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Since its beginnings, Luchino Visconti’s career was characterized by scandals, controversies, censures and even seizures, as a consequence of a particularly reactionary context but also of a transgressive intention which found its main... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesCensorship
(from editor's introduction): "...Alla Gadassik continues the focus on new technologies, moving beyond discussing CGI's function in bringing the ghost to (nonorganic) life to explore the way animation is itself, to an ever greater degree,... more
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      AnimationThe Body in FilmDigital MediaDigital Cinema
This article focuses on David Cronenberg’s representation of monstrosity as a form of knowledge, particularly when connected with sexuality. After a discussion of Robin Wood’s harsh criticism of Cronenberg’s works on this respect, the... more
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      The Body in FilmFilm AnalysisGenetic Criticism (Genetic Criticism)Horror Film
Para ilustrar lo que sería un cine táctil basta recordar la fascinación que como niñxs sentíamos al acercar nuestros ojos a la pantalla de la televisión, hasta reconocer pequeñas celdas que componen la pantalla y sentir en nuestra mejilla... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesFrench CinemaThe Body in Film
This article offers an analysis of Claire Denis’s film Beau travail (1999) as a free adaptation of Herman Melville’s classic Billy Budd. A compa- rative perspective is adopted to identify the specific transformations in the rewriting... more
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      The Body in FilmPerformance and performativityAdaptation (Film Studies)Theatre and Film studies
A walk suspended in mid-air, a fall at breakneck speed towards a fatal impact with the ground, an upside-down flip into space, the drift of an astronaut in the void… Analysing a wide range of films, this book brings to light a series of... more
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      Film StudiesThe Body in FilmEmbodied CognitionEmbodied Mind and Cognition
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      The Body in FilmFilm GenreHorror FilmFilm Performance
Tutti i saggi pubblicati sono stati sottoposti a un processo di peer review del tutto anonimo (double blind), ad opera di due referee esterni alla rivista, specialisti del tema trattato ed appartenenti a istituzioni diverse da quelle... more
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      The Body in FilmItalian StudiesSoundtrack StudiesFilm Music And Sound
„Rozprawa Karola Jachymka jest niezwykle rzetelnym tekstem o filmie polskim lat sześćdziesiątych, dającym z jednej strony bardzo szeroką panoramę tego zjawiska, z drugiej zaś szereg pogłębionych i ciekawych analiz […]. Lata sześćdziesiąte... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's Studies
This biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger investigates how he framed his life as the fulfillment of the American Dream. This chapter examines Arnold's body and the history of bodybuilding in the United States.
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      AnthropologyThe Body in FilmPopular CultureAnthropology of the Body
The body, whether considered in terms of biology, sociology or religion, is an inherent constituent of that which makes a human subject, complementing the mind and being subject to it. The only space that offers the body the freedom to be... more
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      The Body in FilmHorror FilmZombie FilmsHorror Movies
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      Film StudiesThe Body in FilmIntermedialityIntermediality In Cinema
in "Anticristo. Letteratura cinema storia teologia filosofia psicoanalisi", a cura di Alessandro Cinquegrani, Padova, Il Poligrafo, 2012.
