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introduction de l'ouvrage publié chez Classiques Garnier en 2010
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      AnthropologyThe NovelThe Grotesque (Gothic Literature)Humor
The grotesque is an effet, not a fact. On this basis, this essay tries to present an interpretation of the existential experience that is the grotesque before ever being an aesthetic category. By reading 19th and 20th century major novels... more
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      The Grotesque BodyCultural AnthroplogyGrotesque, Abject,uncanny
The Feminist Uncanny in Theory and Art Practice investigates the widely debated, deeply flawed yet influential concept of the uncanny through the lens of feminist theory and contemporary art practice. Not merely a subversive strategy but... more
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      The Grotesque BodySigmund FreudAbjectionFeminism
This paper discusses the discursive significance of the body in Dalton Trumbo’s classic anti-war novel, Johnny Got His Gun. With its political rants, depictions of working-class life, symbolic imagery, and vivid descriptions of the... more
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      MarxismThe Grotesque BodyMaurice Merleau-PontyAutonomy
“Whenever I’m asked why Southern writers particularly have a penchant for writing about freaks, I say it is because we are still able to recognize one.”    Flannery O'Connor
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican Studies
Opposite and this page: The Giant 2, 2007. Foam, resin, paint, wood, glass, mirror, Plexiglas, silicone, taxidermy birds and animals, synthetic plants, pinecones, horse hair, burlap, chains, wire, feathers, quartz, minerals, jewelry,... more
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      The Grotesque (Gothic Literature)Contemporary ArtThe Abject BodyThe Grotesque Body
Despite previous references to the themes of disability and bodily nonnormativity in Sadeq Hedayat’s fiction, it has yet to be extensively re-read from this viewpoint. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, and particularly by employing... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGender StudiesGender StudiesPersian Literature
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      The Grotesque BodyEgon SchieleExpressionismGustav Klimt
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      Film StudiesFilm SoundFilm Music And SoundFilm Genre
Sarah Lucas is one of the greatest artists I know belonging to the generation that rose during the Clinton Nineties. She has a feeling for her materials that quite simply takes your breath away, a formidable command over sculptural form,... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)HumorSurrealismThe Grotesque Body
Nella tumultuosa primavera del 1977, su Lotta Continua e sulle fanzine dell'area creativa Pablo Echaurren inizia a rappresentare la gioventù ribelle che agita le piazze e le università. Dal suo lavoro di quei mesi scaturisce una... more
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      Art HistoryMarxismItalian artThe Grotesque Body
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      Comparative LiteratureThe Grotesque BodyBakhtin carnival and the grotesque bodyGargantua and Pantagruel
Reflections on the art market and cultural value in the light of Leonardo Da Vinci’s "Salvator Mundi", recently sold at auction. This reading explores materialist and capitalist issues alongside the spiritual and aesthetic dimension of... more
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      ChristianityTourism StudiesArt HistoryMuseum Studies
In this analysis of De fronteras, the collection of short stories by the Salvadorian writer Claudia Hernández, I study how the writer, through the use of a grotesque aesthetic, critiques the way violence has become normalized in a... more
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      ViolenceThe Grotesque BodyContemporary LiteratureCentral American Literature
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      The Grotesque (Gothic Literature)EmbodimentThe Grotesque BodyMargaret Atwood
“Holy Monsters, Sacred Grotesques” aims to create conversations on the impact of monstrosity and examples of the grotesque in discourse related to religion and the sacred. The tendency to populate religious landscapes with non-human... more
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      Medieval HistoryDisability StudiesMedieval StudiesThe Grotesque Body
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      Art HistoryArtInstallation ArtContemporary Art
Foreground) Chrysalis and (background) Supernova, 2000. Hand-cut poly urethane panels on aluminum armature and polyurethane coating, installation view.
