The Book of Jonah

71 papers
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The Book of Jonah is a text from the Hebrew Bible, classified as one of the twelve minor prophets. It narrates the story of the prophet Jonah, who is commanded by God to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh, exploring themes of obedience, mercy, and divine compassion.
▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️🌌🌍🛸🌠🌟▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ LE COMUNICAZIONI DAL CIELO ALLA TERRA 👇La lettura e il download in formato elettronico della RACCOLTA COMPLETA DELLE COMUNICAZIONI EXTRATERRESTRI è disponibile al seguente link:... more
Библија и савремена херменеутичка ситуација Херменеутика је сасвим нарочито умеће, умеће тумачења. На почетку свега увек стоје неке (важне) речи. Тим речима испричане су велике приче. Иницијално, (те) речи долазе од богова. Или, од Бога.... more
Quando ci fermiamo a guardare la storia, troviamo la sofferenza degli innocenti e l’arroganza dei loro carnefici. Molte delle storiografie a cui accediamo raccontano la storia seguendo le tappe fondamentali delle guerre e, in generale,... more
The book of Jonah is a story full of didactic meaning in an easy-to-read narrative. Famously associated with Jonah is the whale, which actually only appears with minor reference in the plot. This book study on Jonah will investigate the... more
A study of Jonah 2 with special attention to the structure of the prayer.
The article presents a study of the literary prophecy expressed in the words of Jonah's second prayer (Jon 4:2−3). The purpose is to interpret the record of the prayer, which explains Jonah's attitude towards God, especially his anger... more
A sermon preached at St Ursula's Church, Bern, in June 2021
This article examines the narrative models of qur'ānic characters and characterization from the perspective of narratological approaches. First, the weaknesses and strengths of character-oriented narrative theories in the West (Propp,... more
Harris Kakoulides shows that the Story of Jonah in our Bibles is not a myth
This is a manuscript read at The Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. In it, I argue that Jonah's three-stage compositional history should be further investigated as occurring within the developing Book of... more
Jona bok är mycket dramatiskt och färgstarkt berättad och innehåller en del intressanta litterära finesser. Jag prioriterar den hebreiske författarens färgstarka språk framom en så modern svenska som möjligt. Jag skriver också om en del... more
Articles in JHS are being indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, RAMBI, and BiBIL. Their abstracts appear in Religious and Theological Abstracts. The journal is archived by Library and Archives Canada and is accessible for consultation... more
The purpose of this article is to review how could God being affected by His creation; could He really be changed His mind or regretted by people's praying. Those questions caused by some verses that indicated God could change His mind,... more
The purpose of this article is to show that in Jeremiah 26 there is a ladder repetition of the phrase "the LORD regret." Because if you pay special attention, very few interpreters find repetition that occurs three times in... more
Umiejętność dostrzegania zabawnych aspektów rzeczywistości oraz żartowanie z nich należy do typowo ludzkich cech. Zdolności do uśmiechu i poczucia humoru nie brakowało także autorom biblijnym. Jesteśmy stworzeni na obraz Boga (Rdz 1,26),... more
Dinamisme adalah kepercayaan (anggapan) tentang adanya kekuatan yang terdapat pada berbagai barang, baik yang hidup (manusia, binatang, dan tumbuh-tumbuhan), atau yang mati. Dosa adalah perbuatan yang melanggar hukum Tuhan atau agama.... more
Whether one chooses to acknowledge or disregard its significance, nature has always been part of us. In an anthropogenic era, the dire state of the environment has made it an increasingly concerning topic of discussion among us. Nature... more
Minggu ini kita memasuki Minggu Keempatbelas Setelah Trinitatis. Tema yang akan kita renungkan adalah "Allah Berkenan kepada Pertobatan Orang Fasik". Tema ini dilatarbelakangi situasi sulit yang dihadapi oleh umat Israel pada saat itu.... more
Story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah) and the lessons we can learn from it.
