The Social Web
Recent papers in The Social Web
"In recent years new applications emerged on the Web which received the labels Web2.0 or social software. In many of these applications people are engaged in epistemic activities, such as the dissemination, organization or creation of... more
Introduction and objectives. This articles presents the results of a study on the degree of interactivity of the official tourism websites of the main Spanish sun and beach destinations, given their importance in achieving a two-way... more
Few studies attempt to demonstrate whether and how systemic racial inequality might form on the web. I use racial formation theory to conceptualize how race is represented, and systematically reproduced on the web, and how both may reveal... more
The Internet may be free, but service provider’s indispensable to access services are not, to the extent that while the complexity and burden of the sites increases, it is becoming more and more expensive to surf the net. Blocking access... more
El Proyecto surge inicialmente como iniciativa de la cátedra de Formación de Usuarios 2014 de la carrera de Bibliotecología del ISFT N° 182, a través de la cual se plantea la organización de un proyecto relacionado al uso de las nuevas... more
This chapter covers the steps you must consider when crafting a strategy for exposing corruption and mismanagement through social media. Along with practical advice and thought-provoking questions, it examines several case studies which... more
This paper explores accessibility issues for museums in the context of growing dependence on technology. The background of these issues is described, along with the evolution from physical access to digital access—for example, via the... more
Wann sind Wikis oder allgemeiner: Social Media erfolgreich? Wenn sie kommunikativ "lebendig" sind! Diesem "kommunikativen Erfolg" liegen Strukturprinzipien zugrunde, die diese Arbeit sichtbar macht. Sie beschreibt konkrete... more
The development of the web into a living web, where a multitude of users create their own content, led to consumers becoming the producers. With this role reversal, the perception of network processes changed, creating an altered need to... more
Reading academic publications is a key scholarly activity. Scholars accessing and recording academic publications online are producing new types of readership data. These include publisher, repository, and academic social network download... more
In most organizations, employees have deep needs of ownership and of representation of the organizational brand. They apply it in the way they think will be the most appropriate, based on common sense and goodwill. Thus, brand... more
Favorisée par les outils connectés et les réseaux sociaux, la deuxième révolution de la photographie numérique est celle des usages conversationnels de l’image. Comme l’arrivée du cinéma ou de la télévision, cette mutation transforme en... more
L’applicazione delle nuove tecnologie e l’utilizzo dei social media in campo museale si è evoluta in modo esponenziale negli ultimi anni. La consapevolezza delle opportunità fornite dai social networks è divenuta un concetto radicato... more
Submissions of proposals are very often a tedious affair. Proposals which are submitted goes through not only a complex and tedious process but often the scrutiny of many individuals of different roles. Hence, it is important that any... more
In this paper, we describe the issues surrounding the use of various hashtags by Twitter users who are attempting to exchange information about recent natural disasters. During these disasters, hashtag usage was somewhat mired by... more
Web sites are increasingly adapted towards their users by a variety of dynamic techniques, providing improved personalization for the individual. In this paper we discuss various possible approaches from a museological as well as a... more
Science museums have embraced the technology of the web to present their resources online. The nature of the technology naturally fits with the ethos of science. This chapter surveys the history, development and features of a number of... more
Aos meus pais e irmãos pela presença constante. Ao meu orientador pelo incentivo e apoio. Aos meus colegas do Laboratório de Conteúdos Digitais pela ajuda e excelente ambiente de trabalho que me proporcionaram. Bem hajam!
