The Holy Fool

57 papers
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The Holy Fool is a literary and cultural archetype characterized by a person who appears foolish or eccentric but possesses profound wisdom or insight. This figure often challenges societal norms and conventions, revealing deeper truths through their unconventional behavior and perspective, thereby serving as a critique of societal values.
that no other shaykh from the Mamluk period has received such scholarly attention, and rightly so. In fact, writers contemporaneous to Khiḍr were no less intrigued than modern ones by his personality, his influence over such a potent... more
სტატია განიხილავს სალოსობის ფენომენს ქრისტიანული ტრადიციის მიხედვით.
Fools and children-particularly infants and young children-proliferate in the wisdom traditions of the world. Both are outsiders to and subversive of the positive, adult male knowledge tradition. King Lear's Fool, for example, turns out... more
На основе сравнительного анализа сведений "Младшей Ливонской рифмованной хроники" (МЛРХ) и псковского летописания автор пытается доказать, что МЛРХ продолжает оставаться самостоятельным источником достоверных и уникальных сведений - по... more
Tolokonnikova, member of the anarcho-feminist punk group Pussy Riot, devoted her last trial statement to recalling famous hooligan role models: Jesus, Socrates, Dostoevsky. But she dwelled at length on one rather obscure example:... more
In the first chapter, I engage in a close reading of several poems from Shvarts's longest poetic cycle The Works and Days of Lavinia, focusing specifically on Shvarts’s use of space and place in the text in order to explore questions of... more
The link between Moscow art-group “Voina” and the movement of Moscow Conceptualism was clear when, in 2007, it planned a performance with the artist Dmitrii Prigov, called “Voina/War does only unskilled jobs”.... more
The paper examines Byzantine views on different types of social and religious outcasts – holy fools, imaginary Ethiopians (blacks), heretics, infidels (Jews and Muslims), women – and the attitudes of the Byzantines towards the others.... more
Cited Reference Images for Holy Fool: Pushing Boundaries in Christian Narrative Painting
In this article Vasilenko’s novel The Little Fool is analysed in order to highlight the ways the author created the hybrid genre of the “novel-hagiography” by re-visioning a series of classical, biblical and folk myths. The novel has a... more
A comparison of Don Quixote's encounter with the funeral procession and the cemetery episode in Hamlet with Yorick's skull
The whole force of Hegel's discussion of art is directed toward its dissolution as a preliminary to the philosophical gesture of revealing the Absolute to itself.
This essay discusses the work and life of peace activist David H. Breaux, situating it within the tradition of holy foolishness.
This essay discusses the work and life of peace activist David H. Breaux, situating it within the tradition of holy foolishness.
A Postgraduate in English literature and an activist, Anshula is zealous about literature, philosophy and envisages an egalitarian society by obliterating gender and social biases. Professionally, she is currently employed as a literary... more
jurodivye - юродивые Nessun altro paese come la Russia conta un numero tale di folli e reca loro venerazione. Le condizioni di povertà e di bisogno in cui versava la popolazione facevano dei folli di Cristo i protettori della gente e i... more
Writing about Katherine Tekakwitha, the seventeenth-century Mohawk girl who would become North America's first indigenous saint, Jesuit Claude Chauchetière notes that it was smallpox that "obtained for [Katherine] the blessing of... more
This dissertation will ask whether the Scottish natural fool had a vital relationship with Stewart rulers because of their neurodiversity and will prove they had a vital yet changing dynamic during the period. The unique nature of the... more
Christian Münch bringt den Leser(inne)n die bewegten Lebensgeschichten "heiliger Narren" (jurodiwye) in Russland nahe. Er fokussiert auf ihr Freiheitsstreben, das sich u.a. in einer ihrem unkonventionellen Leben entsprechenden Frömmigkeit... more
A Chapter from 'Godseekers' (2019). A new discussion of the nature of holy foolishness, which goes beyond the stereotype of 'feigned madness'. Chapter V!! of 'Godseekers; Selected Essays on Literature and Spirituality, East and West'.... more
The study of folk religiosity turned out to be one of the topics demanded by the last decades in Russia. Modern researchers, especially field researchers, pay great attention to the conditions of existence of certain practices in a... more
Doktor korkusu kavramı anlaşılmaya çalışılırken tıbbi prosedürlere odaklanmak yerine şifacı arketipinin tarihsel evrimine bakmak yararlı olabilir. Avcı-toplayıcı toplulukların şifacısı olan şaman hastalığı bizzat yaşayarak iyileştirir.... more
Tanulj meg szenvedni, és nem fogsz többé szenvedni - állítja egy több évezredes bölcsesség. De megtanulható-e valaha is ez a lecke? Honnan a szenvedés, a gonosz sokszor arctalan tombolása egy olyan világban, melyet a hívő minden gyötrelem... more
Meczup kavrami dini literaturden psikolojik literature kadar genis bir alana konu olan fenomendir.bati terminolojisinde holy fool olarak adlandirilan bu kavram...
The article, based on the historical realia mentioned in the Life of Isidore of Rostov, tries to date this source more precisely, as well as to find out more about the time St. Isidore spent in Rostov. The data obtained allows for a more... more
›Yurodstvo‹ (holy foolishness) is widely regarded as a »Russian national phenomenon«. This Christian ascetic paradigm, though present in Eastern monastic literature since the fifth century, has gained wider cultural significance only in... more
The " holy fools " are suffering from " cretinism " , it is not intended as a physiological disease but it is rather a state of mind that allows them to be included in a certain category of artist. Then cretinism in this special meaning... more
It is not an easy task to understand the nature of carnival as it is shown by the many failures of the last century after Mikhail Bakhtin’s work became generally known. My book is an attempt to define carnival in relation to another... more
In every period in history the definition of insanity is pertinent, and its meaning is different. We owe this perception to a large movement in the scholarship of the nineteen-sixties and seventies that changed our concept of what... more
Есе върху изложбата на Боряна Росса и Олег Мавроматти "Гражданска позиция", Институт за съвременно изкуство - София, България, 2-30 юли 2011 г.
This essay will primarily investigate the proposal for the redefinition of the artist’s role – that is, to act as shaman for society. It will analyze if and how Coates embodies this alternative archetype, as put forward by Suzi Gablik... more
Like the fool for the king, the young child represents for the adult original human nature in all its ambiguity and ambivalence. The child's nature, like the fool's, is both fallen and innocent, amoral and beyond morality--and what is... more
Pussy Riot’s surprise punk prayer at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ Our Savior instigated significant controversy in Russia and resulted in the conviction of three Pussy Riot members on the charge of “hooliganism motivated by... more
Drama plays an essential role in the theological aesthetics of Hans Urs von Balthasar and the aesthetics of G. W. F. Hegel. Indeed, drama is the preeminent art for both and sits at the horizon where art touches religion, leading to the... more