The Holy Fool

57 papers
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The Holy Fool is a literary and cultural archetype characterized by a person who appears foolish or eccentric but possesses profound wisdom or insight. This figure often challenges societal norms and conventions, revealing deeper truths through their unconventional behavior and perspective, thereby serving as a critique of societal values.
It is not an easy task to understand the nature of carnival as it is shown by the many failures of the last century after Mikhail Bakhtin’s work became generally known. My book is an attempt to define carnival in relation to another... more
Shakespeare's fools have a long history: while some (like Hamlet) use madness as a cloak to hide their designs, other 'true fools' could speak often brutal truths with impunity. The fool may be foolish or possess natural wisdom and... more
Pussy Riot’s surprise punk prayer at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ Our Savior instigated significant controversy in Russia and resulted in the conviction of three Pussy Riot members on the charge of “hooliganism motivated by... more
In every period in history the definition of insanity is pertinent, and its meaning is different. We owe this perception to a large movement in the scholarship of the nineteen-sixties and seventies that changed our concept of what... more
›Yurodstvo‹ (holy foolishness) is widely regarded as a »Russian national phenomenon«. This Christian ascetic paradigm, though present in Eastern monastic literature since the fifth century, has gained wider cultural significance only in... more
The Hartford Catholic Worker The Hartford Catholic Worker Established November 3, 1993 Volume 27 Number 2 The Hartford Catholic Worker is published quarterly by the St. Martin De Porres Catholic Worker community.
This essay will primarily investigate the proposal for the redefinition of the artist’s role – that is, to act as shaman for society. It will analyze if and how Coates embodies this alternative archetype, as put forward by Suzi Gablik... more
Religion is one of the most powerful devices in the visual arts. It attempts to explain what cannot be seen, as the arts so often attempt to do as well. But religious art attempts to codify belief; no easy task, and certainly one open to... more
Like the fool for the king, the young child represents for the adult original human nature in all its ambiguity and ambivalence. The child's nature, like the fool's, is both fallen and innocent, amoral and beyond morality--and what is... more
In her novel-vita Little Fool (1998), Svetlana Vasilenko unfolds an epic story of a female holy fool’s redemptive journey through the tribulations of twentieth-century Russia. This essay explores the Orthodox Christian and folk aspects of... more
The article, based on the historical realia mentioned in the Life of Isidore of Rostov, tries to date this source more precisely, as well as to find out more about the time St. Isidore spent in Rostov. The data obtained allows for a more... more
Drama plays an essential role in the theological aesthetics of Hans Urs von Balthasar and the aesthetics of G. W. F. Hegel. Indeed, drama is the preeminent art for both and sits at the horizon where art touches religion, leading to the... more
Doktor korkusu kavramı anlaşılmaya çalışılırken tıbbi prosedürlere odaklanmak yerine şifacı arketipinin tarihsel evrimine bakmak yararlı olabilir. Avcı-toplayıcı toplulukların şifacısı olan şaman hastalığı bizzat yaşayarak iyileştirir.... more
Christian Münch bringt den Leser(inne)n die bewegten Lebensgeschichten "heiliger Narren" (jurodiwye) in Russland nahe. Er fokussiert auf ihr Freiheitsstreben, das sich u.a. in einer ihrem unkonventionellen Leben entsprechenden Frömmigkeit... more
The " holy fools " are suffering from " cretinism " , it is not intended as a physiological disease but it is rather a state of mind that allows them to be included in a certain category of artist. Then cretinism in this special meaning... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more