The Carnivalesque
Recent papers in The Carnivalesque
Bakhtine a décrit le carnaval comme un espace utopique, populiste et festif. Mon propos est que le Grand Magal, un événement religieux mouride au Sénégal ainsi qu'une fête nationale populaire, partage de nombreux parallèles notables avec... more
The essay uses Mikhail Bakhtin's concept of "carnevalization" to reconstruct the poetics of Kurt Schwitters's Dadaist and Constructivist "Merzkunst". Works discussed include the poem "An Anna Blume" and the collage "Merzbild 25 A: Das... more
Russian formalism is the European counterpart of the Anglo-American New Criticism. And in this formalism, there are elements categorized under it – Baring the device, Defamiliarization, Retardation of the Narrative, Naturalization, and... more
Global Tribe explores the visionary arts dance movement of psytrance, which has mushroomed globally since its beginnings in Goa in the 1970s/1980s. Based on extensive international research, as the first detailed work on psychedelic... more
This chapter examines the relationship between collective trauma and comedy as a meaningful cultural ritual. Drawing on the work of Mikhail Bakhtin and Emile Durkheim, Scepanski highlights the temporal aspects of these theorists' work to... more
This paper demonstrates that, despite popular labeling of "1984" as a dystopia, George Orwell's structured the novel as a carnival.
Since 1990, The Simpsons’ annual “Treehouse of Horror” episodes have constituted a production sub-context within the series, having their own conventions and historical trajectory. These specials incorporate horror plots and devices, as... more
The antihero Harley Quinn was first introduced as the Joker's "henchwench" in Batman: The Animated Series (1992). The character soon developed a dedicated fan base, including enthusiasts who did not conform to traditional definitions of... more
This paper investigates the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin as a means of critically examining the practices of contemporary visual artists. Directly building upon and critiquing Deborah J. Haynes’ 1995 study Bakhtin and the Visual Arts,... more
Elevée au degré de caractéristique essentielle, ou bien de loi des mondes fictionnels tant ludiques que dramatiques, la figure du renversement illustre l'épistémè de la Renaissance tardive avec un enthousiasme fou et sage à la fois. Elle... more
During the latter decades of the twentieth century there was a steady rise in the number of event-specific festivals that were designed to broaden the participation of Australian audiences in new forms of community-based... more
This essay examines the ideological power of Carnival and the carnivalesque on the Colombian Caribbean Coast by circumnavigating the dominant narrative about these events as primarily stages to transgress social norms and resist... more
Each year in June, the Dutch island of Terschelling turns into a natural stage for the Oerol festival. This 10-day cultural event offers its visitors a unique carnival of indoor and outdoor theatrical and artistic experiences. Over the... more
This article explores the subculture of cosplay, short for ‘costume play’. In this particular practice, fans create and wear costumes that allow them to re-enact existing fictional characters from popular culture. These outfits and... more
This research paper endeavors to trace the anarcho-centric nature of Alex Pina's Money Heist by the application of Naom Chomsky's notion of ‘Anarchy’ with a prime focus on the intentions and actions of the protagonist and primary... more
This article examines the tensions between power, performance and play within the Caribbean carnival in Trinidad, whose carnival traditions have spread across the African diaspora, and Leeds in Northern England, home to the... more
The comics of Julie Doucet can be productively interpreted in light of Mikhail Bakhtin's exploration of the carnivalesque and its aesthetic expression as grotesque realism. By employing subject matter and a visual style grounded in the... more
Love and hate, odi et amo: These two trifling words can perhaps explain the full spectrum of human emotion. When Alexander Theroux’s Darconville’s Cat was published in 1981, the critical reception was split between adoration and... more
Shakespeare's fools have a long history: while some (like Hamlet) use madness as a cloak to hide their designs, other 'true fools' could speak often brutal truths with impunity. The fool may be foolish or possess natural wisdom and... more
This dissertation proposes a fantastical experience analogue to the historical experience proposed by Frank Ankersmit. It investigates how contemporary popular fantasy literature may provoke an experience of the fantastical within its... more
This thesis is dedicated to the cinema art of Kira Muratova with the focus on the theme of grotesque. Kira Muratova shot films of different genres; mixing styles, creating a new reality of cinema, mixing audio-visualization of people with... more
Resumen En términos simples, la murga es un componente del Carnaval uruguayo, pero en realidad es mucho más: es teatro, es música, es identidad, es mito, es crítica política, es la voz del pueblo. Una murga es un grupo de teatro musical... more
The prestige that the English Language used to enjoy in Sri Lanka during the British rule did not diminish or disappear even after her independence in 1948. While English continues to be the global language in Sri Lanka for several... more
This dissertation uses the theories of posthumanism, cyborg feminism, Deleuzian concepts of the body and the monstrous. Through these ideas, I argue for a reconceptualisation of women’s bodies alongside technology. This... more
Where volume one focused on Exploitation cinema and the appropriation of its tropes in commercial and art cinema, this volume changes tact, exploring themes of film exhibition and the Carnivalesque.
This paper applies a feminist post-structural discourse analysis to an excerpt from the DVD release Girls Gone Wild: Finally 18, vol 3 (2007) in order to investigate themes of language and gender, making salient themes of power,... more
This article proposes an interpretation of the horror body as a historical prolongation of Bakhtinian grotesque. I pretend to demonstrate the relevance of the theory of Mikhail Bakhtin in order to study current manifestations where a... more
ConFest (Conference/Festival) is an alternative lifestyle festival hosted by the Down to Earth Co-operative Society (DTE). Born in 1976, ConFest has become a principal site for the celebration of Australia’s alternative movement - the... more
Ancora più importante è il motivo della maschera. È il motivo più complesso e più ricco di significato della cultura popolare. La maschera è legata alla gioia degli avvicendamenti e delle reincarnazioni, alla relatività gaia, alla... more
The American Gothic powerfully influenced Ray Bradbury’s writing, and a midwestern carnival inspired him to become a writer. Bradbury’s favorite work of fiction, and the one that best exemplifies both the Gothic and the carnivalesque... more
This thesis examines the contemporary interplay between satire and politics, focusing on texts that envisage and engage with politics in unconventional and often mischievous ways. There is a long tradition of scholarship concerned with... more
The Forest of Dean is often regarded as a little country on its own, a borderland between England and Wales, almost an island between the rivers Severn and Wye. Appropriately, the Country - a synonym for local commonwealth - was the term... more
This chapter looks at the central importance of comedic abjection in
mobilizing twenty-first century feminist politics.
mobilizing twenty-first century feminist politics.