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Научные статьи сборника Царскосельской конференции «Атрибуция предмета: интуиция, опыт, документ» посвящены вопросам введения в научный оборот в результате атрибуции с использованием всех способов анализа движимых и недвижимых памятников... more
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      Russian StudiesDecorative ArtsFabergeRussian & Soviet Art
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      Byzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine ArchaeologyRoman Marble trade and distribution
door Marleen DE CEUKELAIRE, in "La pierre comme porteur de messages du chantier de construction et de la vie du bâtiment. Actes du XXIe Colloque International de Glyptographie (du 8 au 14 juillet 2018, Amay, Belgique)" ISBN... more
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      Stone carvingThe Use of Marble and Other StonesStone carving and lapidary techniques
“Malachite Diplomacy” charts the discovery and attribution of Russian lapidary art that left the Russian Empire’s borders during various periods as diplomatic gifts. Ludmilla Budrina holds a PhD in Art History and her extensive research... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsCross-Cultural StudiesCultural Diplomacy
This archaeometric study is focused on the marble used in a group of fragmented sculptures found at the Roman villa of Quinta das Longas (Elvas, Portugal). Dating from the 4th century AD, the pieces are of remarkable quality and... more
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      ArchaeometryRoman VillaeArchaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman Marble trade and distribution
Nidarosdomen hviler på et grunnfjell av steintradisjoner som ble etablert i Midt-Østen og Det gamle Egypt. Det fortsatte med romerne for 2000 år siden. Deres middelalderske etterkommere tok med seg kunnskapen fra England til Norge. Slik... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyAncient QuarryingAncient Quarries
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsDiplomacyDecorative Arts
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      Fashion designThe Use of Marble and Other Stones20th-Century FashionHistory of Fasion Design
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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureSculptureItalian Renaissance Art
Recent investigations in the North-East Necropolis and in the st Philip church at Hierapolis brought to light numerous fragments of marble sarcophagi. The paper presents the results of the archaeological examinations carried out on these... more
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      ArchaeometryRoman SarcophagiMarble ProvenanceRoman Marble Quarries
"English summary: The archaeology of Nidaros cathedral’s medieval quarries Like at other European cathedrals, the choice of building stone for Nidaros cathedral was largely determined by availability and stone properties. There was... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyAncient QuarryingThe Use of Marble and Other Stones
In this article I discuss the artistic paradigms for sea-thinking and sea-making in four sections: marble as emulatio for the sea (1); the phenomenon of sea-floors or the psycho-acoustic space (2); Echo as aquatic paradigm (3); and... more
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      PsychoanalysisMatrix TheoryCultural Heritage and Ethnology/anthropology ResearchIstanbul
Between c. AD 1400–1900, Yapese islanders in western Micronesia travelled to the Palauan archipelago to carve large circular or ovoid-shaped disks. Often referred to as ‘stone money’, they were made from a speleothem flowstone variety of... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPacific Island StudiesPacific Archaeology
El capítulo que aquí se ofrece realiza una reevaluación de los materiales marmóreos identificados en las piezas anteriormente estudiadas de Villa Adriana. Esta actualización se enmarca en el entorno propio de estos estudios, por lo que se... more
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      ArchaeometryRoman Marble trade and distributionThe Use of Marble and Other StonesRoman Archaeology
Ravenna represented an important administrative, commercial and cultural centre in the fifth and sixth centuries. The present study explored the commercial mechanisms of Ravenna in Late Antiquity from the point of view of the marble... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesInternational TradeLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Archaeology
sua connotazione di «città estiva», di spazi coltivati, di alpeggi «caricati», è ormai silente da decenni. E attraverso il momento del silenzio, ci rammenta Eugenio Turri, si ha il senso del tempo: «così nel silenzio, nell'auscultazione... more
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      Alpine historyThe Use of Marble and Other StonesArt & ArchitectureMaterial Architecture
Workshop at Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome, 16-18 september 2021
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      History of SculptureMateriality (Anthropology)MarblesMaterial Culture & Materiality
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      Marble ProvenanceThe Use of Marble and Other StonesStoria Dell'ArchitetturaRestauro
In occasione della mostra tenuta ad Athene nell'estate 2005 dal titolo "Spirito Atletico ed Olimpico nella Periferia del Mondo Greco" sono state restaurate due lastre dipinte della tomba n. 4 rinvenuta nel 1975 in località Vannullo,... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationFunerary Archaeology
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      Italian StudiesArt Criticism18th-20th century Modern/Comtemporary Art20th century Italian art
In the 19th century stone-cutting art has become one of the brightest elements in the representation of the Russian Empire. World’s fairs provided ample opportunities for this representation. The article examines the structure of the... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsDecorative ArtsRussia
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      History of SculptureSculptureMarblesMarble Provenance
Various red, black and grey ‘Belgian marbles’ (coloured dense fossiliferous Palaeozoic limestones suit- able for polishing — ‘calcaires marbriers’) decorated private and public buildings as well as sanctuaries within and beyond the... more
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      Roman Marble trade and distributionProvenance studies of archaeological materialMarble ProvenanceRoman Mosaics
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      Russian StudiesDecorative ArtsThe Use of Marble and Other StonesXIX century art & architecture
Zespół kamedulski w Pożajściu pod Kownem, jego kościół p.w. Nawiedzenia Najśw. Maryi Panny i pozostałe budynki eremu stanowią wyjątkowy w skali całej Europy Środkowej zespół architektoniczny najwyższej klasy artystycznej, w których... more