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      Film StudiesThe Body in FilmLiterature and cinemaFilm Analysis
Prezzi per il 2019 | 2019 price list • singolo fascicolo | single issue € 31,50 • fascicoli arretrati | back issues € 35,50 • abbonamento annuo solo carta | annual subscription -print only: Italia | Italy € 63,00 (€ 53,00 privati |... more
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      The Body in FilmMelodramaSpecial EffectsMasculinities
Note: 1,0 Einleitung Die künstlerisch produzierten Bilder über den Alltag in der DDR unter den Machtverhältnissen der SED-Diktatur haben die heute gängigen Vorstellungen über sie entscheidend geprägt. Gerade die unverwechselbaren... more
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      German StudiesGender StudiesThe Body in FilmFilm Analysis
In Cinema’s Baroque Flesh, Saige Walton draws on the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty to argue for a distinct aesthetic category of film and a unique cinema of the senses: baroque cinema. Combining media archaeological work with art... more
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      The Body in FilmPhenomenologyPhilosophy of ArtBuster Keaton
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      NeuroscienceCultural StudiesMedia SociologyPsychology
1966 Twentieth Century Fox big-budget film Fantastic Voyage represents a corner stone around which a whole audiovisual trope was built. The topic of the voyage of shrunken people sent to explore the inner space of the body was adopted... more
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      Film StudiesTelevision StudiesThe Body in FilmHistory of Science
What is the relationship between cinema and the baroque? How might it be figured and felt? In Cinema’s Baroque Flesh, Saige Walton draws on the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty to argue for a distinct aesthetic category of film and a... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryMedia ArchaeologyArt Theory
This article is a theoretical examination of tactility in the Czech surrealist filmmaker Jan Švankmajer's film Down to the Cellar (1983). Švankmajer's deployment of tactile images in a surrealist context shows the need for a discussion of... more
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      The Body in FilmSurrealismWalter BenjaminGaston Bachelard
How does a unit of space become a home? From a phenomenological perspective, the response to this question has been to accent the lived relations we have with spatiality, both subjectively and intersubjectively. Thus, for Gaston... more
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      The Body in FilmEmbodimentPhenomenologyPhilosophy of Film
The article focuses on four films that display the exhibition for profit of non-normative bodies in a context that is variously called freak show, sideshow, monster show, odditorium. Freaks (Tod Browning, 1932), The Ape Woman (La donna... more
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      Film StudiesTelevision StudiesThe Body in FilmHistory of Medicine
In stark contrast to the abstraction and radical disembodiment of hi-tech virtual war, the mediascape of contemporary counter-insurgency is increasingly dominated by material that is lo-fi, intimate, multi-sensory and decisively linked to... more
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      Media SociologyCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesMarxismThe Body in Film
The representation of gender and sexuality is well-explored territory in film studies. In Film Bodies, Katharina Lindner takes existing debates into a new direction and integrates queer and feminist theory with film phenomenology. Film... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
The concept of the homosexual male gaze could arguably be attributed to three filmmakers of the post-modern underground film apparatus, in particular Andy Warhol, Kenneth Anger, and Jack Smith. Each through his own particular gaze was... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesFilm TheoryThe Body in Film
Cinematically, Yoruba filmmakers represent different aspects of the Nigerian nation and various elements of traditional cultures, customs, and praxes. In particular, they pay close attention to the influences of supernatural powers and... more
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      African PhilosophyThe Body in FilmPopular Culture and Religious StudiesAgency Theory
In the 60s and 70s, Visconti consistently continues his transgressive work, mostly through the representation of alternative sexualities and masculinities. Nonetheless, the fast transformation of society, culture and politics, not to... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesCensorship
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      French CinemaThe Body in Film
Following the controversial life of Ali (Malik Benchita) and his “sister-in-law” Habiba (Bouchta Saidoun), Hassene Belaïd, a Franco-Algerian author and director, depicts the struggles of transsexuals in modern Algeria in his short film... more
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      The Body in FilmPostcolonial StudiesPolitics of the BodyTranssexuality and Transgender
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen coined the term ‘supernormal stimulus’ after discovering that birds who lay small, pale blue eggs speckled with grey prefer to sit on larger, bright blue eggs with black polka-dots. He found that he could... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeuroscienceEthologySociology
Reflecting on Carolee Schneemann's description of her film Fuses as being a response to Stan Brakhage's Window Water Baby Moving, this essay studies both films and approaches the ways in which both form and content can be understood as... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesThe Body in FilmFilm Analysis
While the post-cinematic is typically understood as the passing of film-as-celluloid, the digital expressivity of film need not involve the loss of materiality. Inspired by Giuliana Bruno’s call for cinematic materiality to be... more
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      Film StudiesThe Body in FilmDigital MediaEmbodiment
KAZALO UVOD PRVO POGLAVJE: Narava in vloga empatije v družbenih procesov Intencionalnost Empatija Tri oblike institucionaliziranega empatičnega delovanja Ali so empatični procesi nujni? Nekaj splošnih ugotovitev o družbeni naravi empatije... more
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      Cultural SociologyThe Body in FilmContemporary ArtPerformance Art
In post-Franco Spain, a re-shaping of notions of the masculine has been under way for some time. The authors of "Live Flesh" demonstrate how contemporary Spanish films, during this modern period, have contributed to this process. They do... more
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      Queer StudiesThe Body in FilmPopular CultureQueer Theory
English manuscript version in the section "conference presentations".
