The Grand Tour

167 papers
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The Grand Tour was a traditional trip undertaken by mainly upper-class European young men during the 17th to 19th centuries, primarily to France and Italy, aimed at cultural education, exposure to classical art and architecture, and the development of social and diplomatic skills.
ESP: Este trabajo analiza críticamente la Galería Regional de Palazzo Abatellis en Palermo, centrándose en su arquitectura, evolución histórica y el proyecto de restauración museográfica llevado a cabo por Carlo Scarpa en los años 50.... more
This article reviews the presence and movements of foreign travellers in Milan in the mid-nineteenth century, focusing on the cultural context of art collecting. Perceptions of the Milan region abroad are examined through a number of... more
Dit werk is de Duitstalige, bewerkte versie van het Franstalige proefschrift dat Christian Kühner in 2010 te Freiburg en aan de École des hautes études et sciences sociales te Parijs indiende. Centraal staat de rol van vriendschap onder... more
Píldoras de arte: investigaciones recientes sobre la historia del arte clásico y moderno es una actividad de divulgación científica, cuyo objetivo es acercar a la ciudadanía los resultados de las investigaciones de dos de los profesores... more
The history of Italian journeys in the era of the Grand Tour between the 16th and the beginning of the 19th century has been amply explored in critical literature in recent decades. However, in spite of the number of studies on this... more
En 1776, au moment où Gibbon publie le premier tome de Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Louis Ducros (1748-1810), un jeune peintre vaudois de 28 ans, traverse l'Italie pour rejoindre Rome 2 . Sa formation se résume à peu de choses :... more
Esej z katalogu wystawy pod tym samym tytułem, poświęconej Michałowi Bogorii Skotnickiemu i jego żonie Elżbiecie z Laśkiewiczów, ich życiu, twórczości, kolekcji, pomnikom nagrobnym i wielkiej podróży do Włoch w latach 1803-1808.
Analisi della storia e del significato dei toponimi italiano e sublacense rela vi alla piazza più iconica del centro storico di Subiaco e ipotesi sul perché essi siano così differenti
ÖZ Susan Sontag'ın 1993'te kaleme aldığı tiyatro oyunu Alice in Bed (Alice Yatakta), tarihi bir figürü, on dokuzuncu yüzyılda yaşayıp aldığı ayrıcalıklı eğitime ve sahip olduğu yaşam standartlarına rağmen kendini gerçekleştirme fırsatı... more
This book collects essays on writings by erudite travellers who explored the Mediterranean countries in search of classical antiquities between the 17th and the 19th centuries, but encountered the art of the Middle Ages, nearly always... more
The Education of Luigi Trezza: Classicism and Food for Thought on Medieval Architecture "Alla gotica" Architecture: The Pragmatic Interpretation of Luigi Trezza Compared with the Historical-Critical Consideration of his Contemporaries... more
Starting from an ongoing research project about artist mobility in the post-pandemic scenario it is necessary to start considering the possible impact of the big change underway in the field of artist mobility and the key differences... more
Il Museo nei libri a cura di Giovanna Capitelli, Silvia Cecchini, Mauro Vincenzo Fontana (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università Roma Tre) e Ilaria Miarelli Mariani (Direzione Musei Civici di Roma Capitale) marzo-maggio 2024... more
In the decades after the discoveries of Pompeii and Herculaneum in the 1730s and 1740s, the two towns attracted the attention of many European tourists, scholars, and litterati. Although they were seen as primary examples of Greco-Roman... more
Fra tanti edifici incontrati in viaggio tra Firenze e Pisa, i viaggiatori stranieri – prevalentemente francesi, ma anche inglesi e tedeschi – si soffermano sulla Madonna del Pozzo, descrivendola o disegnandola nel suo stato effettivo o... more
During the interwar years, Leo Faust worked in Paris as a correspondent for several Dutch newspapers, author of multiple tourist-guides, and owner of a Dutch restaurant. He cleverly combined these roles in order to convince potential... more
Johan Op de Beeck keert terug naar de locatie die een sleutelrol in zijn voorbije boeken speelde: Versailles. Het paleis van de Zonnekoning laat hem (gelukkig) niet los.
Questo libro approfondisce un aspetto poco indagato del Grand Tour. Esso prende in esame le tappe italiane, e in particolare napoletane, di alcuni viaggiatori russi che si avventurarono nell’Europa dell’Ovest desiderosi di aggiornare la... more
Il workshop Pubblici dei primi musei pubblici. II. Discorsi letterari (XVIII-XIX secolo) è parte integrante del progetto di ricerca Visibility Reclaimed. Experiencing Rome’s First Public Museums (1733-1870). An Analysis of Public... more
Anyone who doubts that a society's art market reveals its underlying values need only consider the case of Inigo Philbrick, the high-flying young dealer who sold investors overlapping shares of the same blue-chip contemporary works and... more
This study presents an analysis of 82 accounts of travel in the United Provinces, written by French travellers who made their journeys between 1748 and 1795. In this period Italy, Britain but also Holland were very popular with French... more
Aracne editrice S.r.l. via Raffaele Garofalo 133 /A-B 00173 Roma La selezione degli articoli pubblicati in Quaestio. Studi e ricerche per il disegno e la documentazione dei beni culturali prevede la procedura di revisione e valutazione di... more
This lecture traces the changing experience of visiting Pompeii through the nineteenth century. It argues against the standard idea that there was a shift over the century from a Romantic view of the site to a more archaeological approach... more
This paper explores the tropes of brother-lover and masks that hide-reveal as psychological-epistolary strategies in  the love letters of Giustiniana Wynne to Andrea Memmo (1758-1760).
The aim is to study how the travelers crossing the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean, between the “Grand Tour en Orient” and the Orient Express, were able to apprehend these countries, their inhabitants, and their past. Our aim is to... more
Book Review, The Burlington Magazine, 165, May 2023, by Marco Iuliano: Books Seventy years after a groundbreaking exhibition on early photography in Rome, scholarship on the subject continues to advance. The Idea of Italy: Photography... more
Exhibition Review of "In Light of Rome: Early Photography in the Capital of the Art World, 1842–1871" held at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 8 December 2022–4 June 2023, written by Mark Feeney in the Boston Globe, 23 April 2023,... more
In 1773, James Bowdoin III (1752-1811) and Ward Nicholas Boylston (1747-1828), both from Boston, set sail for Italy, where they devoted several months to following the prescribed route on the Grand Tour. Bowdoin was the son of a merchant... more
The Kingdom of Sicily Image Database uses new media technologies to reframe our understanding of medieval Europe by focusing on the role of the built environment for the formation of state identity in the medieval Kingdom of Sicily ruled... more
At the end of the 8th century BC Greek people from Achaia founded Sybaris in the alluvial plain between the courses of the Sybaris and Krathis rivers. The city became a symbol of luxury and richness among the ancients before being... more
The author/publisher has attempted to trace and acknowledge the materials reproduced in this publication and apologize if permission and acknowledgements to publish in this form have not been given. If any material has not been... more
Achter de façade van de Hollandse stad is een bewerking van Geert Medema's doctoraal proefschrift 'In zo goede order als in eenige stad in Holland. Het stedelijk bouwbedrijf in Holland in de achttiende eeuw' dat hij in 2008 aan de... more