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"Writing as Material Practice grapples with the issue of writing as a form of material culture in its ancient and more recent manifestations, and in the contexts of production and consumption. Fifteen case studies explore the artefactual... more
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyAnthropologyBook History
This essay, to be published in late 2016 in DSH in a corrected form with the DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqw043, is based on a paper given in July 2013 at a Canadian conference entitled Social, Digital, Scholarly Editing. The essay argues that calls... more
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      Textual Studiesdigital scholarly editing
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      Middle East StudiesSufismIslamic HistoryIslam
Milton Francisco -CAVALCANTE, MôNiCA MAgALhãEs. Os sentidos do texto. são Paulo: Contexto, 2012, 176 p. O livro, objeto desta resenha, integra a Coleção Linguagem & Ensino, cuja coordenação ocorre aos olhos da professora Dra. Vanda Maria... more
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      ReferenceLinguisticsTextual StudiesGenres of discourse
The lyrical poetry of Giorgio Caproni has an intoxicating quality. His early poems seems to be invested from a mixture of aromas and scents, blasts and breaths, urges and yearnings, flames and voices, already introduced in "Come... more
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      Italian StudiesPoetryItalian Literature20th Century Italian Literature
Este é um trabalho com enfoque no videogame como objeto cultural em interface com a literatura. Esta pesquisa se deu como continuidade ao trabalho de conclusão de curso de 2012. Nesta ocasião, buscou-se ampliar a pesquisa bibliográfica... more
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      Game studiesLiteratureDigital MediaNarratology
Dall’osservazione dello spazio urbano della città di Roma, effettuato fra gennaio 2011 e giugno 2012, sono stati censiti e documentati 247 graffiti. Ciò che viene presentato in questo saggio è una prima analisi tematica del materiale... more
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      SemioticsSociologyCultural StudiesVisual Studies
Undergraduate dissertation exploring theoretical approaches to how television texts can be defined and whether television is rhizomatic in its textuality.
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      Fan StudiesFandomTextual StudiesFilm and Television
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguages
The purpose of Matthew Roth’s (Messiah College) study, “The Composition of Nabokov’s Pale Fire,” is to bring to light some of the substantive and interesting features of the holograph manuscript (and subsequent, pre-publication revisions)... more
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      Manuscript StudiesTextual StudiesVladimir NabokovPale Fire
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyPsychoanalysis
For the panel, “Visualizing Communities through the Digital Humanities —Textual and Historical” organized by Dr. Dennis Denisoff. Annual Conference of the Northeast Modern Languages Association (NeMLA). Ryerson University, Toronto ON,... more
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      Digital HumanitiesFin de Siecle Literature & CultureTextual StudiesDecadence (Literature)
Prior to the publication of P46 (P.Beatty II; LDAB 3011), at Heb. 11.37 the earlier critical editions printed one of the longer readings, though from Erasmus onwards the passage was subject to a considerable number of conjectural... more
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      New TestamentTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismTorture
Digitizing archival material is by now a standard part of archival practice. However, accurately describing and representing this material in textual descriptions is a challenge that cannot be addressed using the Rules for Archival... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital ArchivesCrowdsourcingTextual Studies
The article addresses the relationship between open and closed texts. The aim of the study is to analyze the specifics of relationship between the open and closed text in the general context of communication between the author and the... more
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      CommunicationDigital MediaReader ResponseKitsch
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismMedieval Islam
Esta investigación revela, tomando como punto de partida los manuscritos originales de cuatro novelas, el importante sustrato de materiales textuales que los libros esconden. El estudio cuestiona que el formato tradicional de libro -el... more
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      Spanish LiteratureGenetic Criticism (Genetic Criticism)Latin American literatureCarmen Martin Gaite
I profondi cambiamenti che stanno interessando il mondo editoriale, dalla digitalizzazione dei testi, alla scomparsa del paratesto, alla progressiva perdita di centralità del ruolo dell'editore – solo per citare i più macroscopici – non... more
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      Textual CriticismItalian philologyDigital PublishingTextual Studies
فهرس المخطوطات الأصول مقصود به فهرس المخطوطات التي بخطوط مؤلفيها، وقد رصد 879 مخطوط بخط مؤلفها الفهرس مرتب على القرون، وداخل كل قرن مرتب على أسماء المؤلفين بحسب الترتيب الهجائي The Catalogue contains about 879 Arabic Autograph... more
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      PhilologyPaleontologyMedieval HistoryBook History
The “Luciano Anceschi” collection in the Archiginnasio Library in Bologna preserves not only the letters of Montale to Anceschi, but also three witnesses of poems not registered in the critical edition L’opera in versi: Giorno e notte and... more
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      Translation StudiesPoetryTextual CriticismItalian Literature
The self-portraits of Anguissola, Gentileschi, Labille-Guiard, Cassatt, and Beaux, ranging across five centuries from the fifteenth century of the Italian Renaissance to the beginning of the twentieth century, present an unusual pictorial... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTextual Studies
Outi Paloposki and Kaisa Koskinen: ‘Reprocessing texts. The fine line between retranslating and revising.’ Across Languages and Cultures 11(1), 2010, 29–49. Retranslations are a frequent object of study in Translation Studies. They can... more
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      Translation StudiesLiteratureRetranslationTranslation
Bu çalışma, anlatıyı kurucu kavram olarak kullanarak 19. yüzyıl sonu İstanbul’da yayınlanan Servet-i Fünûn dergisindeki metin ve görselleri, medya, modernite ve toplumsal mekânın üretimi ilişkisi bağlamında tartışır. Eleştirel yeni bir... more
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      Visual StudiesMedia StudiesOttoman HistoryArchitectural History
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      Cultural StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureClassics
The centuries of Christian thought have struggled in the development of worship to come up with a proper formula that includes the entire nature of God. Arius and Sebelius have offered their solutions which were rejected by the church... more
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      ChristianityTheologyMiddle East StudiesPatristics
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      Translation StudiesPersian LiteratureTextual CriticismOttoman Studies
This talk was given at the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society on July 13, 2014.
