Belief in the Evil Eye in Van and Related Narratives Derya ŞEVLİ Öz Halk arasında ve günlük yaşamda yadsınamaz bir yeri bulunan nazar, kötü bakışın ortaya çıkarmış olduğu birtakım olumsuzluklardır. Göz ve bakış anlamları olan nazar,... more
This research article summarizes the findings of a larger research study which attempted to gather data on Turkish activists' perceptions on the scope, strength and limitations of digital activism. Qualitative data were collected via a... more
This article presents the initial stages and the planned further developments of a research on Hungarian curative charms against fright illness. Based on a rich and interesting database of healing and curative folk beliefs, rituals and... more
This paper proposes a novel source for – or at least influence on – the iconography of the Moon trump in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, which preserves the design from the Tarot de Marseille. In fact, the Moon template appears to date back... more
Evil eye belief is found in many parts of the world and it plays a major social role in a large number of cultural contexts. The history of evil eye bead usage dated back to ancient times, but upon time it's meaning have been... more
When Orestes is about to kill her, Clytemnestra reveals to him her naked breast, a potent symbol of maternal devotion. In the Iliad, Hecuba revealed her breast to Hector, conjuring him to stay safe inside the walls. Instead of trying to... more
Evil eye belief is found in many parts of the world and it plays a major social role in a large number of cultural contexts. The history of evil eye bead usage dated back to ancient times, but upon time it's meaning have been... more
The paper proposes that the Egyptian-style imagery on a 5-6th century CE magical amulet discovered at Nea Paphos in Cyprus (Inv. no. PAP/FR 44/2011) draws upon an apotropaic design against the Evil Eye known as the “All-Suffering Eye,”... more
If you study the old occult sciences of the Islamic world, and in particular their uptake and development by magicians and mystics when they first reached the European continent, you will at some point come across what is known as 'The... more
Jerry Toner defines "popular culture" as "the culture of the non-elite" that was "the unofficial and subordinate culture of Roman society." (Toner 1) Magic, superstition, and religion were interchangeable in Roman antiquity. Domestic... more
The influence of the soul on the material world and peculiar topics such as evil eye has always been matters of challenge. Avicenna, through the tenth part of Isharat, tried to prove them possible. He believes that those who consider... more
Islam for English Speakers A Guide to Establishing the Prayer in Islam is a booklet based on the evidence derived from Quran and Sunnah describing the Prayer (Iqamatul Salat) of Muslims from Adhan to the Remembrances customarily recited... more
Title: The phenomenon of the evil eye and apotropaic motives in Serbian traditional embroidery: looking for relevant approach to the study of ethnomuseological heritage Abstract: The article makes a combining analysis of two types of... more
Nazar, proto-Türklerden günümüze, insan hayatını etkileyen önemli bir unsur ola-rak varlığını sürdürmektedir. İslamiyet'ten önce Şaman/Kamlar tarafından uygula-nan nazarı def etme ve kişiyi tedavi etme uygulamaları, İslamiyet'in... more
The color blue is thought to protect against the evil eye in Mediterranean cultures. This article unfolds the yet-unstudied role played by kabbalistic theology, symbolism, and myth in the construction of the color blue as a protective... more
1.GİRİŞ Dokumacılık sürekli olarak Türk'lere bağlı bir şekilde onların bulundukları yerleşim yerlerinde gelişmiştir. Halı-kilim denildiğinde üretim aşamaları hiç akla gelmeden sadece mobilyaya uygun seçilmesi gereken bir yaygı, örtü akla... more
Desde hace algún tiempo venimos estudiando el tema de los amuletos romanos. Como adelanto de una parte de este trabajo, quisiéramos presentar aquí dos amuletos fálicos que, hasta hace poco, se encontraban depositados en el Museo... more
6ALl>€CIA publicación del departamento de prehistoria y arqueología facultad de geografía e historia universidad de santiago de compostela 11 INDICE Páginas THE ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF SUBFOSSIL HUMAN POPULATIONS. A GENERAL MODEL AND... more
Evil eye belief is found in many parts of the world and it plays a major social role in a large number of cultural contexts. The history of evil eye bead usage dated back to ancient times, but upon time it's meaning have been... more
The supernatural is extraordinary or it is something associated with the forces that cannot be apprehended or cannot be proven by science. Supernaturalism includes existence of ghosts and any other power that is invisible to human eye.... more
Глаза и зрение в народной маГии и мифолоГических верованиях в настоящем сообщении анализируются результаты новых научных исследований по вопросам изучения мифологических представлений о глазах, зрении и о силе человеческого взгляда,... more
The essay investigates two disparate and yet philosophically linked Enlightenment cases, the witch trial of Anna Göldi and the reception of the poet Anna Louisa Karsch. It shows that the superstitions of earlier ages, such as the Evil... more
This paper explores the mythology underlying the game of baseball.
"Abstract: This article presents the initial stages and the planned further developments of a research on Hungarian curative charms against fright-illness. Based on a rich and interesting database of healing and curative folk beliefs,... more
In the witch of Edmonton, William Rowley, Thomas Dekker and John Ford transport the reader to a world where words are not merely used as tools for describing settings, anchoring the play and its characters in a specific time and place, or... more