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Eine Handspindel besteht aus einem stabförmigen Schaft mit einem Wirtel (auch Spinnwirtel, Wirtelstein oder Wörtel genannt) als Schwungmasse.
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistory of ReligionTextilesJungian psychology
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      Art HistoryWomen's StudiesTextilesContemporary Art
Critical review considers the work of ceramics artist Linda Lighton and fiber artist Jessica Wohl, both of whom use their disciplines to illuminate societal anomalies concerning gun control and domestic violence.
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      Domestic ViolenceContemporary ArtArt CriticismTextile and Fiber Art
Textile industry is playing a vital role in the Indian economic growth of the country through its contribution towards GDP, employment, exchange rate, exports, total production etc. The purpose of the study is... more
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      Financial EconomicsTextilesFinancial managementFinancial Risk Management
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArtTextilesHistory of Textiles
"Block Printing is the process of using an object to make an inked impression upon a plain surface. It is one of the oldest and most enjoyable of all the crafts and has given color and pattern to paper, cloth, and other surfaces for... more
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyAdult Education
The Article provides an overview of the historiography of the description of Dagestan carpet-weaving as a component of the domestic economy, material culture and aesthetic consciousness, as well as some ornamental and compositional and... more
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      TextilesMaterial Culture StudiesCaucasusMental Causation
Fashion hacking is a practice where fashion is reverse engineered and tuned to make users "fashion-­able", using social media to expand transversal tactics in order to reprogram and shapeshift fashion codes. Other traits address the... more
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryDress StudiesComparative Esotericism
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      Textile and Fiber ArtContemporary Indigenous ArtsGuatemalan Art
ENTREE 20 I 27 PETIT SALON 28 I 37 GRAND SALON 38 I 51 SALLE A MANGER 52 I 59 Mathias Clivaz 60 I 61 LISTE DES OEUVRES 63 BIOGRAPHIE 64 I 66 REMERCIEMENTS / IMPRESSUM 68 04 I 05 SHEILA HICKS Sheila Hicks est occupée à tisser, tresser,... more
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    • Textile and Fiber Art
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      Art TherapyTextile and Fiber Art
‘About Time: Australian Studio Tapestry 1975-2005’ was an exhibition of tapestries created over a thirty year period, beginning with early works which capture the optimism of the craft movement of the 1970s and the influence of the newly... more
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      Textile and Fiber ArtAustralian artTapestry
A movement begun by Magda Sayeg in Houston (Texas) in 2004, but only documented since the late 1990s, a new kind of texture-fiber-has made an appearance and made its presence felt on the street art scene. The practice of what is usually... more
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      Textile and Fiber ArtStreet ArtPublic SpaceActivism
This book interprets the fiber art and craft-inspired sculpture by eight US and Latin American women artists whose works incite embodied affective experience. Grounded in the work of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, John Corso Esquivel... more
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      Feminist TheoryGilles DeleuzeModern and contemporary crafts (Art)Textile and Fiber Art
The Peyron textile factory produced hand-made knotted carpets in Italy at the beginning of the 20th.century. These artifacts were mainly copies of the most popular Oriental examples, but around 1930 the factory produced also carpets with... more
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      TextilesHistory of TextilesTextile and Fiber ArtTextiles (Art History)
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      Contemporary ArtTextile and Fiber ArtModern and Contemporary Art History, Art Theory, Curatorial Practice
Following the decline of tapestry weaving in the 19th century, the 20th century saw a revival of textile art, the emergence of new three-dimensional forms — art objects, installations and soft sculpture — and the coinage of the term fiber... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtModern ArtApplied Art
1960’lı yıllar estetikten çok kavramın ön plana çıktığı ve sanat medyalarında farklı üretim alanlarının ve türlerinin görüldüğü bir dönemdir. Çeşitli ifade biçimlerinin ortay çıktığı bu dönemde lif sanatı kavramı da... more
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      Textiles/Fiber MarketsTextile and Fiber ArtSite-Specific ArtFiber Arts
Textile-based arts have long occupied vexed territory, characterised as being between binaries such as high and low art, amateur or professional practice, and craft or hobby. As a genre, it is often seen to sit on the fault lines of fine... more
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      Gender StudiesIdentity politicsTextile and Fiber ArtSpace And Place (Art)
The subject of my talk is arashi shibori or pole wrap resist Although at times it is hard to recognize some arashi effects as such, technically arashi shibori is one of many forms of tie-dye. After thirty years of its exploration through... more
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      Textile and Fiber ArtTraditional CraftsTextile TechnologyShibori
The appearance of textiles, which by common perception is their main attribute, is shaped by many different factors, such as the raw material, ornamentation and structure, both as an external form and a manner of connecting fibers and... more
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      Art HistoryDesignMuseum StudiesTextiles
A los artesanos y artesanas de la sierra de Ancash, en especial a mis padres, Zenaida y Edgar.
