
A Roman bathhouse near Glasgow, Scotland, was the site chosen to trial a project called Recovery through Heritage (RtH). This provided a convenient archaeological case study through which to explore ideas of historical well-being,... more
achim lichtenberger, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster rubina raja, Aarhus Universitet Advisory Board Susan e. alcock Marianne Bergmann robin osborne r. r. r. Smith voluMe 1
TMA 9, mei 1992, 5de jaargang nr. l prijs los num mer f1. 12,95 / bfr. 240. TMA is' een onafhankelijk tijdschrift dat aandacht besteedt aan het actuele archeo logische onderzoek in de Mediterrane wereld, in het bijzonder verricht vanuit... more
The main goal of this paper is to reflect on the perspectives and challenges of art and archaeology research. The paper investigates main objectives through the lens of the art historian and archaeologist. Even though, the study on... more
The book analyzes cannibalistic practices from the present and from the past.
"""Content AD GLORIAM N. A. Răileanu (Kishinev, Moldova)N. A. Chetraru: The Beginnings9 S. I. Covalenco (Kishinev, Moldova)The Leading Stone Age Researcher of Moldova11 N. K. Anisyutkin, G. V. Grigorieva (St. - Petersburg,... more
The burial ground at Eksåg A late Bronze Age burial ground in Södermanland, Central Sweden, was excavated in the autumn of 1991. The results raised questions about the rueaning of the variation of gravetypes and burial customs in the same... more
**please contact me if you would like a copy of my thesis** The development of urbanism in the Viking Age is undoubtedly one of the best-studied fields in the archaeology of the period. The Viking towns of Birka, Kaupang, Hedeby and Ribe... more
L'acte moderne de croire passe souvent pour un acte de savoir. Ce livre traite des visions scientifiques de l'origine de l'homme. Savoir ou croyances ? Il est des croyances dont la force de séduction est si grande que nous les prenons... more
Archaeological data should ideally present a robust comparative set for the evaluation of theoretical constructs. The relationship of archaeological theory, socio-cultural theory, and the interpretation of archaeological data is... more
Conclusions What I am suggesting here is that a conquest myth may be a frequent consequence of an immigration situation in which the immigrants have achieved ascendancy, but feel under pressure because they are a minority, or because... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Archaeological discussions on prehistoric ritual are largely concerned with their material remains, including architectural debris. The first step in interpretation of such remains is their precise identification and categorization. There... more
This text comprises a critical discussion of assemblage theory and its application to burial studies. In recent research, burials have been viewed as fluid and indeterminate assemblages that 'become' in varied ways depending on different... more
"Studies of industrial sites have tended to focus on purely functional understandings of their origins, layout, design and meaning. Industrial buildings have often been seen as an entity apart from other forms of post-medieval... more
This chapter introduces Boundary Line Type (BLT) mapping, a vector GIS based cross-culturally and diachronically comparative method, used for mapping the socio-spatial significance of urban built environments. This new research method is... more
Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist die Darstellung der Entwicklung von Theorien in den beiden Disziplinen Ägyptologie und Archäologie. Eine detaillierte Übersicht und Diskussion verschiedener theoretischer Ansätze (kulturhistorische, prozessuale,... more
For the last six years I engaged in a series of activities with the Wajãpi, a Tupian people living in the extreme North of Brazil, in the Amazon forest. As soon as we started field work, many archaeological sites were registered. It... more
This paper aims are simply a polemic against Romanization.. To answer questions regarding the present understanding of the term Romanization. To explain the colonialist roots or origins it has and to diacritically explore where the... more
During the 19th century, sublime depictions of North American mounds captivated Euro-American colonists and Romantic travelers. Settlers frequently embedded farms and homesteads into the material fabric of these Indigenous ruins across... more
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The debate over the origins, function and date of the round towers of Ireland has been ongoing for a number of centuries. However, the majority of discussion has focused on their dating and possible continental origins, with little... more
A proposal to use DNA sampling in Late Bronze Age peculiar sepultures in Europe to see if a pandemic could have been a factor in the much debated 'Bronze Age Collapse', via severe migrations caused by a specific volcanic explosion, Hekla... more
The present text concerns the social implications of the material world, focusing on the sociality of materialities rather than their possible meaning and symbolism. It is argued that the interpretative approach only permit things and... more
"This paper examines the extent to which spatial and temporal scales of investigation are transformed when the focus of archaeological study is shifted from the distant past to the recent past, present or future.
This course provides an introduction to the archaeology of North America. We will explore alternative histories and decolonizing practices that promote a more diverse and inclusive archaeology. We will also examine how the practice of... more
"In archaeology, biotic phenomena (e.g. human behaviour) must be inferred from a-biotic traces, requiring the process model to be conceptually unified. This unification has been prevented by dualistic ontologies that conceive humans and... more
Vor einigen Jahren, auf einer langen Busfahrt von der Peloponnes nach Athen, gab ein Gespräch mit meinem späteren Doktorvater über die Perspektiven der theoretischen Archäologie in Deutschland den Anstoß zur Entstehung des vorliegenden... more
In burial archaeology, approaches based on symbolism and structuration theory represent a considerable theoretical advance over the positivism of German traditionalist and Anglo-American processual archaeology because they take better... more
Ova monografija je štampana uz finansijsku pomoć Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije u okviru projekta Vojvođanski prostor u kontekstu evropske istorije ISBN: 978-86-6065-521-1 NAPOMENA O AUTORSKOM PRAVU:... more