As the US Bishops worked to redraft Built of Living Stones to replace the problematic 1978 Environment and Art in Catholic Worship, this timely article sought to supply the US Bishops with the proper architectural principles from which to... more
Conventional wisdom holds that before Vatican II, all churches were built in traditional styles and materials, while after Vatican II, churches were required to be theater-like with abstract iconography and a separate chapel for the... more
Essays from Antiphon
Guardini's The Spirit of the Liturgy, which has had a tremendous impact upon liturgical theology and beyond despite its modest size. This was the first book published by Guardini and the first volume in the Ecclesia Orans series published... more
This article explores the nature of active participation , both interior and external, and the performance of the liturgy, which requires both bodily and spiritual dimensions. These concepts are then related to the notion of baptismal... more
From: Siri: La Chiesa, l’Italia, ed. Paolo Gheda, Genova-Milano: Marietti, 2009, 321-331
Christianity is a religion of memory. We look to the future — indeed to beyond the future — and so we live today in such a way as to build that future, but we do so while recalling our past. Our past is significant because it identifies... more
‘A liturgy of the Word and the words of the liturgy,’ in T. O’Loughlin ed., Liturgical Language and Translation: The Issues Arising from the Revised English Translation of the Roman Missal (Norwich 2014), pp. 31-38.
was one of the leading figures of the liturgical movement in the United States. 1 When re searchers consider the work of the liturgical movement, their focus is usually limited to the movement's efforts related to the celebration of the... more
The chapter offers a comparison of an Orthodox and a Roman Catholic approach to the foundations of sacramental theology. With each theologian the author analyses an underlying epistemology, a type of relational and symbolic understanding... more
Rudolf Schwarz was a significant figure in the mid century German Liturgical Movement due to his close association with Fr. Romano Guardini. While he was virtually unknown in the United States until the end of his life, Fr. H.A. Reinhold... more
An historiographical critique of the presuppositions of the mid 20th century Liturgical Movement's concerns of pre Constantinian Christian architecture, with a survey of textual counterevidence from ante-Nicene patristic sources, to... more
The Catholic understanding of the church building as a "sacramental" is intended to assist us in our participation of the heavenly reality of the Mass. The historical expressions of this -- the various "styles" of architecture -- are... more