The articles in this list prioritize Black authors, Black experiences, and highlight ways in which racism is intertwined with liturgical practices and the historical development of liturgies in America. Made available for the public to... more
Genezę uchwalonej na Soborze Watykańskim II Konstytucji o świętej liturgii należy opisywać w dwóch wymiarach. Pierwszym jest to, co można by nazwać "fizyką‖ tej genezy: ułożony w linii czasu zespół wydarzeń bezpośrednio kształtujących... more
Liturgie ist stets "im Prozess". Der Sammelband dokumentiert in 20 Beiträgen die interdisziplinären Ansätze der modernen Liturgiegeschichtsforschung an ausgewählten Beispielen: Der Reichtum mittelalterlicher Liturgie und Frömmigkeit... more
in Ecclesia Orans. Periodica de Scientiis Liturgicis cura Facultatis Sacrae Liturgiae in Pontificio Athnaeo Anselmiano de Urbe, Anno XXXIV, 2017, p. 519-523.
Il 27 novembre 1969, tre giorni prima dellʼentrata in vigore del Novus Ordo Missae, il domenicano p. Calmel (1914-1975) manifestò il fermo suo rifiuto. Basta leggere questo testo per indovinare da quale sguardo di fede, da quale sicurezza... more
Литургическое движение Германии 1913–1943 гг. — одно из самых интересных явлений в истории Католической Церкви ХХ века. Это сложный и неоднородный процесс, характер которого был обусловлен не только внутрицерковными причинами, но во... more
‘Celebrating the New Commandment: Foot-washing and our Theology of Liturgy,’ Scripture in Church 43 [n. 169] (2013)118-27.
Travel guide accompanying a study tour organized in 2014 for the Italian Episcopal Conference, in collaboration with Andrea Longhi (Politecnico Turin)
The significance of a table in Christian liturgy and on the appropriateness of the notion of an 'altar' as a place/space in Christian praxis, The paper introduces the question of how important is a recovery of an understanding of the... more
‘The Eucharist as “The Meal that should be”,’ Worship 80(2006)30-44.
Catholics and Orthodox often desire and discuss modern and contemporary liturgical reform. There are many ways to go about such reform. The largest experiment to date occurred from 1964-1967, yet it is little known and little studied.... more
In this paper I look at Guardini's Gegensatzlehre at work in his concern for liturgy and for the Church. I also point to his equally prophetic search for the 'conscious unity of Christian existence', a cooperation of faith and the... more
Les souvenirs et réflexions de Jean-Thierry Maertens sont ici publiés sous la forme d’un entretien accordé en 1999 et resté inédit. Ce texte a une valeur documentaire intéressante pour la recherche liturgique, particulièrement pour la... more
Seminary talk about Odo Casel pubblished in "Frimana".
The Wedding Feast of the Lamb Has Begun: The Relationship Between Eschatology and Liturgy in the Logoscentric Theology of Joseph Ratzinger Roland Millare, S.T.D. Director: Matthew Levering, Ph. D Numerous scholars have engaged... more
Guardini's The Spirit of the Liturgy, which has had a tremendous impact upon liturgical theology and beyond despite its modest size. This was the first book published by Guardini and the first volume in the Ecclesia Orans series published... more
It is always difficult to assess where we are today in relationship to our past. This is especially the case in matters of religion where our present is perceived as being in continuity with that past. Our liturgy claims explicitly to be... more
A late twentieth-century movement within Christianity, the Emerging (or Emergent) Church has been hard to pin down in terms of specific doctrines and teachings. This thesis is an attempt to analyse the Emerging Church Movement from the... more
All’interno della vita ecclesiale del Novecento, il nome di Romano Guardini ha conosciuto una notorietà grazie al suo intenso impegno pastorale e intellettuale nel Movimento liturgico. Il contributo che in questa sede merita di essere... more
was one of the leading figures of the liturgical movement in the United States. 1 When re searchers consider the work of the liturgical movement, their focus is usually limited to the movement's efforts related to the celebration of the... more
Lo spirito della Liturgia (1918) di Romano Guardini alla luce della fenomenologia della forma, della relayione e della manifestazione. in J. Rego (a cura di), Incontri con Romano Guardini. A cento anni da Lo Spirito della Liturgia,... more
Pope Francis has issued a new rubric to take effect next Holy Thursday-women are to have their feet washed. This article looks at its significance. Thomas O'Loughlin is Professor of Historical Theology at the University of Nottingham. W... more
This article explores the nature of active participation , both interior and external, and the performance of the liturgy, which requires both bodily and spiritual dimensions. These concepts are then related to the notion of baptismal... more
В условиях быстро меняющегося мира, где от Церкви требуется постоянный поиск универсального языка свидетельства о Христе, изучение опыта иных христианских конфессий, особенно Католической Церкви, представляется особенно актуальным. Если... more
‘A Post Resurrection Meal and Implications for the Early Understanding of the Eucharist,’ Transformation 25(2008)1-14.
