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letters from Israel's war of independence  1947-1948
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      Israel/PalestinePalestineIsrael and ZionismArab-Israeli conflict
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      American HistoryPolitical PhilosophyThe history of our independence war
200+ pages of text intelligently condensed into 17 pages – save your precious time! For smart lazy students with love from Angel Versetti Spark Notes style summary of the essentials for your preparation The American Revolution by... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean HistoryAmerican Studies
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      SociologyTourism StudiesEducationTourism Marketing
Japan created a state-administered system of licensed prostitutions and within itself and its colonies. The “Comfort Women” (Jugun Ianfu) system had been drafted over 200,000 Asian women into sexual slavery for the Japanese military... more
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      Women's RightsSexual slaveryThe history of our independence warPolitics, Political Psychology, International Relations, International Rule of Law and Human Rights,Media and Communication, Conflict Studies, Conflict Reporting, Conflict Resolution, and Post War Reconstruction
Según José Luis Romero, las ideas que surgieron en América en la época de la Independencia estaban muy ligadas a las situaciones propias de cada región. Eran ideas que se habían elaborado en la historia colonial con el mestizaje y la... more
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      Historia Regional y LocalThe history of our independence warIndependencias HispanoamericanasIndependencia De Colombia
RESUMEN “Miguel Hidalgo en los relatos de nación. Del patriotismo criollo al nacionalismo posrevolucionario” no es una investigación que se ocupe de la vida y obra de Hidalgo. Este estudio... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesIconographyCultural Heritage
The 20th century witnessed a lot of nationalist movements, which gave the birth of many independent states. All these nationalist movements were led by some charismatic leaders who could convince, organize, and motivate people by their... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of CommunicationBangladeshPolitics of Bangladesh
Entrada triunfal del Ejército Trigarante
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      American HistoryPresbyterianismProtestantismAnglicanism (Anglicanism)
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      Military HistoryEconomic HistoryPolitical HistoryThe history of our independence war
El presente trabajo pretende abordar la conflictiva coyuntura en la que tuvo que sesionar el Congreso convocado en San Miguel de Tucumán durante el año 1816. En este contexto, nos enfocaremos específicamente en dar cuenta del rol que tuvo... more
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      HistoryHistoriaHistoria ArgentinaThe history of our independence war
Los sucesos de mayo iniciaron el proceso revolucionario que iba a culminar con la declaración de Independencia del Virreinato del Río de la Plata de la corona española. En este contexto, el Ejército Auxiliar del Perú, se transformó en uno... more
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      American RevolutionEjercitoThe history of our independence warRío de la Plata
July 2021
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11003.03369
Project: Military History
Agha H Amin
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      Military HistoryGhadar MovementThe history of our independence warHistory of Indian Mutiny 1857
The 1857 revolt, which had forged an unshakable unity amongst Hindus and Muslims alike, was an important milestone in our freedom struggle - providing hope and inspiration for future generations of freedom lovers. All Hindus and Muslims... more
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      History of IndiaMadrasa educationHistory of Colonial IndiaMadrasa
Six decades and one year more already since the era of independence, the African States-with some exception, do not cease to find themselves at the bottom of the scale of the positive advances, and to be seen ostensibly gnawed by the... more
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      African StudiesDevelopment EconomicsAfrican PhilosophyAfrican History
O artigo tem como objetos de análise os retratos de Maria Quitéria de Jesus, mulher que combateu tropas portuguesas na Guerra de Independência do Brasil. As obras foram produzidas por Augustus Earle em 1824 e por Domenico Failutti em... more
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      IndependenceEstudos de Gênero (Gender Studies)História da arteThe history of our independence war
A tanulmány célja, hogy példákat mutasson arra, milyen változásokat hozott a Nagy ébredés az amerikai társadalomba és mindezzel hogyan egyengette az amerikai polgári forradalom útját. Elsőként az ébredés és a forradalom kapcsolatának két... more
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      American HistoryChurch History18th CenturyJonathan Edwards
on monarchism and republican militarism in Chile from 1810 to 1823.
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      Latin American HistoryChilean PoliticsChilean Social and Cultural HistoryThe history of our independence war
Pentru tânărul stat român, Războiul de Independență a început și s-a încheiat prin amenințări din Rusiei creștine. Evoluția sinuoasă a relațiilor româno-ruse în contextul Crizei Orientale începută în 1875 și ulterior a războiului în... more
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      Military HistoryRomanian HistoryThe history of our independence war1877-1878 Russian-Turkish War.
