The Existence of God
Recent papers in The Existence of God
This essay summarizes recent arguments in favor of the view that consciousness cannot be derived from material ground, which may be seen as proof of the existence of God.
A layman's attempt to discuss Occam's razor in the context of discussions about the existene of God. In short, I claim that the principle of parsimony does not trump the principle of justice (giving praise to whom praise is due).... more
GRAHAM GREENE’S CATHOLICISM: FIRST, AN INTELLECTUAL BELIEF IN GOD THE POWER AND THE GLORY II In this second bulletin, I outline the first two of three forms of Greene’s religion: 1) the Erastian public school Anglicanism undergirding... more
Explicit atheism is a philosophical position according to which belief in God is irrational, and thus it should be rejected. In this paper, I revisit, extend, and defend against the most telling counter arguments the Kalām Cosmological... more
Abstract To what extent can a natural theology be derived from general revelation? Discuss the implications of your answer for the fate of the ‘unevangelised’. This essay answers the question of what we can know about God through general... more
This course examines the religious dimension of human experience; that is, some of the "big questions" that many do not want or even dare to ask before they absolutely have to. It focuses on the issues of God's existence, possibility of... more
Concept of God, Arguments for the Existence of God and Experience of God in Spinoza’s Ethics This is an introductory paper on Spinoza’s metaphysical concept of God as presented in his Ethics. In the first part I develop a reading of his... more
... pro-vides general information on Islam, corrects some misconceptions about it, and answers some commonly asked questions, such as: § What does Islam say about terrorism? § What is the status of women in Islam? A Brief Illustrated... more
It was common for Medieval thinkers to bring forth divers arguments, or "ways", for the existence of God-from motion, from efficient, formal and final causality, as well as eminence, truth and-and conclude each distinct "way" with a... more
Regardless of who you are, what your religious or spiritual conviction if any, you are invited to join us in this book's adventures. Before COVID-19's global pandemic engulfed the world, if you lived in the United States you may remember... more
The article is devoted to the famous English philosopher and theologian Richard Swinburne. This paper is an attempt of reconstruction of Swinburne’s natural theology, which he develops from the probabilistic attitude.
The Kierkegaardian account of becoming a Christian has come to be perceived in radically egocentric terms. This study serves to challenge this perception by demonstrating that Kierkegaard was devoted to expounding Christian conversion as... more
This paper analyzes the antitheistic argument of Ivan Karamazov in the context of theodicy. We focus on the chapter The Grand Inquisitor, which, as we demonstrate, represents the ultimate argumentative point of Ivan's "rebellion" against... more
Proofs of God in Early Modern Europe offers a fascinating window into early modern efforts to prove God's existence. Assembled here are twenty-two key texts, many translated into English for the first time, which illustrate the variety of... more
In the opening chapter of his Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, Dumitru Stăniloae proposes a close connection between the intelligibility of the cosmos and the existence of a transcen-dent Intelligence which brings it into being. The object of... more
If we were seeking a label for Anselm’s intellectual mode, we might call him an extremist. For him, the logic of any subject emerges only by passing through the extremities. Thus, it will always involve arriving at contradictions, not as... more
Din felsefesinde en çok tartışılan konulardan biri olan kötülük problemini ele almamızın sebebi, bu probleme mutlak manada bir çözüm getirmek değil –kötülük mefhumu bir problemden öte problematik olarak karşımızda durarak sınırlarımızı... more
Questo articolo semplice riprende il testo di una conferenza tenuta a Tuscania (Lazio), il 22 maggio 2014. Non pretende altro che abbozzare la struttura fondamentale della soluzione che la metafisica dell'essere intensivo offre all'enigma... more
William Lane Craig’s defence of kalam cosmological arguments has generated a large amount of discussion in the years since the publication of his book on that topic. John Mackie, Quentin Smith, Adolf Grunbaum and I are just some of the... more
A search into the long awaited research on the theory of everything,what it aimed, how it posed challenges to religions, and how it couldn't reach a completion.