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      Cyborg TheoryInstallation ArtContemporary ArtInstallation (Art)
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      American LiteratureThe Grotesque BodyJudith ButlerCarson McCullers
Grotesque The grotesque describes a category of images that fits uneasily within the field of Western aesthetics and art history. The relative neglect of the grotesque may be attributed in part to the classical foundations of these... more
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      BakhtinThe Grotesque BodyGrotesqueThe grotesque in art and literature
This paper operates on the notion of the unintentional grotesque and aims to explore elements of the grotesque in Lee Kok Liang‟s “Just a Girl” (1968) and Lisa Ho King Li‟s “The Tiger and the Moth” (1991). A grotesque reading of the two... more
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      The Grotesque BodyMalaysian Literature in EnglishSoutheast Asian LiteratureGrotesque
Largely unburdened by the pressures of patronage and designed to supply a growing public demand for pictures of all sorts, early modern prints have long been recognized as forum for singularly imaginative expression. Even within this... more
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      The Grotesque BodyTheory of ornamentEarly Modern print cultureBakhtin carnival and the grotesque body
The subject matter and imagery prevalent in Ian McEwan's early fiction are shockingly unpleasant and justifiably notorious for their portrayal of grotesqueries to the extent that their significance has been ignored or undermined compared... more
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      The Grotesque BodyMikhail Bakhtin
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      The Grotesque BodyGrotesqueLo Grotesco
Maîtrise en Études anciennes, concentration littératures anciennes, Maître ès arts (M.A.) Québec, Canada Sous la direction du professeur Alban Baudou Perse débute son œuvre en rejetant systématiquement toutes les sources inspiratrices... more
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      Latin LiteratureNeronian LiteratureLiterary CriticismThe Grotesque Body
The grotesque image is 'opposed to all that is finished and polished, to all pomposity, a collectively enacted bodily mode that resists against every ready-made solution in the sphere of thought and world outlook'. 1
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      Visual StudiesContemporary ArtSynaesthesiaRace and Ethnicity
Discussion of the relationship between the monstrous and the grotesque, and the transgression of norms as monstrous in the Female Grotesque
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      The Grotesque (Gothic Literature)The Grotesque BodyMonsters and Monster TheoryAngela Carter
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      The Grotesque BodySculptureCoroplathie
No two aesthetics rile and attract quite like the converged aesthetics of the beautiful and the grotesque, particularly in representations of the female form. For many, the allure of both such aesthetics is at odds with personal morals... more
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      Feminist TheoryThe Grotesque BodyFeminist ArtAgency
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      ArtArt TheoryThe BodyThe Grotesque Body
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      Southern LiteratureThe Grotesque BodyFlannery O'ConnorFreak Shows
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      ShakespeareBakhtinThe Grotesque BodyFalstaff
This paper surveys the grotesque as a main genre in American Literature which is mostly connected with satire. It defines the grotesque from the gothic to the textual analysis of the collection of short stories in Everything That Rises... more
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      The Grotesque (Gothic Literature)The Grotesque BodyGothic LiteratureThe American Gothic Novel
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      ReligionIllustrationsMedical ImagingGlobalization
This essay will analyse the presence of Elements of the Carnival —such as the Grotesque, Church Criticism and Laughter— in Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" through concepts of the Carnivalesque developed by Mikhail Bakhtin in... more
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      English LiteratureChaucerLiteratureThe Grotesque Body
The comics of Julie Doucet can be productively interpreted in light of Mikhail Bakhtin's exploration of the carnivalesque and its aesthetic expression as grotesque realism. By employing subject matter and a visual style grounded in the... more
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      Comics StudiesBakhtinThe Grotesque BodyFeminism
The aim of my paper is reveal that The Passion of New Eve is a painfully passionate text fuelled by the grotesquely nervous feminine body marked by pain. As the novel unveils the grotesque agony of “becoming woman,” the transitional... more
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      Feminist TheoryNarratologyThe Grotesque BodyAngela Carter
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest eksplikacja trudnych do uchwycenia relacji między pojęciami piękna, brzydoty i groteski oraz związanej z nią kategorii ciała groteskowego w poezji Jana Andrzeja Morsztyna. Studium wskazuje na źródła... more
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      AestheticsEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesThe Grotesque Body
This mini-dissertation serves as a framework for my own creative practice. In this research paper my intention is to explore, within a feminist reading, representations of the female corpse in fashion photography and art. The cultural... more
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      Forensic ScienceFashion PhotographyIdeologyThe Abject Body
"This study fills a major gap of Carter’s reception and enters into dialogue with current post-semiotical theories of the embodied subject by virtue of focusing on the dynamics of the meaning-in-process concomitant with the... more
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      Feminist TheoryNarratologyThe BodyThe Grotesque Body
In Buddhist culture, the young and beautiful female as corpse has often been presented as a sight of soteriological potential, a demonstration of the illusions of beauty, permanence, and identity coherence. A series of paintings by... more
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      BuddhismJapanese LiteratureGender and SexualityModern and Contemporary Japan
In this paper, my aim is to show some of the problems that the figure of the cyborg may raise, in order to show how in many cases the cyborg has been used, even if in a dissimulated way, to reinstate the ‘natural’, normative order with... more
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      The Grotesque BodyCyborg FeminismBakhtin carnival and the grotesque bodyCyborgs
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      Modern ArtThe Grotesque BodyModernism (Art History)Aubrey Beardsley
This article proposes an interpretation of the horror body as a historical prolongation of Bakhtinian grotesque. I pretend to demonstrate the relevance of the theory of Mikhail Bakhtin in order to study current manifestations where a... more
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      The Grotesque BodyThe CarnivalesqueCinemaMikhail Bakhtin
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    • The Grotesque Body
This essay argues that traditional interpretations of Irish sheela-na-gig stone carvings are informed by patriarchal and phallogocentric beliefs about female bodies and sexualities. Historical scholarship uses expressions such as... more
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      Irish StudiesFeminist PhilosophyGender and SexualityThe Grotesque Body
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      The Grotesque BodyScatologyFolktalesGalician Literature
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      The Grotesque BodyRenaissance Art (Monstrosity in)MonstrosityItalian Renaissance sculpture
In Stratis Myrivilis' semi-autobiographical anti-war 1923 novel Life in the Tomb, i the fictional protagonist Kostoulas writes letters to his fiancée, describing his physical and emotional state as a soldier at the Macedonian front of the... more
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      The Grotesque BodyWorld War IAffect (Cultural Theory)Formalism
1. Multiculturalism and Its Monsters 2. Fleshed Out: On Meat and Excess 3. Performing the (Non)Human 4. Bodies, Boundaries, and the Death Drive 5. Desiring Bodies and the Vicissitudes of Transgression 6. The Pornography of Bare... more
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      Canadian StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesMulticulturalism