Durante el siglo XVII, la Gobernación de Filipinas desarrolló una estrecha relación de dependencia mutua con el clan de los Zheng que incidió en el ámbito comercial, pero también en el económico y el social. Esta simbiosis, basada en la... more
During the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, countless slaves from culturally diverse communities in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia journeyed to Mexico on the ships of the Manila Galleon. Upon arrival in Mexico, they... more
The Most Holy Trinity Church of Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila, stands on the former sacred ground of Cementerio Balic-Balic (1890-1918) built by Friar Ramon Caviedas OFM (*1849-1918). This book, the first of a two book project, attempts... more
The Republic of the Philippines as one of the South-East Asia countries has both its own peculiarities and similarities with its neighbors. Whether it is about Filipino nature and climate or its unusual history or the Filipino people -... more
This paper contemplates the seemingly immutable privacy of the city of Manila, and the paradoxical character of its publicity. Manila is our prime exemplar of the twenty-first century mega-city whose apparent disorder discloses a coherent... more
Winner of the 2014 Neil Sutherland Prize for the best scholarly article on the history of children and youth.
"Ang tesis na ito ay patungkol sa heritage sites ng Pilipinas sa anyo ng mga sinaunang istruktura at iba pang pook sa mga distrito ng Binondo at San Nicolas sa Lungsod ng Maynila (Sa riserts na ito, ang Binondo at San Nicolas ay ituturin... more
POLITEKNIKONG UNIBERSIDAD NG PILIPINAS 2 KABANATA I ANG SULIRANIN AT KALIGIRANG PANGKASAYSAYAN Panimula Masasalamin sa ating kasaysayan ang buhay na nakaraan na siyang nabuo ilang libong taon na ang nakakalipas. Marami sa mga pamanang... more
A native of Bruges (now part of Belgium), Jacques de Coutre was a gem trader who spent nearly a decade in Southeast Asia in the early 17th century. In addition to a substantial autobiography written in Spanish and preserved in the... more
Estudio de la política talasocrática del sultanato de Brunéi en el archipiélago filipina y su influencia cultural en la bahía de Manila. La introducción de la cultura islámica supondrá una transformación de la comunidad tagala, sugiriendo... more
El presente trabajo aborda el estudio del viaje de la fragata Santa Rita (alias Mercante), uno de los navíos que cubrió la ruta entre Manila y Acapulco tras el fin del Galeón de Manila. La trascendencia del viaje reside en que en 1821,... more
“Luis Eduardo Aute y Filipinas”, en Revista Filipina, Invierno 2016, vol. 3, núm. 2, pp. 15-43. Estudio del elemento filipino en la vida y obra de Luis Eduardo Aute, desde su nacimiento en Manila, hasta su último álbum "El niño que... more
Real people, not mechanical processes, make segregation, and the ideas, interests and practices people mobilize for and against segregation are complex. The political dramas that result never stop to rest in one spot; they are always... more
Tracing the entangled genealogies of spaces of media spectatorship, modes of visual perception, and practices of capitalist consumption, this article explores how the shift in Manila's main commercial street from Calle Escolta in the... more
Ocupación Británica de Manila, 1762-64 por Peter Borschberg Sumario I. Introducción II. El ataque y la toma de Manila III. Los problemas de la ocupación británica de Manila III.i Cuestiones de permanencia y legitimidad III.ii.... more
This paper is a brief approach to the main newspaper and journals of the nineteenth century Manila.
Manila is one of the world's most fragmented, privatized and un-public of cities. Why is this so? This paper contemplates the seemingly immutable privacy of the city of Manila, and the paradoxical character of its publicity. Manila is our... more
Intramuros, núcleo original sobre el que se fundó la ciudad de Manila en 1571, se convirtió desde el primer momento en la punta de lanza de la conquista española de Filipinas. Centro de gobierno, educación y comercio de las Filipinas... more
Durante más de tres siglos la corona española se esforzó por mantener su presencia en lo que fueron las posesiones imperiales más alejadas de la metrópoli, las Islas Filipinas. Las particularidades de aquellas remotas tierras hicieron... more
La noche del 12 de marzo de 1670, un grupo de marineros que se dirigían al galeón de Manila San Diego asaltaron el barangay o poblado filipino de Santa Ana en busca de comida. Este hecho, aunque aislado y a simple vista sin gran... more
The Republic of the Philippines as one of the South-East Asia countries has both its own peculiarities and similarities with its neighbors. Whether it is about Filipino nature and climate or its unusual history or the Filipino people -... more
El presente trabajo analiza el impacto de las independencias americanas en las islas Filipinas durante el período de la oleada revolucionaria atlántica. En 1808, se desata un proceso revolucionario que traerá consigo la formación de los... more
Isabel II was the unique Spanish monarch, together with his grandfather Carlos IV, who was honoured in the Manila's urban landscape with the erection of a statue. In the following pages we are going to analyse the context in which this... more
In this paper we try to define the basic historical-cultural estructures of the Hispanic Philippines in order to identify some of the main topics that might be study about the everyday life of the Spanish inhabitants of Manila.
because of inconsistency on the effort of the government, the resettlement program for informal settlers, will never succeed
La edición de esta obra ha sido posible gracias al apoyo del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, a través del proyecto de investigación «Mediaciones culturales en los imperios ibéricos: diplomacia intercultural y misiones en Asia y... more
“Il rapporto conflittuale tra Macao e Manila durante il Periodo delle Corone Unite: i casi di Cina e Giappone (secoli XVI-XVII)” [The Conflicting Relationship between Macau and Manila during the Iberian Union: the Cases of China and Japan... more
This paper analyzes how the embedding and reshaping mechanisms of the diasporic South Fujianese worked or failed in the context of local authorities in two Southeast Asian host societies, Batavia and Manila, beyond the border of the... more
The two prides of the national government and Manila are nothing but embarrassment due to unprofessional management.
An extended meditation on the encounter between the native and the foreign, More Hispanic Than We Admit is a compilation of scholarly essays on Philippine culture and history. The book provokes discussion on the fascinating and sometimes... more