The Twentieth Century Liturgical Movement

163 papers
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The Twentieth Century Liturgical Movement refers to a reform initiative within Christian worship practices that emerged in the early 1900s, aiming to revitalize liturgy by promoting active participation, historical awareness, and theological depth in worship, ultimately influencing the development of modern liturgical practices across various denominations.
This essay presents the evaluation of the rite of the funeral celebrated in a Catholic church in Dublin, Ireland on 8 th of December 2023 at the parish of Nenagh. Mass conducted by the college of clergy led by father Pat Gilbert. And... more
La Libre Belgique a choisi le titre : Une tentative pour remettre le village au milieu de l'Eglise. Il s'agit bien de suggérer à l'Eglise de se mettre vraiment à l'écoute de ses membres et de pratiquer le sacerdoce universel.
The third Sunday of Advent, the Gaudete-Sunday, developed the dimension of joy in several stages, as the article outlines: Under Pope Sergius I, the introit antiphon Gaudete was probably introduced for his election as pope in 687 (1). In... more
While describing this system of symbols as a language with grammatical rules and a specific vocabulary, it is not necessary to commit oneself to a structuralist model. On the usefulness and limits of "linguistic" approaches to the... more
Dom Beauduin and the Liturgical Movement If Pope St. Pius X tilled the soil for the Liturgical Movement, Dom Lambert Beauduin, O.S.B. sowed many of the first seeds. A Belgian Benedictine monk, Dom Beauduin founded the Chevetogne Abbey in... more
The aim of the paper is to analyze the study of the spread of the English language as global language, its place in communicative relations in various socio-economic spheres, sociolinguistic and pragmatic status of English. The article... more
Romano Guardini was a renowned Catholic theologian who made significant contributions to liturgical theology in the mid-20th century. His work on Symbolism in the Liturgy is part of his book The Spirit of the Liturgy published in 1918.... more
The addition of 'one' before 'God' in the conclusion of the Collects "The addition of 'one' before 'God' in the conclusion of the Collects could be construed as mistaken and problematic. 'Deus' here refers to the earlier mention of 'the... more
The 2023 McManus lecture, delivered at The Catholic University of America, honors the prominent canonist and liturgist Msgr. Frederick R. McManus by highlighting his liturgical expertise and merits for the liturgical renewal. The article... more
In den liturgischen Feiern drückt sich der Glaube der Kirche aus. Im gefeierten Gedächtnis reichen die Heilstaten Gottes bis in die Gegenwart fort. Der vorliegende Sammelband reflektiert die Liturgie der Kirche in ihren geschichtlichen... more
Au cours d'une émission récente, la télévision française a consacré une brève séquence à certains phénomènes mal connus ou mal compris, tel le "parler en langues". Si bien des explications se trouvent dans la nature elle-même, la... more
Hoofd, hart en handen De liturgie is in de nu globaal geschetste manier van denken een moment van vieren, maar dus ook een moment van vorming. Vieren en vorming, aanbidding en verandering hebben alles met elkaar te maken. En dan gaat het... more
The purpose of this article is to offer a retrieval of some major themes in the writings of Romano Guardini and Ivan Illich, two twentieth century Catholic priests who responded to secularization in ways that could be described as both... more
Il testo è una riflessione sul rapporto tra la musica liturgica e la musica intesa come realtà comprensiva di una dimensione spirituale. Il lavoro è stato ispirato dal workshop internazionale Music and Spiritual Realities tenutosi presso... more
This monograph offers a comprehensive study of the proclamation of the scriptures in the medieval Latin eucharistic liturgy. Drawing on a wide range of methodologies, sources, and scholarship, Dyer examines the books, vestments, and... more
The acclamation after the consecration of the bread and wine in the Roman Mass has its sources in the liturgical traditions of the East. The introduction of the acclamation beginning in 1968 occurred in an environment increasingly aware... more
