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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsComputer GraphicsArtificial Intelligence
An overview is given of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for use in measuring quality attributes of horticultural produce. Different spectrophotometer designs and measurement principles are compared, and novel techniques, such as time and... more
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      Mass SpectrometryMagnetic Resonance ImagingX-ray TomographyVibration
High-resolution X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a novel technology ideally suited to a wide range of geological investigations. It is a quick and nondestructive method to produce images that correspond closely to serial sections through... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesVisualizationInterpretation
Mechanistic explanations for the plastic behavior of a wrought magnesium alloy are developed using a combination of experimental and simulation techniques. Parameters affecting the practical sheet formability, such as strain hardening... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringPlasticity
This article introduces a texture representation suitable for recognizing images of textured surfaces under a wide range of transformations, including viewpoint changes and non-rigid deformations. At the feature extraction stage, a sparse... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsComputer GraphicsArtificial Intelligence
In this work, we investigate the visual appearance of real-world surfaces and the dependence of appearance on the geometry of imaging conditions. We discuss a new texture representation called the BTF (bidirectional texture function)... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceComputer VisionImage Analysis
This paper presents the following four advances in iris recognition: 1) more disciplined methods for detecting and faithfully modeling the iris inner and outer boundaries with active contours, leading to more flexible embedded coordinate... more
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      Computer VisionBiometricsTextureIRIS RECOGNITION
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      AlgorithmsBiophysicsRemote SensingBiomass
In this paper, the rolling textures of six magnesium alloys containing different levels of zinc and rare earth (e.g., mischmetal or Y) additions are examined. The overall texture strength and the basal pole intensity aligned with the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrostructurePlasticity
Over the last years, fractal and multifractal geometries were applied extensively in many medical signal (1D, 2D or 3D) analysis applications like pattern recognition, texture analysis and segmentation. Application of this geometry relies... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligencePattern Recognition
more precise measurements should yield a larger rather than a smaller speed ratio.
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      ComplexityFractalsImage segmentationSurface Roughness
This paper empirically compares nine image dissimilarity measures that are based on distributions of color and texture features summarizing over 1,000 CPU hours of computational experiments. Ground truth is collected via a novel random... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceComputer VisionDamage detection
Food oral processing is an essential procedure not only for the consumption and digestion of foods but also for the appreciation and pleasure of food texture and food flavour. The consumption of a food inside mouth involves various oral... more
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      Food RheologyFood ProcessingSwallowingChewing
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      Functional AnalysisGeophysicsImage ProcessingRemote Sensing
To determine the functional relationships between, and the relative importance of, different driver variables (mean annual precipitation, soil properties, fire and herbivory) in regulating woody plant cover across broad environmental... more
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Sourdough has been used since ancient times and its ability to improve the quality and increase the shelf-life of bread has been widely described. During sourdough fermentation, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) produce a number of metabolites... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyFood MicrobiologyFood Preservation
Soil moisture strongly affects the dynamics of soil organic matter and is an important environmental variable in all models predicting changes in soil carbon stocks from site to global scales. Despite this, the mechanisms determining the... more
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      WaterDecompositionBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
We propose a new approach to diagnostic evaluation of screening mammograms based on local statistical texture models. The local evaluation tool has the form of a multivariate probability density of gray levels in a suitably chosen search... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgorithmsImage ProcessingStatistical Analysis
A large amount of chemicals is annually applied at the agricultural soils as fertilizers and pesticides. Such applications may result in the increase of heavy metals particularly Cd, Pb, and As. The objective of this study was to... more
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      Statistical AnalysisArsenicAgricultureEnvironmental Monitoring
Food technology is a controlled attempt to preserve, transform, create or destroy a structure that has been imparted by nature or processing. Nowadays food scientists and food engineers have many microscopy and imaging techniques... more
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      Image ProcessingNutritionMicrostructureFood Engineering
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are inherently affected by multiplicative speckle noise, which is due to the coherent nature of the scattering phenomenon. This paper proposes a novel Bayesian-based algorithm within the framework of... more
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Uniaxial compression test data were obtained from magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet material tested along three sample directions (rolling, transverse and normal direction) over the temperature range T = 22-250 • C. The yield point during... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringModelingMagnesium
Figure 1: FAUST dataset: Example scans of all 10 subjects (all professional models) showing the range of ages and body shapes. A sampling of the poses shows the wide pose variation.