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisMathematicsApplied Mathematics
У статті вперше опубліковано фрагмент первісної редакції (1846) роману Пантелеймона Куліша «Чорна рада: Хроніка 1663 року», що не увійшов до остаточного тексту (1857). Російськомовний відповідник фрагмента міститься в журнальній... more
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      Textual ScholarshipUkrainian StudiesTextual StudiesUkrainian Literature
Textual Studies describes a range of fields and methodologies that: evaluate how texts are constituted both physically and conceptually; document how they are preserved, copied, and circulated; and propose ways in which they might be... more
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      PhilologyHistory of the BookBibliographyScholarly Editing
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      History of ThoughtReligious EducationTextual StudiesModern South Arabian Languages, comparative Semitic linguistics, Arabic language and its dialects
Il quaderno, con il quale si propongono, oltre ad una breve prosa e alcuni versi di Renato Majolo, i risultati di una prima ricognizione del Fondo a lui intitolato, è stato ideato e curato da Alessandro Ferraro, autore anche di un ampio... more
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      Italian StudiesPoetryItalian LiteratureTextual Studies
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      Hindi LiteratureMarxismHuman ValuesPoetry
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      Russian StudiesManuscript StudiesTextual StudiesSlovo o polku Igoreve
En estas páginas me he querido enfrentar con un problema textual que presenta la letrilla Pastorçico nuevo, I de color de acor 1 {Corpus 2 , n°1098) que transcribo infra. Se trata de la lección azor del verso 2 que, a lo largo de los... more
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      Textual CriticismTextual StudiesTextual criticism (Humanities)Early Modern Textual Transmission
Amalia Guglielminetti (1881-1941) fu denunciata due volte per oltraggio al pudore: nel 1928 per il romanzo La rivincita del maschio e nel 1934 per un breve articolo dedicato all’attore americano Jack La Rue. Questo saggio, testi originali... more
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      PhilologyPhilosophyCultural SociologyCensorship
La prima parte de "La rivincita del maschio" apparve a puntate fra il 1920 e il 1921 su «Il Secolo Illustrato», poi nel 1923 Lattes pubblicò la versione definitiva, che fu tradotta in spagnolo e croato nel 1925, e riproposta ai lettori... more
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureTextual StudiesLiberty
Il saggio esamina il ruolo di ironia e umorismo nella Coscienza di Zeno di Italo Svevo. Ironia e umorismo sono considerati a livello di discorso e intesi come funzioni della cooperazione interpretativa del lettore. La cooperazione è... more
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      SemioticsPragmaticsTextual CriticismItalian Literature
Kulcsár Péter nekrológja. Megjelent: Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények (ItK) 2013. CXVII. évfolyam 2. szám pp. 236-241
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      PhilologyMedieval StudiesHistory of HungaryMedieval Hungary
William Blake’s work demonstrates two tendencies that are central to social media: collaboration and participation. Not only does Blake cite and adapt the work of earlier authors and visual artists, but contemporary authors, musicians,... more
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      Digital HumanitiesTwitterWilliam BlakeDigital Pedagogy
Письменные источники - это документы, с которыми связана история как наука. Документы истории и история документов тесно переплетены. Автоматический контент-анализ и компьютерная обработка исторических текстов обрели свое собственное... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesHistoryEastern European Studies
This paper is primarily oriented to young scholars interested in comparative studies involving diverse genres, multiple modes of representation or evidence from multiple cultures in order to help navigate a common problem area. It... more
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      Comparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythology
Whilst Digital Humanities (or, more clearly, humanities computing) are more clearly defined as a technology-driven discipline that already enjoys a number of university courses and textbooks, digital philology appears to be more difficult... more
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      Digital HumanitiesTextual CriticismEcdoticsTextual Studies
Full book here: This book is the result of a fruitful exchange between the textual studies about Marco Polo’s Devisement dou Monde and the socio-historical... more
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      Medieval HistoryRomance philologyAudience and Reception StudiesTravel Literature
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      ChristianityMusicChurch MusicMusic History
Quanto mai attuale e universale, la parola 'conflitto' è orizzonte semantico che rimanda a molteplici categorie interpretative, di natura sincronica o diacronica, esogena o endogena, di forgia collettiva o individuale, di presagio avverso... more
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      Italian StudiesLiteratureItalian Literature20th Century Italian Literature
A comprehensive survey of works composed by Pachomius the Serb shows that the hagiographer gave much attention to the topic of the veneration of the Mother of God but was far from addressing it in all of his texts. The article examines... more
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      Russian StudiesHagiographyMount Athos StudiesTextual Studies
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      Ottoman StudiesOttoman LiteratureTurkish LiteratureTextual Studies
Ciclo di incontri pensato da Alessandro Ferraro (Università di Genova) per gli studenti dell'Università Complutense di Madrid per leggere insieme tre romanzi importanti del primo Novecento italiano: "Canne al vento" di Grazia Deledda,... more
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian StudiesItalian Literature20th Century Italian Literature
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      Hebrew LiteratureGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryHellenistic Literature