" Vous ferez cela en mémoire de moi" n'est pas à comprendre comme une action passée, mais un ordre qui actualise l'unique sacrifice expiatoire à l'occasion des sacrifices propitiatoires que  sont les Messes
Une nouvelle traduction francophone du Missel romain. Est-ce une chance pour la liturgie et pour le peuple de Dieu en général ? Telle est la question que le présent ouvrage, faisant à des journées d’études tenues le 10 et 11 mars 2023 à... more
Ehrenfried Schulz gehörte zur Generation beeindruckender praktischer Theologen, die ganz Seelsorger waren und so Theologie als Bedenken pastoralen Tuns verstanden.1 Sein Selbstverständnis als Seelsorger und Theologe hat er im Titel seiner... more
The main problem of the article is the expansion of the problem field of church historical research by including analysis of the influence of external conditions generated by the secular environment (global systemic crisis) on the... more
The thinking of Romano Guardini (1885-1968) and Joseph Ratzinger (1927-2022) has been a source of inspiration for sacred architecture in different ways. We will attempt to synthesize the theology of both authors regarding the liturgical... more
This article deals with the issue of the liturgy of the Mass in 1965. This form of celebration is a direct result of the Constitution on the Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council. Unfortunately, due to the pace of post-Council changes,... more
CITÉ DU VATICAN — Comment les prêtres pourraient-ils réagir sur le plan pastoral s'ils sont confrontés à la possibilité de devoir bénir un couple engagé dans une relation homosexuelle, ou une autre « relation irrégulière », mais... more
Dans le culte protestant du 25 décembre 2021 transmis par télévision à partir de l'église protestante de Martigny (Suisse), à la fin, le commentateur italien a donné une explication inexacte disant que dans le culte protestant la Sainte... more
Biographical article
Już w XIX w. ruch liturgiczny najpierw na Zachodzie (Francja, Belgia, Niemcy), a następnie w innych krajach miał wielki wpływ na bardziej świadome i czynne uczestnictwo wiernych w liturgii Mszy św. Dużą rolę w tym procesie włączania... more
Analisi di alcuni frammenti di omeliario
Questo capitolo è la pubblicazione di una relazione durante il convegno “Architettura e teologia nella costruzione di chiese” presso la Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano (aprile 2022). Offre un panorama complessivo della situazione... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
L'un des rares constats qui fait l'unanimité sur les différentes réformes de la liturgie des années 50-60 est qu'elles ont largement profité à une catégorie professionnelle : les éditeurs. Nous en trouvons une illustration caractéristique... more
The article analyzes six reasons why Guardini says yes to the phenomenon of cultural change in spite of his evident reluctance regarding the particular direction of contemporary changes. The analysis focuses on his attitude insofar as it... more
Mario Torcivia 1.2.4. Esperienza spirituale ed esperienza liturgica: verso una necessaria osmosi Sull'esperienza, abbiamo trovato contributi sia di teologi spiri tuali che di liturgisti. Colui che, in modo approfondito-e purtroppo... more
This article offers keys of understanding and pedagogical orientations to promote the encounter with beauty in Catholic schools. First, the article presents 'Via Pulchritudinis [The way of beauty]: paths of evangelisation and dialogue,'... more
Après la série des publications sur les saints de l'Afrique Noire à La Croix Africa, plusieurs lecteurs m'ont demandé de rassembler le tout pour en faire un livre. Ne me sentant pas en mesure de le faire, j'ai réuni ici toutes les... more
A propos d'un confinement imposé. De la nécessaire validité du sacrement de pénitence par téléphone, s'il est impossible de rencontrer autrement un prêtre.
W Kościele katolickim w Polsce po Soborze Watykańskim II priorytetem była realizacja postanowień zawartych w Konstytucji o Liturgii. Najważniejszym zadaniem była właściwa formacja duchowieństwa i wiernych. Optymalnym rozwiązaniem okazało... more
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