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      Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, Jön Türk Hareketi, Türk Kurtuluş SavaşıThe history of our independence warTürkiye Cumhuriyeti TArihiTurkish War of Independance
The declaration of independence hit headlines of the world media on 27 or 28 March 1971. More than 90 newspapers globally ran stories on the declaration of Bangladesh
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      Bangladesh Liberation WarHistory of liberation war in BangladeshThe history of our independence war1971 the liberation war of Bangladesh
One of the fundamental questions that still exists regarding the circumstances that enabled the I.D.F. to emerge victoriously from Israel's War of Independence concerns the quantity of weapons possessed by the two sides in the conflict.... more
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      Jewish StudiesThe history of our independence war
This article analyzes the construction of historical time by the royalists during the monarchical restoration in Tierra Firme (1814-1819). It shows how the reinvention of the monarchical order’s legitimacy implied the existence of a... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistoryPolitical Culture18th & 19th Centuries
fue, después de George Washington y John Adams, el tercer presidente de los Estados Unidos entre 1801 y 1809. Su padre, Peter Jefferson, fue designado para trazar la línea de la frontera entre Virginia y Carolina del Sur y dibujó el... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryConstitutional LawAmerican Politics
Rad predstavlja političku i istorijsku analizu razvoja ideje o obnovi crnogorske nezavisnosti kroz djelovanje više srodnih pokreta u periodu od srpske aneksije Crne Gore 1918. i izbijanja Božićnog ustanka protiv tih događaja 1919. godine... more
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      HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryPolitical Science
"Estudio introductorio" de una compilación (que no ha circulado mucho) de textos clásicos sobre la revolución del Cuzco, 1814.  (Cusco: Dirección Desconcentrada de Cultura del Cusco-Ministerio de Cultura, 2015)
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      Peruvian HistoryThe history of our independence warCuscoIndependencia
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      SikhismHistorySocial MovementsEthnic Studies
Heroes of the American Revolutionary War such as Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, George Washington Thomas Jefferson, and Paul Revere are household names that are familiar even to schoolchildren. Yet, most American Jews have never heard... more
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      American HistoryWar StudiesJewish HistoryHistory of the Jews
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      Cultural History of WarThe history of our independence warIndependencias Hispanoamericanas
Since August 1996, Nile Beat Artists have been bringing together cultural performing groups and individuals to Jinja Mayors‘ Gardens in Uganda to celebrate the Omuvangano or the Festival of Re-Union', a cultural festival in Busoga... more
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      SociologyAfrican StudiesDigital LibrariesDigital Humanities
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryResearch MethodologyBritish Military History
Slovenska skupnost v Italiji je budno spremljala dogajanje v Sloveniji ob razglasitvi samostojnosti junija 1991 in napadu Jugoslovanske ljudske armade, ki ji je sledil. Prispevek se na podlagi časopisnega poročanja osredotoča na... more
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      Slovenian HistorySloveniaThe history of our independence warSlovenes in Italy
This article was about the contribution of the common people in the Liberation War of Bangladesh
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      Bangladesh Liberation WarHistory of liberation war in BangladeshThe history of our independence war1971 the liberation war of Bangladesh
La libertad, cosa de negros. Lo que nos dejó el bicentenario de la batalla de Maipú  NOTICIAS | OPINION | ENTREVISTAS | MAR DEL PLATA | VIDEOS E INFOGRAFÍAS | PODCAST | Suscribite a nuestro Newsletter Enter your email Suscribir... more
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesRevolutionsIndependence
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      Business AdministrationHistoryMilitary HistorySociology
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      DemocracyThe history of our independence war
No âmbito das comemorações do dia do herói nacional e do quadragésimo aniversário da independência de Angola, o tema sobre o comandante (Agostinho Neto), a guerrilha e a formação do exército, estratégias e factos históricos da luta de... more
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      War StudiesWarfareThe history of our independence warNational Liberation movements
We are writing to invite you to participate with a paper in the workshop on War and Peace: decolonization, revolution, counter-revolution, war and post-war in the turbulent contemporary age, for the International Conference of the... more
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesCold WarSecond World War
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      Resistance (Social)The history of our independence war
The Turkish governments have enacted numerous amnesty laws in accordance with social and politic developments in the country. Amnesty laws which have an important place in terms of legal, social and political aspects have been a crucial... more
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      The history of our independence warTurkish national Struggle, Milli MücadeleAmnesty Laws
La figura del “pacificador” Pablo Morillo tiene más enveses y reveses que los que suele reconocer la historia canónica de la Independencia, incluso su “nueva” historia. En este ensayo se examinan los vaivenes de la reputación de Morillo,... more
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      IconographyIconografiaThe history of our independence warIndependencia
Le 9 avril 1780, le capitaine Louis de Lauberdière, un jeune officier angevin du régiment de Saintonge, âgé de vingt ans, embarque à Brest sur le Père de famille, et part pour l'Amérique le 2 mai suivant. Comme plusieurs milliers d'autres... more
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      American Revolutionary WarAmerican War of IndependenceThe history of our independence warFrench Army
Although the Manipur uprising of 1891 has been widely commemorated in the state, the Kuki uprising from 1917-1919 still has no place in public memory
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      Northeast IndiaForgettingKuki StudiesRebellion
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryLocal History
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      The history of our independence warΕπανάσταση 1821Αγώνας ΑνεξαρτησίαςΕλληνική Επανάσταση 1821
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      Israel/PalestinePalestineIsrael and ZionismArab-Israeli conflict