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      History of SculptureSculptureMarblesMarble Provenance
The Early Christian marble tables found in Cyprus were not widely represented in international bibliography. With the exception of five fragments decorated in relief, only a limited part of them was known, mainly due to the publication of... more
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      Cypriot ArchaeologyCyprus StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Christian Art
This volume presents new methodologies for the design of dimension stone based on the concepts of structural design while preserving the excellence of stonemasonry practice in facade engineering. Straightforward formulae are provided for... more
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      Civil EngineeringStone toolsDouble Skin FacadesLimestone
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      AestheticsLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyNeuroaesthetics
Aurisina limestone is a type of stone extracted in the Karst region, just a few kilometers away from Trieste (northeastern Italy), which was much used in the Roman Age. The Aurisina quarries belonged to the territory of Aquileia and were... more
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      Roman ArchitectureAncient QuarriesThe Use of Marble and Other StonesAncient Building Materials
This paper is a brief overview to the stones from the quarries of the northern part of the conventus Tarraconensis, with especial emphasis on those employed for ornamental purposes, but also taking into account those with less valued but... more
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman QuarriesRoman Marble trade and distributionRoman Spain
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      History of SculptureSculptureMarblesMarble Provenance
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsDecorative ArtsThe Use of Marble and Other Stones
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      Roman Marble trade and distributionRoman ArchitectureThe Use of Marble and Other StonesRoman Archaeology
During the imperial period the private buildings of Cyrene show many kinds of coloured stones often used for wall and floor veneering. Marble was the most precious building material, and its use is frequently connected to an embellishment... more
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      Archaeology of CyrenaicaGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsRoman Marble trade and distributionAncient Cyrene History
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      History of SculptureSculptureMarble ProvenanceThe Use of Marble and Other Stones
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      Islamic ArchaeologyIslamic ArtIslamic architectureIslamic art and architecture
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      ArchitectureCraft production (Archaeology)Ancient Craftmanship (Archaeology)Greek Architecture
Alabaster has many proverbial qualities, as evident in Shakespeare's 'smooth as monumental alabaster' (Othello, V, ii). Tomb monuments are a prominent feature in Kim Woods’ new monograph 'Cut in Alabaster' (2018) on the uses of this... more
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      IconographyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of Sculpture
Import of Stone and Objects of Art from Gotland and Öland to the Commonwealth of Two Nations (XIII‒2nd Half of the XVIII C.) The goal of the present paper is to thoroughly systematize the state of knowledge ofthe identification, import,... more
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      History of SculptureSculptureMarblesMarble Provenance
In queste note si riferisce in maniera sintetica di quelle pietre, in grande prevalenza di provenienza regionale, impiegate nella costruzione e nella decorazione esterna degli edifici piemontesi. Vengono considerati cioè quei materiali... more
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      Material Culture StudiesArchaeological Method & TheoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtArchaeology of Architecture
This paper presents the case of the theatre at Nysa and discusses the provenance of its marble architecture. The results of archaeometrical analysis indicate the use of imported marble from Aphrodisias and Denizli for the reconstruction... more
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      Roman Marble trade and distributionAphrodisiasThe Use of Marble and Other StonesRoman Archaeology
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      Art HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of SculptureWomen Artists
“Im/material Bernini,” in E. Levy & C. Mangone (eds.), Material Bernini
(Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2016): 39-67. UNCORRECTED PROOFS
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      ArchitectureMateriality of ArtMarblesMateriality
Le metamorfosi dell'ordine. Principi e pratica nella prima attività di Adolf Laas
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      The Use of Marble and Other StonesAdolf Loos
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      History of Ottoman Art and ArchitectureSpoliaThe Use of Marble and Other StonesOsmanlı Sanatı Ve Mimarisi
What did Pliny have to say on the matter of stone? A lot, that's for sure: He dedicated 2 out of the 37 books of his "Naturalis historia" to stones. The paper explores what and how he wrote on the matter. It is part of the annotated... more
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      Art HistoryNatural HistoryMaterial CulturePliny the Elder
Review of Fabio Barry Painting in Stone, Yale University Press. Literary Review Dec 2020

Symbolism of stone.
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      Baroque art and architectureSymbolism (Art History)Gianlorenzo BerniniRoman Marble Quarries
Materiale, apparentemente sintetico e giallastro, steso su aree di laterizio prive dell'intonaco originale e soggette a dilavamento accentuato, proba bilmente nel tentativo di fermarne il degrado.
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      Venetian art and architectural historyScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageConservación y RestauraciónVenice
In this contribution we offer a complete catalog of the shipwreck of Punta Scifo (Crotone) and other cargoes with marble elements found in the sea of ​​Crotone (Calabria). In the cargo of Punta Scifo there are artefacts in Proconnesian... more
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      Roman QuarriesRoman Marble trade and distributionAncient ShipwrecksThe Use of Marble and Other Stones
Nel volume, curato dall’Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione, che illustra i diversi tipi di marmi cavati in epoca antica e riutilizzati nella Roma medievale e moderna, il capitolo presenta l’evoluzione delle tecniche di... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyArchitectural HistoryGreek Archaeology