Theology of Creation
Recent papers in Theology of Creation
Among the many psalms that refer to creation, Pss 8 and 104 stand out in being entirely devoted to this theme. Whereas Ps 8 highlights the prominent, even exalted, human role in the created order, Ps 104 contextualizes humanity as but one... more
Careful attention to the biblical text and to St Maximus inspire human beings to revalue creation, their home and not long for its destruction but for its redemption alongside the redemption of the children of God. It is only through the... more
Alfa e Omega è un breve manuale che, come indicato dal titolo, studia la protologia e l’escatologia cristiana, alla luce del cristocentrismo trinitario e del principio sintetico. La luminosità di Cristo risorto si espande verso gli inizi... more
The article surveys recent scholarship on the use of creation imagery in the Gospel of John, with the aim of presenting rather exhaustive register of possible references. Both the obvious and the less clear-cut allusions to Gen 1–3 are... more
Classical Occultism – i.e. Spiritual Tradition – very often rests on imitation of old usages and forgotten rituals – or on texts and images the inner (i.e. esoteric) content of which is recog¬nized only by Initiates. This most typically... more
The change in the average lifespan of man, from almost a thousand years in pre-flood times to the present day norm of seventy years, is explained by earth orbital changes, triggered by events in the solar system, at the time of Noah’s... more
I saw the movie The Matrix when it first came out. I enjoyed the movie and intuitively knew that there was something very profound about it. In the movie, the majority of humanity is imprisoned in an artificial, digitally simulated world... more
Le concept de « création continuée » fait partie des défis que l’écologie pose actuellement à la théologie. Au sein de l’« Évangile de la création » au n°80 de Laudato si’, il s’agit de valoriser une des raisons de penser que les... more
The recent publication of Laudato si’ by Pope Francis offers a good opportunity to rethink on the theological relation between our faith in God the Creator and the fulfillment of creation in Christ. In this paper, taking as a point of... more
The uploaded version of the article is my PDF of the publication. One of the new constellations which, in my opinion, will be much debated on in the post-pandemic time will be the theological interpretation of Creation and of the aims of... more
Press, Louisville, Ky. 256 pages REVIEWED BY KEN KOVACS The latest work by theologian Ian A. McFarland is a significant, groundbreaking theology of creation. It's an example of rigorous theological reasoning done in service to the... more
Creation motifs stand out as an important link between the Pentateuch and texts that are commonly attributed to Wisdom literature. At the same time, in the Book of Job, references and allusions to divine acts of creation turn up... more
Depicting the Creation of Woman presented a special problem for Renaissance artists. The medieval iconography of Eve rising half-formed from Adam's side was hardly compatible with their commitment to the naturalistic representation of the... more
Vastness of Universe: The Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the stars, the satellites and the galaxies etc. form our universe. A wreath like arch of stars, stretching across the sky is the Milky Way. It is a part of our galaxy, which is an... more
This paper aims to make a distinctive contribution to Christology by developing the narrative witness to Jesus the Creator in the Gospel of Mark.