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      IconographyAndean ArchaeologyTextile and Fiber ArtTextile Technology
In the Loop aims to challenge oversimplified associations of knitting as domestic craft and capture the diversity of contemporary textile culture related to knitting today. Contributors include Sandy Black, Mary Brooks, Sabrina... more
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      TextilesMaterial Culture StudiesStereotypesDomesticity
Exhibition catalog, Gallerie degli Uffizi, 2020. Contains 98 catalog entries and 10 essays: "The Universe of Giovanna Garzoni. Art, Mobility, and the Global Turn in the Geographical Imaginary" by Sheila Barker."“E scrittrice, e pittrice”:... more
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      History of Natural HistoryHistory of SciencePortraitureScientific Illustration
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      TextilesContemporary ArtTextile and Fiber ArtTextiles (Art History)
Wichí women weave string-bags (called 'yicas' in the regional creole Spanish) with different raw materials, with many kinds of loops, a variety of forms, and a wide range of patterns. These bags are used in a huge sort of traditional... more
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      EthnographyTextile ArchaeologyTextile and Fiber ArtWichí people and language
El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar las formas y dilucidar los significados de los diseños de los bolsos enlazados por los wichís del Gran Chaco. Primero, se da una breve descripción de la sociedad wichí, de la metodología de la... more
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      EthnographyTextilesAnthropology Of ArtTextile and Fiber Art
An overview from artists, Melissa Hilliard Potter and Miriam Schaer, about their collaboration with artists and activists from Women's Fund in Georgia, using felt a traditional craft heritage in the region to create artist books, felt... more
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      FeminismModern and contemporary crafts (Art)Textile and Fiber ArtTraditional Crafts
In order to structure our understanding of the types of Banarasi weavings, interviews were conducted in Banaras (Varanasi) with three generations of weavers and dealers. In the following report Parv Kapoor, presents the findings of the... more
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      Textile and Fiber ArtTextile Art
Rainbows, so pervasive in twenty-first century culture, were slow to permeate European fashion and textile design. Why, if they have been drawn and described since the beginning of artistic practice, do they so rarely show up on historic... more
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles
Öz: İlk uygarlıkların erken dönemlerinde yaratıcı alanlar olarak kabul edilen sanat ve zanaat alanları giderek bir değer kaybına uğradı ve zamanla basit el işleri olarak kabul edildi. Bu kabul, Ortaçağ boyunca hâkim oldu. Rönesans'la... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtEmbroideryFeminism
Si bien las arpilleras chilenas surgieron durante la dictadura de Pinochet desde la clandestinidad como expresión de denuncia y resistencia es cada vez más frecuente, en la actualidad, su puesta en circulación en espacios ligados al mundo... more
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      Textile and Fiber ArtPolitical ArtTextile ArtArpilleras
This essay posits that the simple process of bringing two divergent threads together to form cloth is a powerful endeavour. Informed by ancient craft, technique and metaphor the act of weaving remains to this day a powerful tool to... more
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      TextilesModern and contemporary crafts (Art)Textile and Fiber ArtWeaving
" Fiber Art and the Hierarchy of Art and Craft, 1960– 1980 " both explores the artistic, historical, institutional and extra-aesthetic forces affecting the formation of the fi ber movement and evaluates the curatorial strategies of... more
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      Modernism (Art History)Modern and contemporary crafts (Art)Textile and Fiber ArtModern and Contemporary Art
Abstract 21st Century artists, with the benefit of rapid advancements in technology, are using space in ways that push more genuine interaction between the artwork, viewer, and environment; create a more social, cooperative process of... more
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      Modern ArtPostmodernismTextile and Fiber ArtEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Art HistoryTextilesHistory of TextilesIslamic Art
Beyond shape and form Title: conceptualisation of art in a Mauritian context Sub title: Has craft been integrated in art work done by local artists, why and to what extent from a Mauritian perspective. My intention is to write on a... more
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    • Textile and Fiber Art
İletişim: +905388665337 (FİYAT SORUNUZ!)
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      Mechanical EngineeringQuality ManagementTextile and Fiber ArtTextile Engineering
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      Textile and Fiber ArtArts and Crafts
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      ManagementHumanitiesHistory of ScienceStrategic Management
The English title of the exhibition, Material Matters, is both ambiguous and difficult to translate into Swedish. In one sense it simply states that the choice of material is of import. In other ways, it means "material issues,''... more
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      Contemporary ArtVisual SemioticsTextile and Fiber Art20th century Avant-Garde
Two thread buttons from Lengberg Castle with instructions on how to make them by Gina Barrett.
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      History of TextilesTextile ArchaeologyTextile and Fiber Art15th Century
This dissertation explores the creation and exhibition of immigrant-made art in American settlement houses in New York and Boston from 1900 to 1945. The lace, embroidery, and ceramics Southern and Eastern European immigrant artists... more
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      ImmigrationHistory of ArtTextile and Fiber ArtAmericanization
A history of alternative art spaces in Chicago with a vested interest in feminist, queer, and the burgeoning investments in non-traditional media such as video and fiber.
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      Video ArtTextile and Fiber ArtFeminist ArtChicago History
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      Modern and contemporary crafts (Art)Textile and Fiber ArtFeminist ArtFeminist Art History
"‘Textile Form and Counter Form: The Revival and Reinterpretation of Composite Knit and Crochet Constructions of the 1930s -1940’s
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      TextilesHistory of TextilesKnitted TextilesTextiles Design
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      TextilesTextile and Fiber ArtTextile EngineeringTextile Technology
In the biodiversity of Amazon forest, we can find a large number of fiber plants, including curauá (Ananas erectifolius) and tururi (Manicaria saccifera), which have been use for centuries by people of the forest, and in recent decades... more
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      Fashion designAmazoniaTextile and Fiber ArtTextile Innovation
Fibres have been used in construction materials for a very long time. Through previous research and investigations, the use of natural and synthetic fibres have shown promising results, as their presence has demonstrated significant... more
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      Natural Fiber CompositesTextile and Fiber ArtMasonry BuildingsNatural fibre composites (Engineering)
Au passage du XIXe siècle, la remise en question des frontières entre beaux-arts et arts appliqués rendent plausible une « renaissance » de la tapisserie. Les relations complexes que cet art entretient avec la peinture, l’architecture et,... more
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      Decorative ArtsTextile and Fiber ArtTapestry