Los teléfonos móviles son los dispositivos más prohibitivos en ámbitos institucionales, tanto en escuelas como en bibliotecas. Lo que denota la falta apertura en la incorporación de la tecnología móvil a nuevas formas comunicacionales,... more
Will Richardson graduated as Bachelor of Science in Journalism, Ohio University, Athens, OH in 1980 and Master of Arts (Teaching), College of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ, in 1983. He is a very active presence on the web; he has both a Twitter... more
"Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study factors affecting the acceptance of social networking sites (SNS), analyze users' practices and behavior in these environments and assess the degree of acceptance of SNS in The... more
La evolución de Internet hacia un escenario con mayor potencial y con usuarios cada vez más involucrados en su gestión y desarrollo, requiere de la incorporación de documentos con menor grado de ambigüedad semántica. La propuesta de la... more
Cet article entend donc rendre compte de la mise en place d’un environnement numérique permettant à une communauté d’apprentissage de fonctionner et des pratiques qui en découlent. Il présente une analyse exploratoire anthropocentrée»,... more
In quale modo la Rete modifica il processo di lettura attraverso pratiche di fruizione dell’informazione, esercitando un influsso anche sulla narrazione? È vero che lo stato di attenzione continua ma parziale produce una vittima... more
Presentación para optar al título de Doctor por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Campus de Madrid, España. En Madrid, 13 de Febrero del 2014. Director: Dr. D. Victor Martin García Tribunal: Dr. D. Luis Joyanes Aguilar Dra.... more
Lima, setiembre 2012 2 Nuevo testamento Actualizado -Hi5amixer 1 : "Y dijo Dios: Prendan la luz. Y vio Dios que habían flacas buenas; y las separó Dios de las tinieblas. Y llamó Dios a Edelnor, y a las tinieblas llamó Amixers. Y fue la... more
In the past few years, the growing number of personal information shared on the Web (through Web 2.0 applications) increased awareness regarding privacy and personal data. Recent studies showed that privacy in Social Networks is a major... more
Resumen-Se presenta un sistema de formación diseñado sobre Moodle (2.0) y construido, sobre la base de unos materiales elaborados por expertos, a partir de las aportaciones de los propios alumnos, motivadas en la discusión de casos... more
Introducción y objetivos. Esta investigación analiza el grado de interactividad de las páginas webs turísticas oficiales de los principales destinos de sol y playa españoles, dada su importancia en la consecución de una comunicación... more
La aparición de la web 2.0 ha supuesto un fuerte cambio de paradigma en el escenario del marketing turístico, tanto para las empresas como para los destinos. A través de los blogs, las comunidades de usuarios y las redes sociales, el... more
All material supplied via Goldsmiths Library and Goldsmiths Research Online (GRO) is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You may use this copy for personal study or research, or for educational purposes, as... more
This article proposes a general model to analyze and compare different uses of the blog format. Based on ideas from sociological structuration theory, as well as on existing blog research, it argues that individual usage episodes are... more
In the last few years, Twitter has become a powerful tool for publishing and discussing information. Yet, content exploration in Twitter requires substantial effort. Users often have to scan information streams by hand. In this paper, we... more
Öffentlichkeit, Demokratie und Medien sind eng miteinander verwoben. Es besteht ein direkter Zusammenhang der Formen von Demokratie und ihrer Öffentlichkeit (Martinsen). Dabei werden die Bürger von den Medien über die Vorgänge, Themen und... more
Serie speciale di E|C - Rivista on-line dell'Associazione di Studi Semiotici, N. 23 (numero monografico), a cura di Vincenza Del Marco e Francesco Mazzucchelli
* Bu makale, 3. Uluslararası Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Öğretmen Eğitimi Sempozyumu kapsamında " Uzaktan Eğitimde Sosyal Ağ, İçerik Yönetim Sistemi (İYS), Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemi (ÖYS) Ve Kitlesel Açık Çevrim İçi Kursların (MOOCs) Öğrenme... more
The global phenomenon in technology that has revolutionized global communication that began as a military system has become an instrument of universal transformation of the relationship between humans. The Web knocked down barriers... more
The world is watching Greece: hands on smartphones, fingers on shutter buttons breathlessly waiting to capture and tweet the iconic Fall of the Euro…
The article works from the double hypothesis that: (1) a Yugoslav socio-cultural space still exists in spite of the dissolution of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; (2) the communities ‘occupying’ this space can be... more