Theology of Art
Recent papers in Theology of Art
The problem of evil is not only a logical problem about God’s goodness but also an existential problem about the sense of God’s presence, which the Biblical book of Job conceives as a problem of aesthetic experience. Thus, just as theism... more
Diplomová práce Teologická reflexe vybraných motivů v současné české poezii se zabývá teologickou reflexí motivů člověka, světa a transcendence ve třech sbírkách současné české poezie. Konkrétně jde o sbírky Úloža Ivana Martina Jirouse,... more
1. The 3 dogmatic moments of the icon: Sinai, Nazareth, Niceae
2. "The icon is a ____________ art." 10 words to describe the meaning of the icon.
3. Who are the heroes of the icon: the martyrs, theologians, painters, writers, defenders?
2. "The icon is a ____________ art." 10 words to describe the meaning of the icon.
3. Who are the heroes of the icon: the martyrs, theologians, painters, writers, defenders?
In The Icon and the Square, Maria Taroutina examines how the traditional interests of institutions such as the crown, the church, and the Imperial Academy of Arts temporarily aligned with the radical, leftist, and revolutionary... more
This is an unpublished paper for a Global Church Planting class at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. This is a hypothetical strategy paper for planting a church in Berlin. I don't know if this strategy will work in Berlin, however, I... more
Dentro da vasta produção religiosa do artista e historiador Benedito Calixto de Jesus (1853-1927), em São Paulo, destaca-se um conjunto de oito pinturas neobizantinas, das quais aqui se privilegiam duas: São Tarcísio e Santo Estêvão. A... more
Spośród licznych, nawiązujących do chrześcijańskiego 'sacrum', wytworów sztuki współczesnej przynajmniej część niewątpliwie zasługuje na zainteresowanie teologów, szczególnie teologów fundamentalnych. Skłaniają one bowiem do poszukiwania... more
Anand Amaladass, "Christian Muslim Dialogue through Art Forms", in "Lord The Air Smells Good: Felicitation volume in honour of Fr. Paul Jackson S.J.", eds. Amaladass & Victor Edwin (Bengaluru: ATC Publishers, 2018): 130-145
This exhibition was conceived for the annual Regis College Easter Exhibition with the intention of exploring diverse kinds of spiritual awareness and their particular expression through painting. The exhibition proposes to unravel the... more
The exhibition explores the theme of spirituality and how it informs the identity and work of the artists. It offers the viewer the option of contemplating the artists' path in order to help illuminate the viewer's understanding and... more
Wyniki badań zrealizowanych w ramach tematu "Chrysto-logia kultury współczesnej" zostały sfinansowane z dotacji celowej na naukę przyznanej przez MNiSW w roku 2018.
Článek zkoumá, v čem východní ikonopis a západní umění mohou obohatit vztah člověka k prostoru a k transcendenci. Soustředí se na pojetí ikon u Leonida Ouspenského, Pavla Florenského a Paula Evdokimova. Vyzdvihuje jejich participační... more
Looking at the themes of the world, memory and the ultimate fulfilment, the book seeks to recover the symbolic languages which can assist a dialogue and mutual learning on the boundaries between theology, politics and arts. Contents:... more
Anand Amaladass SJ, "The Role of the Artists in Creating Space", in "Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection" 83 (2018): 48-58
Zobrazowanie ewangelicznych opisów męki i śmierci Chrystusa (zob. Mk 14-15; Mt 26-27; Łk 22-23 i J 18-19) od wieków było celem tworzących dzieła dla szeroko pojętych celów kultycznych. Obok próby oddania, mniej lub bardziej wiernie,... more