‘The Commemoratio pro vivis of the Roman Canon: a Textual Witness to the Evolution of Western Eucharistic Theologies?’ in J. Day and M. Vinzent eds, Studia Patristica: Early Roman Liturgy to 600 71(2014)69-91.
Práce představuje přehled církevních nařízení o posvátné hudbě v časovém období od papeže Pia X. (1903) až po II. vatikánský koncil (1962-1965). Především budou představeny tři důležité dokumenty týkající se posvátné hudby: motu proprio... more
'Renewing the Liturgy - six simple steps,' The Furrow 66/5(2015)269-80.
This book focuses on the inherent relationship between eschatology and the liturgy in light of Ratzinger’s insistence upon the primacy of logos over ethos. The primacy of logos is the central hermeneutical key to understanding the unique... more
‘Sharing Food and Breaking Boundaries: reading of Acts 10-11:18 as a key to Luke’s ecumenical agenda in Acts,’ Transformation 32(2015)27-37.
This edition of the historic collects is based in small part on the translations of the historic collects in the older liturgy books (Book of Common Prayer 1928, The Lutheran Hymnal, Service Book and Hymnal), but does not rely entirely on... more
Книга «О духе литургии» была изначально ориентирована на священников и мирян из круга аббата монастыря Мария Лаах Ильдефонса Хервегена. Автор книги, знаменитый немецкий богослов, педагог, философ и священник Романо Гвардини, поставил... more
Source, Sign, Celebration, and Service: Fundamentals of the Church's Eucharist Mission "Dem Bones, Dem Bones…" Not only are "Dem dry bones gonna walk around, " as the old song says, but they're also going to live out the Church's mission... more
An historiographical critique of the presuppositions of the mid 20th century Liturgical Movement's concerns of pre Constantinian Christian architecture, with a survey of textual counterevidence from ante-Nicene patristic sources, to... more
The paper represents a further refinement of the research I have done on the impact of the twentieth-century liturgical and ecumenical movements on liturgical theory and practice in Presbyterian and Reformed churches in North America. A... more
The musical achievements of Sergei Glagolev, an American Orthodox Christian composer, director, and archpriest provide us with an opportunity to consider what is possible when hymns are composed based on their liturgical function and the... more
The author traces the motivations, beginnings and gradual diffusion of spoken participation at Low Mass in the Latin rite until it became normative in 1965, and proposes reconsideration of the origins of the practice. Published "Rezar... more
'Because the Sacred Liturgy is truly the font from which all the Church's power flows...we must do everything we can to put the Sacred Liturgy back at the very heart of the relationship between God and man.' These words of Robert Cardinal... more
Christianity is a religion of memory. We look to the future — indeed to beyond the future — and so we live today in such a way as to build that future, but we do so while recalling our past. Our past is significant because it identifies... more
Rudolf Schwarz was a significant figure in the mid century German Liturgical Movement due to his close association with Fr. Romano Guardini. While he was virtually unknown in the United States until the end of his life, Fr. H.A. Reinhold... more
Dialogue Mass, a collective term referring to a variety of ways in which the faithful attending recited celebrations of Mass took an active vocal part in the liturgical texts but only by recitation, is studied here in its origins at the... more
The chapter offers a comparison of an Orthodox and a Roman Catholic approach to the foundations of sacramental theology. With each theologian the author analyses an underlying epistemology, a type of relational and symbolic understanding... more