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In May 1936 the steamship Sorrento sailed into the port of Piraeus, Greece. Aboard were sixteen crates with 452 items of Chinese pottery, destined to join another 341 already on display at the Benaki Museum in Athens. Over the past nine... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinese ArtChinese Language and CultureModern Greek History
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      The Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese PorcelainChinese Porcelain in Foreign CountriesChinese export porcelain
Museums around the world all share in a common purpose: To enrich our lives through the collection, research, and display of our histories, arts, and cultures. With this as our guiding star, Guangzhou Oriental Museum has struck out on an... more
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      DesignChinese StudiesPublic ArtCeramics (Ceramics)
Edición en pdf del tercer número de la revista Ecos de Asia, correspondiente a marzo de 2014.
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      Japanese AnimeIllustrationIndian CinemaJapanese Popular Music
In archaeological excavations made in Portuguese convents and monasteries dated to the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, a large quantity of Chinese porcelain has been recorded. This porcelain is related to the wealth and elevated social... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPorcelainPostmedieval ArchaeologyThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese Porcelain
in:  J. van Campen en Titus Eliens (red.), Chinese and Japanese Porcelain for the Dutch Golden Age, Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, 2014, pp. 213-229, 265-268.
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesHistory of MedicineMaterial Culture Studies
Contents: Cora Würmell, A Passion for Porcelain. Eva Ströber at the Porzellansammlung Dresden, p. 8-15 Christiaan J. A. Jörg, A Beaker of Transitional Porcelain. The first Chine de Commande for the Dutch?, p. 16-21 Rose Kerr, The... more
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      Art HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Ceramics)Ceramics (Art History)
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      PorcelainThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese PorcelainChinese Porcelain in Foreign CountriesChinese Porcelain
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      Ancient ChinaThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese PorcelainChinese Porcelain
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      Art HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Ceramics)Ceramics (Art History)
Trading ports in the Indian Ocean are characterized by transoceanic similarities in elite tastes and preferences for prestige ceramics. The ceramic wares in highest demand among Indian Ocean port elites were celadon and blue-and-white... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Indian Ocean TradePorcelainImitation
“Grounded in Heritage” is a Master’s project derived from part of the researcher’s Post-Graduate Diploma research based on the Jingdezhen porcelain cluster, which challenges Michael Porter’s “Competitive Advantage of Nations” model as... more
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      Grounded TheoryIndustrial ClustersClassical Glaserian Grounded Theory Analysis MethodlogyThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese Porcelain
An analysis of the serpentine waves on Yuan dynasty blue and white porcelain.
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      Yuan DynastyThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese PorcelainChinese Porcelain in Foreign CountriesChinese Porcelain
A taste for Chinese design was manifested in Iranian objects commissioned by Armenian traders in seventeenth-century Isfahan. A century later, their scions dispersed along trade routes and many settled in India. Between the late... more
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      Armenian StudiesIslam in ChinaChinese ArtArmenian History
A term used by local artisans of Jingdezhen pottery workshops and kilns—the insiders— describes the outsiders, the throngs of visiting artists, curators, researchers and writers: they are jingpiao, or “Jingdezhen drifters’. The expression... more
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      Chinese ArtChinese contemporary artThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese PorcelainChinese Porcelain
The microstructures of porcelain and stoneware bodies from north and south China, spanning the period from the Tang to the Ming dynasty (7th–17th centuries ad), were examined in polished sections in a scanning electron microscope (SEM)... more
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      PorcelainThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese Porcelain
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      Chinese StudiesChinese ArtChinese archaeologyChinese and Southeast Asian Art History and Archaeology
The microstructures of porcelain and stoneware bodies from north and south China, spanning the period from the Tang to the Ming dynasty (7th-17th centuries AD), were examined in polished sections in a scanning electron microscope (SEM)... more
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The lid of a Chinese export teapot can tell us a lot. This is the story of when the initial lid perforations (for the release of steam) were added to Chinese export teapots and why it was later than most would expect. The work was... more
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      Chinese ArtChinese history (History)PorcelainThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese Porcelain
The summery of a paper presented at the international symposium "Transmitters of Another Culture: Research on Japan-related Overseas Collections from the 19th Century" organized by the National Museum of Japanese History, held at the... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryDiplomatic History
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      Armenian StudiesChinese StudiesIranian StudiesHistory of Iran
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      Chinese StudiesChinese ArtChinese Language and CultureChina
Van 1998 tot 2004 voerde de Archeologische Dienst Waasland archeologisch onderzoek uit op de site Blauwhof in Steendorp (Temse). De site werd bedreigd door grootschalige klei-ontginning. Bij deze opgravingen werd onder meer porselein... more
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      PorcelainThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese PorcelainChinese Porcelain in Foreign CountriesChinese Porcelain
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesCeramics (Ceramics)Medieval Archaeology
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      Maritime ArchaeologyChinese StudiesTang DynastyChinese Art
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Dit artikel is geschreven voor Terra Nigra, het archeologisch magazine van AWN-afdeling Helinium in Vlaardingen. In het artikel worden diverse Aziatisch porseleinen objecten uit opgravingen in de regio besproken. This article (Dutch)... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryPorcelainThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese Porcelain
An analysis of the serpentine waves on Yuan dynasty blue and white porcelain.
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      Yuan DynastyThe Art and Culture of Anchient Chinese PorcelainChinese Porcelain in Foreign CountriesChinese Porcelain