Teniendo en cuenta los recientes estudios sobre la Trinidad creadora según Santo Tomás, nos proponemos exponer los principales textos del Aquinate al respecto, bajo la perspectiva de la armonía entre fe y razón. Este enfoque consiente... more
Reviews in Science and Religion Journal (November, 2015)
Arguably, no greater issue exists than the one elicited in the questions, “Where did we come from, and what is our purpose?” This paper will examine ancient works that presumed to answer these two questions regarding the creation of... more
Benedict XVI referred in a homily to the relation between creation and covenant with the formula created by Karl Barth in his Church Dogmatics. Taking occasion on this, the aim of the present study is to analyze the first reception of... more
This paper will reflect theologically on the theme of creation in the Wisdom of Solomon. As the book’s structure falls roughly into three main sections (chaps. 1-6, 7-10, 11-19), we will divide our study accordingly into three major... more
2,4a als Magna Charta des biblischen Schöpfungsglaubens Karl Ernst Nipkow zum 80. Geburtstag I. Jenseits von Evolutionismus und Kreationismus »Mir ist, als gestände ich einen Mord« -als Charles Darwin im Oktober 1836 von seiner Weltreise... more
Michel Weber, Féminisme épidermique et utopie viscérale. Signes, symboles, et archétypes, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2020 ; ISBN 978-2-930517-72-8, ISBN E-book 978-2-930517-73-5 Comment repenser la sexualité et le « genre » ?... more
Die vom Menschen verursachte globale Naturkrise fordert die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Mensch und Natur seit längerem heraus. Zur Debatte steht auch der revisionsbedürftige Einfluss biblischer Dogmen („Macht euch die Erde untertan“)... more
When does the Sabbath begin? In the most comprehensive article to-date on the subject, Fentiman demonstrates from Scripture that the Sabbath has always been from dawn-to-dawn since Creation throughout Scripture, without exception.... more
This paper argues for the ethics of the body from a biblical perspective, engaging Lutheran ethics of freedom, Luther and Lutheran scholarship. The broader areas of discussion circulate around the ethics of the body in Creation,... more
À la question : Dieu seul peut-il être dit créateur ? La réponse semble simple et claire : « Si la création est comprise au sens strict, il est clair qu’elle ne peut convenir qu’au premier agent »1, à savoir Dieu. Mais, outre le fait que... more
Dans sa weltanschauung, Teilhard distingue trois niveaux de perception: physique ou phénoménologie, métaphysique ou hyper-physique, et mystique. Mais l’objet de perception est toujours la réalité toute entière. Dans le contexte... more
La crisi del Covid-19 è stata annunciata da scienziati lungimiranti. Molto prima di loro, la Bibbia ha dato un avvertimento che deve essere ascoltato di nuovo. In Gen 1,28, il Dio creatore stabilisce Adamo come custode delle specie... more
Some authors deny the personhood of the intellectually disabled, while others (seemingly) deny human nature in defense of their personhood. This essay seeks a middle ground which defends a both the personhood (and therefore infinite... more
The book analyses how 'God' came to be known - his location and the location of his sacred name(s).
It also tells how the Adam and Eve myth was created and where the story
came from
It also tells how the Adam and Eve myth was created and where the story
came from
Manual de la primera parte de la antropología teológica con lo referente a la creación y pecado original.
“What is man, that thou art mindful of him?” (Psalm 8) Lent One, February 29, 2004 at Evensong “His Son, whom the Father hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also God made the worlds; He is the brightness of the Father’s glory and... more
Este artículo se presenta como una reseña de aquellos textos de Boff en los que el autor hace una referencia explícita a la temática de la creación desde la perspectiva de una ecoteología. La finalidad es mostrar la amplitud y la novedad... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate how Abraham Kuyper and some late neo-Calvinists have addressed the doctrine of creation in light of the challenges posed by evolutionary scientific theory. I argue that most neo-Calvinists today,... more
Drawing upon the various liturgical texts of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, this paper briefly discusses the place given to Christ in the Ethiopian Liturgy.
La présente livraison exprime pour tous publics les travaux d’une session inter et pluri disciplinaire portant sur l’encyclique du pape François : «Laudato si’» de 2015. Cette session a été conjointement organisée par la faculté de... more
Hz. Adem'in Yaratılış hikayesini Kur'an ve Tevrat'tan derledim. Resimlerle destekleyerek slayt haline getirdim.
L‘évolution du vivant, par l‘observation de nouveauté, fait poser la question de la création continuée de l‘univers par Dieu. La création est en cours de réalisation par l‘émergence de nouveauté, notamment dans le vivant. C‘est la... more
One particularly disputed topic within the field of Old Testament theology is the subject of creation, specifically the theological and ethical import of the creation materials. The present study conducts a survey of positions on the... more
This article addresses the Orthodox Christian representation of reality, or doctrine of creation, and the possible need to rephrase and communicate its meaning within the parameters of contemporary scientific culture. To redraft the... more
In this paper I give an exposition and brief evaluation of the relationship between the protology, eschatology, and political theology of Jürgen Moltmann. I pay special attention to the narratives of modernity provided by Moltmann, and... more