The Neolithic Revolution
Recent papers in The Neolithic Revolution
The Neolithic site Bondarikha ІІ was explored 70 years ago by D. Ya. Telegin. The materials of the site were not processed utilizing modern methods. The authors of the paper re-examined and analyzed the site’s materials using current... more
"Göbekli Tepe is one of the most important archaeological discoveries of modern times, pushing back the origins of monumentality beyond the emergence of agriculture. We are pleased to present a summary of work in progress by the... more
The origin of agriculture is one of the defining events of human history. Some 11-10,000 years ago bands of hunter-gatherers started to abandon their high-mobility lifestyles in favour of growing crops, and the creation of settled,... more
Ok, Children of the Corn was true classic from the days when Stephen King was the King of horror. However its true glory lies in marking an era where the Green Revolution has shown its true face as the unlikely Terminator. High-yield... more
The Çatalhöyük and Sha'ar Hagolan communities faced a new situation in human evolution, namely, the agglomeration of a very large population at one site. Each community developed different strategies to cope with the scalar stress it... more
The discussion on the mutual relations of various elements within the Funnel Beaker culture has been on for almost half a century now. It currently involves the third generation of researchers, and it is quite likely that the next... more
Chapter 5 from: Terberger, Th./Gronenborn, D., Vom Jäger und Sammler zum Bauern: Die Neolithische Revolution. Archäologie in Deutschland Sonderheft 05/2014. Theis/WBG (Darmstadt 2014). Low resolution version! Some images are available in... more
This article re-examines the ‘neolithic revolution’—Gordon Childe’s great contribution to prehistoric archaeology. Childe first articulated his model of three revolutions in history—neolithic, urban and industrial—in 1936. Many authors... more
Yaklaşık 10 bin sene önce insanlık ani bir sıçrama geçirmiştir. Bilindik somut kanıtlar bunu kuşkuya yer bırakmayacak ölçüde doğrular. Beş bin sene önce yazının icadıyla (yani “tarih”in başlangıcıyla) bu somut kanıtlar iyice çarpıcı hale... more
Der Übergang von der aneignenden zur produzierenden Wirtschaft, oder vielleicht deutlicher vom Sammeln und Jagen zum Bodenbau, ist weltweit eine der bedeutendsten Umbruchsperioden in der Menschheitsgeschichte. Es ist ein wirtschaftlicher... more
Lange Version des Katalogartikels zum Neolithikum mit Literaturverzeichnis: Katalogartikel für das Museum der Westlausitz, Kamenz (Sachsen) zur aktuellen Sonderausstellung "Das Ende der Steinzeit-die ersten Bauern in der Lausitz"... more
James Mellaart was a pioneering archaeologist who made some of the greatest discoveries about Turkey’s prehistoric past, changing our understanding of the late stone age forever. His excavation of the huge Neolithic mound site of... more
summary – neolithic and eneolithic of caput adriae – the eastern adriatic coast and the caput adriae lie along one of the main routes of the spread of farming into europe. the area in this study covers dalmatia, istria, Karst and friuli... more
Zuraina Majid, Ang Bee Huat and Jaffrie Ignatius (1998). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahang: Excavations of Gua Sagu and Gua Tenggek:IN (Editor: Zuraina Majid) Archaeological Research and Museums In Malaysia. Malaysia Museums... more
This chapter tackles one of the most enduring questions posed by prehistoric archaeology worldwide attracting the interest of prehistorians, anthropologists, economists, geographers and natural scientists alike: how and why did late... more
Recent fieldwork in the main excavation area at Göbekli Tepe has focused on the excavation of deep soundingsto reach the natural bedrock in preparation for the construction of a shelter, urgently required for the protection of the exposed... more
Recent research indicates that cultivation may have begun in as many as five regions of India before the introduction of exogenous crops and cultivation systems: South India, Orissa, the Middle Ganges, Saurashtra, and the Himalayan... more
For thousands of years, men have struggled to establish their supremacy. At first, they used spirits to secure for themselves a function in a natural world that seemed to have taken sides with the feminine. Eventually, they created an... more
H. Meller, Im Schweiße seines Angesichts macht er sich die Erde untertan – Neolithisierung und Neolithikum in Mitteleuropa. In: H. Meller (Hrsg.), 3300 BC. Mysteriöse Steinzeittote und ihre Welt. Sonderausstellung vom 14.11.2013 bis... more
Статья посвящена некоторым вопросам происхождения абхазо-адыгов в свете новейших данных ряда наук. Осуществляется пересмотр предшествующих гипотез, в частности, теории миграции предков абхазо-адыгов (народа каска) из Малой Азии во II-I... more
SUMMARY: Lecture-2 examines the Neolithic period in Anatolia, including trends, beginning with Gobelki Tepe and Nevali Cori, but with a major focus on Chatal Huyuk (in PART-1), including the history of investigations at Chatal Huyuk, its... more
We review and evaluate human adaptations during the last glacial-interglacial climatic transition in southwest Asia. Stable isotope data imply that climatic change was synchronous across the region within the limits of dating uncertainty.... more
Zusammenfassung: Die anthropomorphe Tonplastik der Jungsteinzeit und der Kupferzeit in Südosteuropa ist mit über 50 000 Statuetten der umfangreichste und vielgestaltigste Bildkomplex der europäischen Vorgeschichte. Bis heute ist unklar,... more
Ce mémoire reconstitue l’histoire des théories, modèles et hypothèses qui ont été formulés, principalement en archéologie, afin d’expliquer la naissance de l’agriculture qui correspond, du point de vue chronologique, à la transition (ou... more
A more popular science record of recent research at the Early Neolithic hill sanctuary at Göbekli Tepe.
The origins of agriculture in the Near East has been associated with a 'core area', located in south-eastern Turkey, in which all major crops were brought into domestication within the same local domestication system operated by a single... more
An overview on the most recent results from the excavations at Göbekli Tepe, an Early Neolithic hill sanctuary in southeastern Turkey (in Turkish).