This article examines the special role and function of animals in the book of Jonah. Throughout the book, all elements of creation (natural forces, flora and fauna) serve as emissaries of the Lord. Among animals, this applies specifically... more
Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menjelaskan makna dari penolakan Allah dalam 1 Samuel 15:1-35. Metode yang dipergunakan penulis adalah metode hermeneutik. Hasil dari pembahasan adalah penolakan Allah adalah sesuatu yang kasat mata.... more
The biblical book of Jonah has been the subject of multiple literary retellings, ranging from individual poems to whole novels and theatrical dramas. This article focuses on interaction with the book of Jonah in 20th-century world... more
Makna frase “TUHAN menyesal” adalah salah satu tema yang paling diabaikan dalam keilmuan alkitabiah. Artikel ini memperhatikan terdapat pola yang sama mengenai frase “TUHAN menyesal” dalam kitab Nabi-nabi yaitu Allah memilih kasih karunia... more
Kitab Yunus adalah salah satu kitab dalam Perjanjian Lama. Kitab ini memberikan banyak ajaran teologis tentang tindakan Tuhan terhadap manusia dan secara pribadi kepada sosok Yunus. Pesan teologis dan kisah nyata nabi Yunus mengajarkan... more
Kitab Yunus adalah salah satu kitab dalam Perjanjian Lama. Kitab ini memberikan banyak ajaran teologis tentang tindakan Tuhan terhadap manusia dan secara pribadi kepada sosok Yunus. Pesan teologis dan kisah nyata nabi Yunus mengajarkan... more
Lepas dari diskusi dan perdebatan yang berkaitan dengan pengantar kitab ini, komposisi Kitab Yunus tersusun dengan sangat baik. Narasinya mengalir dengan cepat dan padat, tanpa dibebani dengan detil-detil, sehingga pembaca dapat menikmati... more
This article focuses on the spiritual struggles of Jonah, as narrated in the book bearing his name. While negative evaluations of Jonah's character have dominated recent scholarly work (for example, as a disobedient, stubborn,... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Abstract: The prophet Jonah is a typology of Jesus Christ himself as Jesus revealed to the Pharisees. Therefore there are some similarities between Jonah and Jesus but there are also differences where Jesus is the antitype of Jonah.... more
This article focuses on the spiritual struggles of Jonah, as narrated in the book bearing his name. While negative evaluations of Jonah's character have dominated recent scholarly work (for example, as a disobedient, stubborn,... more
This article looks at the ways in which 'refounding' narratives are being urged upon the church (religious orders etc) as a way of rejuvenation and renewal. Ambiguities around this concept are highlighted by biblical and... more
The church as God's people in its presence in this world is inseparable from society, where the church, as the organizer of worship, is also called to carry out its task or prophetic role in society. This happened also in the context... more
On the surface, the book of Jonah is marked by a certain literary simplicity and apparent artlessness. This is evident in at least three ways: its style, with few adjectives, action-oriented narrative, repetition of words and phrases,... more
The article focuses on reflective-meditative poetry the Slovak poet Andrej Sládkovič (1820-1872) wrote in the 1860s and early 1970s. His three psalmic adaptations (poems Žalm XLIV [Psalm XLIV], Žalm XXI [Psalm XXI] and Žalm III [Psalm... more
Penelitian terhadap panggilan Yunus pada dasarnya adalah pelajaran dari kegagalan Yunus memahami isi hati Tuhan yang luas, yang menyimpan kesempatan bagi orang-orang non Yahudi untuk mengalami keselamatan di dalam TUHAN; kontras dengan... more
Quite likely, one of the first biblical characters that most of us heard of was Jonah. It's his being thrown overboard, his three days in the belly of the great fish, and his safe, if undignified, return to dry land that make Jonah's... more
Autor artykulu analizując narracje Ksiegi Jonasza dochodzi do wniosku, ze glownym jej przeslaniem nie jest – tak jak chce wielu badaczy –ani uniwersalizm zbawczy, ani misyjne powolanie Izraela. Cala narracja koncentruje sie na konflikcie... more
Educational process is not a new issue that rise after modernism. God is the first teacher, tutor, coach, ect  who teach all over the world about His and Himself. There are many method of teaching which taught by God especially in the Old... more
Several details in Mark´s narrative of Jesus stilling the storm have disappeared when we turn to Matthew´s and Luke´s telling of the same story. 1.The pillow in the stern on which Jesus rested his head when he fell asleep has been omitted... more
The story of Jonah who was in the belly of the big fish is a familiar story to all Christians. However, the debate around the historical character of Jonah has made many Christians forget about the main message of this book. Therefore a... more
The story of Jonah who was in the belly of the big fish is a familiar story to all Christians. However, the debate around the historical character of Jonah has made many Christians forget about the main message of this book. Therefore a... more
1La parole de l'Éternel fut adressée à Jonas, fils d'Amitthaï : 2« Lève-toi, va à Ninive, la grande ville, et crie contre elle, car sa méchanceté est montée jusqu'à moi. » 3Jonas se leva pour s'enfuir à Tarsis, loin de la présence de... more
1L'Éternel fit venir un grand poisson pour avaler Jonas, et Jonas fut trois jours et trois nuits dans le ventre du poisson. 2Du ventre du poisson, Jonas pria l'Éternel, son Dieu, 3en disant : « Dans ma détresse j'ai fait appel à... more