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      Political SociologyVisual StudiesResearch MethodologyThe Body in Film
""The article follows and develops Archambaults’ statement that the body politic was not “an inert, neutral literary topos,” but rather “[one] capable of betraying certain political inclinations”. Accordingly, the author presents how in... more
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      The Body in FilmBorder StudiesAnthropology of the BodyConceptual Metaphor
Amir Naderi is one of Iran’s most internationally acclaimed directors, and he is considered to be among the central figures in the nation’s postrevolutionary film industry. Paradoxically, his choice to leave Iran in hopes of expanded... more
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      Middle East StudiesThe Body in FilmMiddle Eastern CinemaIranian Cinema
This essay harnesses the aesthetics of the baroque to deepen and expand on what constitutes a contemporary 'cinema of sensation'. Concentrating on Denis’ moody art/horror effort, Trouble Every Day (2001)—a film whose controversial... more
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      Film StudiesThe Body in FilmFilm AnalysisPhilosophy of Film
On-screen bodies are central to our engagement with film. As sensory film theory seeks to remind us, this engagement is sensuous and embodied: our physicality forms sympathetic, kinetic and empathetic responses to the bodies we see and... more
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      Film StudiesThe Body in FilmFilm SoundFilm Analysis
Das Genre des Coming-of-Age-Horrors verbindet das Erleben erster romantischer Gefüh-le und das Erwachen der Sexualität mit dem Ausbrechen des Animalischen und Monströsen als Äquivalent zur eigenen Lust. Davon ausgehend nähert sich dieser... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
This essay brings Gilles Deleuze’s baroque to bear on the body-focused filmmaking of Philippe Grandrieux. Focusing on Un Lac (A Lake), it argues that Deleuze’s baroque contains a non-human and/or non-figurative potential that can be... more
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      OntologyArt HistoryArt TheoryFilm Theory
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      Film StudiesThe Body in FilmComedyHumor
Il corpo parlante Contaminazioni e slittamenti tra psicoanalisi, cinema, multimedialità e arti visive A cura di Guido Bartorelli, Giovanni Bianchi, Rosamaria Salvatore, Federica Stevanin Che cosa definisce l’uomo? Come si calcola il... more
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      Visual StudiesThe Body in FilmAnthropology of the BodyThe Body
The essay explores the emotional and political valence of melodramatic storytelling in Steven Soderbergh’s Erin Brockovich. It uses the analytical tools of cognitive film theory to explore the ways in which Erin Brockovich employs... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionAmerican StudiesGender Studies
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      Film StudiesThe Body in FilmPerformance StudiesPerformance and performativity
L’articolo ragiona intorno al film-saggio Histoire(s) du cinéma (1988-1998) di Jean-Luc Godard e si sofferma in particolare su un controverso montaggio in cui il regista francese accosta estratti da un film pornografico, Freaks di Tod... more
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      Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesThe Body in FilmSpectatorship
Em primeiro lugar, gostaria de exprimir os meus agradecimentos ao ilustre Prof. Doutor Nuno Simões Rodrigues, pois sem a sua sábia orientação e apoio não seria possível realizar esta Dissertação. Agradeço aos amigos que estiveram... more
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      Film TheoryThe Body in FilmAncient Greek HistoryAesthetics (Film Studies)
SOMMAIRE Avant-propos par Bénédicte Brémard ...................................................................... 7 LE CORPS ET LA NORME Xosé Nogueira La emergencia de los otros cuerpos. Cuerpos marginales, marginados y alternativos... more
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      The Body in FilmBody ImageBody representations in art, cinema and literatureThe Body in Literature
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesFilm StudiesThe Body in Film