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      Statistical AnalysisImage RegistrationImage RetrievalMatching
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      StatisticsEntropyQuantizationMaximum Likelihood
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of three common cooking practices (i.e., boiling, steaming, and frying) on phytochemical contents (i.e., polyphenols, carotenoids, glucosinolates, and ascorbic acid), total... more
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      EngineeringPhysical ChemistryHeat TreatmentFlavonoids
The effects of aluminum, indium and tin dopants on the microstructure and electrical properties of ZnO thin films prepared on silica glass substrates by the sol–gel method were investigated. As a starting material, zinc acetate dihydrate... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyMicrostructureHeat Treatment
The evolution of twinning and texture in two Mg-based (+Al, Mn, Zn) alloys was investigated using uniaxial tension, uniaxial compression and ring hoop tension testing at temperatures from ambient to 250 °C and a strain rate of 0.1 s−1.... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrostructureElectron Diffraction
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
The arrival of new-generation, high-spatial-resolution satellite imagery (e.g., Ikonos) has opened up new opportunities for detailed mapping and analysis of urban land use. Drawing on the traditional approach used in aerial... more
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      CartographyLand CoverAerial PhotographyClassification
One of the challenges in automatic face recognition is to achieve temporal invariance. In other words, the goal is to come up with a representation and matching scheme that is robust to changes due to facial aging. Facial aging is a... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceImage Processing
Speckle filter performance depends strongly on the speckle and scene models used as the basis for filter development. These models implicitly incorporate certain assumptions about speckle, scene, and observed signals. In this study, the... more
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      GeophysicsRemote SensingSignal ProcessingEstimation Theory
The reactive behavior of supercritical CO 2 under conditions relevant to geologic storage and sequestration of C is largely unknown. Experiments were conducted in a flexible cell hydrothermal apparatus to determine the extent of... more
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      GeochemistryMonitoring And EvaluationCarbon DioxideCarbon
This paper concerns the greedy learning of Gaussian mixtures. In the greedy approach, mixture components are inserted into the mixture one after the other. We propose a heuristic for searching for the optimal component to insert. In a... more
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      ArtRandomizationDensityNeural Network
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      ViscosityTextureFood Sciences
We construct an algorithm to split an image into a sum u + v of a bounded variation component and a component containing the textures and the noise. This decomposition is inspired from a recent work of Y. Meyer. We find this decomposition... more
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      Applied MathematicsBounded VariationOscillationsMathematical
AbstractÐWe present a method to automatically localize captions in JPEG compressed images and the I-frames of MPEG compressed videos. Caption text regions are segmented from background images using their distinguishing texture... more
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      Information SystemsInformation RetrievalData MiningMultimedia
We investigate deformation-induced martensitic transformation behavior in cold-rolled and cold-drawn specimens of type 316 stainless steel. Deformation-induced martensite preferentially nucleates at the twin boundary between the austenite... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMicrostructure
ABSTRACT: The effects of pigeonpea flour (PF) addition to cassava flour (CF) on the sensory and physico-chemical quality of extrudates were investigated. Products with added PF were more yellow, had higher protein, bulk density, and water... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringMeat ScienceFood Science
This review covers some recent advances for the maintenance of fresh-cut fruit quality with respect to the use of chemical compounds, including plant natural antimicrobials and antioxidants, as well as calcium salts for maintaining... more
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      CalciumAntimicrobialsBrowningPostharvest biology
We investigate the kinetics of the deformation structure evolution and its contribution to the strain hardening of a Fe–30.5Mn–2.1Al–1.2C (wt.%) steel during tensile deformation by means of transmission electron microscopy and electron... more
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      MicrostructureAdvanced high strength steelsSteelCrystallographic Texture
Plastic deformation of hexagonal metals such as magnesium is strongly affected by the hexagonal crystal structure, and thus, for an understanding of the deformation behaviour of magnesium polycrystals, texture must be taken into account.... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMicrostructure
The aims of this paper are two-fold: to define Gaussian mixture models of colored texture on several feature spaces and to compare the performance of these models in various classification tasks, both with each other and with other models... more
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      MathematicsComputer SciencePattern RecognitionImage segmentation
This paper deals with a path planning and intelligent control of an autonomous robot which should move safely in partially structured environment. This environment may involve any number of obstacles of arbitrary shape and size; some of... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceBiometrics
We have carried out a detailed evaluation of the use of texture features in a query-by-example approach to image retrieval. We used 3 radically different texture feature types motivated by i) statistical, ii) psychological and iii) signal... more
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      Information RetrievalImage ProcessingSignal ProcessingStatistical Analysis
AbstractÐOrdered intermetallic compound powders can be heavily deformed and disordered by ballmilling. This highly energetic deformation process introduces several kinds of defects into the powder and changes the aspect of the grains. By... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMicrostructure
Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) has been demonstrated to induce unusual deformation textures and resulting properties in magnesium alloys, such as the remarkably enhanced room temperature ductility first reported by Mukai et al.... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrostructurePlasticity
A procedure for the calculation of a texture-derived built-up presence index (PanTex) from textural characteristics of panchromatic satellite data is presented. The index is based on fuzzy rule-based composition of anisotropic textural... more
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      Human FactorsTextureSatellite DataTexture Analysis
Iris biometric systems apply filters to iris images to extract information about iris texture. Daugman's approach maps the filter output to a binary iris code. The fractional Hamming distance between two iris codes is computed and... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
This paper describes a significant increase in elongation in Mg due to the addition of only 0.2% Ce. This effect is explained as due to the Ce addition altering the texture of the extruded rods during recrystallization by orienting the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMagnesiumEBSD
Biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems is controlled by interactions among factors operating at several spatial and temporal scales. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative importance and interaction of relatively static... more
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      Landscape EcologyBiogeochemistryCarbonEcology