The problem of the hiddenness of God “… ranks alongside the problem of evil as one of the two most important and widely discussed reasons … for disbelieving in God” (Rea). William Lane Craig, probably the foremost Christian apologist... more
In this paper, I inspect the grounds for the mature Spinozist argument for substance monism. The argument is succinctly stated at Ethics Part 1, Proposition 14. The argument appeals to two explicit premises: (1) that there must be a... more
Christian spirituality is often "activist." It consists in the performance of various actions through which a faithful person attempts to secure the presence of God. The argument of the present essay is that spiritual "activism" cannot... more
In this article, I seek to assess the extent to which Theism, the claim that there is a God, can provide a true fundamental explanation for the existence of certain entities within the layered structure of reality. More precisely, I... more
'Kitaab at-Tawheed' (‘The Book of Monotheism’) is the famous Sunni theologian Abu Mansoor al-Maturidi’s (d. 333/944) magnum opus: both the work and its author became the foundation of Sunni theological and philosophical thought until the... more
The author analyses the validity of a certain variation of Anselm's "ontological argument", namely the modal-logical version from Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000). He firstly studies the origin of Hartshome's arguments, whose starting point... more
chapter contribution (draft)
„Denken? [Gott]? – Sauve qui peut! Rette sich, wer kann!“ Ein Philosoph, der sich in unseren Tagen ernsthaft zum Ziel setzt, den irrationalen Glauben im Terrain der Philosophie zu rehabilitieren, setzt sich vor seinen Kollegen nicht nur,... more
The Nyaya syllogism provides a relatively sufficient form for arguing from an effect to its cause. This is not sufficiently possible with either the hypothetical or the categorical syllogism.
Another Compilation of Informations in which the overall objective is to carefully draw attention to our ever-changing universe in which we exist in, and how to make notice of these astronomical observations in changes as how they relate... more
The purpose of the present essay is to present a version of the evidential argument from evil and to propose a 'skeptical theistic' response from a phenomenological point of view. In a word, the problem with the evidential argument from... more
The proofs of God's existence have had an adventurous history and have evolved over time; but few can be found that have made many innovations and, based on historical discussions in this field, have been able to give a good insight into... more
When initiating a conversation with someone about the Shroud of Turin, often I discover the person knows little if anything about it. This is especially true among Protestants. Many of those who do know something have dismissed it as a... more
One can discern passages in the writings of the Scholastic doctor Thomas Aquinas and the contemporary French phenomenologist Michel Henry which can be interpreted as putting forth very similar ways for grasping the existence of God. These... more
Edited with Introduction by Cajetan Cuddy, O.P.
Tacoma, WA: Cluny Media, 2017.
Introduction: "METAPHYSICS AND THE EXISTENCE OF GOD and Its Unresolved Controversy"
Edited with Introduction by Cajetan Cuddy, O.P.
Tacoma, WA: Cluny Media, 2017.
Introduction: "METAPHYSICS AND THE EXISTENCE OF GOD and Its Unresolved Controversy"
Abstract: Using simple probability theory, this article explores 76 subatomic, cosmological, terrestrial and biological events/phenomena which must have occurred in precise order which led to the development of our species according to... more
Аннотация. В статье характеризуется философское и богословское наследие В.И. Несмелова (1863–1937), которого Н.А. Бердяев рассматривал как одного из крупнейших представителей русской религиозной философии. Особое внимание уделяется... more
مع الفلسفة الوجوديّة تحوّل الاهتمام من نظريّة المعرفة والبحث الفلسفي المعرفيّ، إلى الاهتمام بحاقّ الوجود؛ أي الاهتمام بالوجود ذاته. وقد أدّى هذا التحوّل إلى دخول الفلسفة الغربيّة في مسار مختلفٍ وترك بصماتٍ عظيمة الأثر على هذه الفلسفة.... more
Resumen: Analiza la argumentación a posteriori de la existencia de Dios que se encuentra en el Monologion de Anselmo, y sostiene que los argumentos de los capítulos I-IV son partes complementarias de una única vía argumentativa comparable... more
The kalām cosmological argument proceeds from the claims that everything with a beginning has a cause of its existence, and that the universe has a beginning. It follows that the universe has a cause of its existence. Presumably, this is... more
Chapter One: What is Neoplatonism? What Does Aquinas Take from Neoplatonism? Neoplatonism Aquinas’s Neoplatonic Doctrines Chapter Two: Aquinas’s History of Philosophy. Is Aquinas a Neoplatonist? Aquinas as Student of the History of... more
This study examines a number of different answers to the question: where does Avicenna demonstrate the existence of God within the Metaphysics of the Healing? Many interpreters have contended that there is an argument for God’s existence... more
I present and defend several formulations of the Aristotelian argument from motion, according to which the reality of change in the physical world ultimately requires the existence of a sustaining source of all change, a reality which can... more