Theology of Politics

25 papers
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Theology of Politics is an interdisciplinary field that examines the relationship between religious beliefs and political structures, practices, and ideologies. It explores how theological concepts influence political thought, governance, and social justice, and how political contexts shape religious interpretations and expressions.
Elections are one of the pillars of democracy and fundamentals features of representative democratic governance. free, fair and transparent elections confer credibility and legitimacy on the outcome of the electoral process. However, in... more
Citizens in heaven and citizens on earth
"Wound of Knowledge" Lecture Content Record (Professor Andres Tang's Part) (2015)
Hannah Arendt's criticism of traditional Western political philosophy
metaphorical church, political gathering
Introduction to The Church in the Politics
Theology and Publicity Series: Origins of the Series
Discipleship in the workplace 2018 本文為作者出席2018年10月8日商區福音使團「商福職宣課堂」 之講義,同年11月7日刊於中國神學研究院 CGST Magazine。 《時代論壇》 2019年3月15日... more
biblical covenants
The formation of a theological student’s life
HKBTS 屬靈操練營 2012‧8‧22
Spiritual Formation Camp, Sharing Session Introduction
HKBTS 屬靈操練營 21 Aug 2007
Present your body as a living sacrifice
HKBTS 屬靈操練營 22 Aug 2007
A muddy torrent of quasi-theological apocrypha, dicta, narratives, and sermons contributes to what the Russians euphemistically call the “special military operation” in Ukraine. It bursts forth from the quills and lips of senior Orthodox... more
Commercial bodies spread in the world in order to be able to meet the needs. The body is no longer seen as the most expensive part but can be traded. Sexual harassment is also an act of humiliation against the body that needs to be... more
The existing project is aimed at presenting the Sola Scriptura practice of Kevin Vanhoozer. Vanhoozer bases on the model of Trinitarian hermeneutics on the scripture to restore the right hermeneutical relationship between the Scripture... more
Lorenzo Milani於1923年5月27日在意大利佛羅倫斯出生,後來,他患上一種類似血癌的病,令他受了許多年的痛苦,於1967年6月26日在同他出生的地方去世。去世時,他只有44歲。Lorenzo Milani神父,作為一個改教者及一個神父 Lorenzo Milani... more
This is the handout I prepared when leading the bible study for Galatians 1:1 to 2:10
This paper consists in two very different parts. Part I examines the development of Henri-Xavier Arquillière’s famous theory of « political Augustinianism » from 1925 to 1955. It shows in this development an invalid use of the works of... more
This article aims to re-question the relevance of Catholic political theology on the level of acceptance of people with disabilities. The author pointed out that the dominant ideology of liberalism, which separates the religious domain... more
在二十一世紀的今天,本書最叫人驚豔之處,可能是最後一部分整整用了三章的篇幅,討論十字架的信息所建立的生活與群體。在這重視主觀經驗的世代,以及強調群體的學術氛圍下,許多人對十字架的理解,是側重於它傳達了基督自我犧牲的思想範式,以及一種主觀經歷的轉化力量使人能效法這思想範式,並因此能建立一個遵循此範式的群體。這個面向的理解確實有幫助,也是傳統思想常常忽略的。但是斯托得牧師不但沒有忽略這個面向,反而精準地將這種偏向主觀與群體的理解,重新建基於客觀的代贖事實。盼望本書能幫助讀者重新回... more
This article aims to re-question the relevance of Catholic political theology on the level of acceptance of people with disabilities. The author pointed out that the dominant ideology of liberalism, which separates the religious domain... more
聖靈的工作可以分成三個時期: 舊約時期,新約時期和教會時期,末後時期
目  錄
1. 起頭到主後95年之歷史
2. 主後95-105年之歷史
3. 主後150-200年之歷史
4. 主後200-250年之歷史
5. 主後250年之事
6. 主後250-323年之歷史
7. 古早的宣道:道理的對敵
8. 禮拜與當職的
9. 羅馬教(天主教)的原因
10. 新舊律法的辯論
11. 學上帝:成為上帝
古早的教會 梅監務(Campbell Naismith Moody,1866-1940)寫於1922年 頭序 這本書有經過高金生牧師潤筆,使內容明白,好讀,我要向他致謝。 我的目的是要讓教會內的老師知道古早教會的樣貌。較沒有學問的人若讀第一章到第六章,以及奧古斯丁的經驗,一章就好;其餘的有些深,不必讀。 梅監務 白話字著作(頁389) 林美瑢/文字整理(2013.4.4) 目 錄 1. 起頭到主後95年之歷史 2. 主後95-105年之歷史 3.... more
經文:使徒行傳 4:23-31 黃紹權牧師-多倫多以馬內利華人浸信會 筆記: v.23-"釋放( Ἀπολυθέντες)"有別於 λυω,前者是指一些人被有權勢的人,從壓迫中獲釋。這可見彼 得和約翰先前所受的遭遇並不容易,並且同時見到大祭司集團耍弄權力的行徑。 v.24-"同心合意(ὁµοθυµαδὸν)是一個組合詞(ref. BDAG),由 ὁµός(one and the same, common) + θυµός (termination)結合而成,曾用於... more
Ward’s recent volume on the entwining of belief and perception, while not being an explicitly theological monograph, nonetheless evinces a subtle texture that displays his continuing fidelity to certain aspects of Radical Orthodoxy’s... more